WARNING:Server can't keep up?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys i have a problem, me and my mate have been trying to get DireWolf20/Ultimate mod packs to work on a server and all we get is incredible lag now our server machine has 8 Gig of Ram an AMD Phantom IIX61090T 3.2 GhZ and 8800GTX graph card.

Now I'll point out that we had NO problems running these mod packs on our server in the past on the same machine now that was a few mod versions ago so what has changed in these packs to cause the server to give "[WARNING] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?" now this ONLY happens with Dire/Ultimate pack and the New World pack runs perfect.

Now before the guy that comes and posts the pointless troubleshoot thread that doesn't fix anyone's problem our issues are as follow

Insane lag (not FPS lag but server lag) we both get an avg of near 190 fps
Mobs pause then speed up then pause then speed up

Now allow me to reiterate this is not a system spec problem this is a server/modpack problem.

And please refrain from saying "you need more RAM" or i will find a way to slap you over the internet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There could be quite a few thing that could be causing lag like this. However, what you said about the mobs makes me think that this is most likley lack of CPU power.

This will definitley help if he has enough cores/threads.

Anyways, how many cores do you have?
Are they hyperthreaded?

If you have 4 or more threads(not cores, although four cores all hyperthreaded will help to) then installing Tickthreading should help if the problem is CPU related.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He has 6 cores and they are not Hyper Threaded. I know by the model number for the CPU he posted.

I am going to be that asshole that says it might be specs.

1. What kind of hard drive is the server running on? This makes a huge impact on chunk loading speed and block breaking smoothness.

2. What kind of internet connection speed and ping do you have to the box? If the server is running on your own machine or on your LAN then its usually 100mbps speed and under 10ms ping.

3. This is less about specs, more about software. What OS and Anti - Virus is on the server? I have seen a shitty OS combined with a bad AV kill server performance.

4. How much memory are you allocating? Remember the OS needs some, if you have 8 gigs, leave 1 or 2 for your OS.

4. Try this startup script without the qoutes. "java -server -Xms6G -Xmx6G -jar ftbserver.jar nogui"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He has 6 cores and they are not Hyper Threaded. I know by the model number for the CPU he posted.

I am going to be that asshole that says it might be specs.

1. What kind of hard drive is the server running on? This makes a huge impact on chunk loading speed and block breaking smoothness.

2. What kind of internet connection speed and ping do you have to the box? If the server is running on your own machine or on your LAN then its usually 100mbps speed and under 10ms ping.

3. This is less about specs, more about software. What OS and Anti - Virus is on the server? I have seen a shitty OS combined with a bad AV kill server performance.

4. How much memory are you allocating? Remember the OS needs some, if you have 8 gigs, leave 1 or 2 for your OS.

4. Try this startup script without the qoutes. "java -server -Xms6G -Xmx6G -jar ftbserver.jar nogui"

Thing he said it use to work fine. It be more of 3-5(4). Of which that startup script does not really help much. Bellow is what I use.

/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -server -Xmx16G -XX:UseSSE=4 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -jar ultimate.jar nogui


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey DZCreeper, long time. Like the new avatar.

I'm going to be the bad guy and suggest it might be something going on in game. Players left to there own devises run a mock with spawners, chunkloading, insane factories, having every bee breed out working...etc. Noalas suggest so install TT will help narrow it down. But I will make a backup first, as it can reset chunks(or use to) but backups are always go. It my experience 90%9if not more) of lag is cause by players.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow sorry guys i was not being notified of these replys. Ok so yeah like i stated these mod packs worked perfectly fine a few versions ago on this machine which was built mainly at the time to render out 3D models when we were games designers. The HDD is practically empty apart from the OS files a few 3D model programs like 3DS Max And Mudbox and the OS itself is WinVista but like i said this machine has not changed and ran the packs more then fine in the past. The PC has 8 Gigs of good RAM and Minecraft gets 4, Java is on the latest version as my mate and I Both are. The AV is i believe is still Avast. Sorry if i sounded pissed in the end of my first post that was due to reading endless threads about this problem where a guy would post his specs and the rig would be beast mode and some moron would come in and say "you need more Ram" while the guys running 32 Gigs of it then refer him to a pointless thread and nothing gets resolved.[DOUBLEPOST=1372467683][/DOUBLEPOST]@Dingham this is all happening on what would be a new world, we can't even get out of our spawn area. Our guess was its ChickenChunks and Forge not playing nice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Drop worry, my experience of problem solving is very much stumbling around in the dark. Just minecraft.

Well you can pull chickenchunks, see if that works. Can't pull forge though :p

Check your java version, I had a player have issue recent, turned out he had 4 versions of java install, got rid of three worked fine.

Bandwidth? I played on a RPG on a home system and it was really laggy due to bandwidth. Modular powersuits is(was; if you update) high on bandwidth.

And your right to say its not hardware :)



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bandwidth Fiber Optics new line. Edit also I'll point out my mates brother is a server technician so the problem isn't internet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, if it is not hardware-related then it must be something going on in game. For the is REALLY recommend getting Tickthreading. Not only will it mulithread FTB but it is a good profiling tool.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you do not wish to install tickthreading he also has tickprofiler which just has the profiling abilities without threading the game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The 100+ current issues with it. Its a great program and I use it also, but part is it does effect the way the game is played which can cause lots of problems that you do not have in vanilla. So you either get to deal with really odd issues that can be hard to pinpoint or server load.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The 100+ current issues with it. Its a great program and I use it also, but part is it does effect the way the game is played which can cause lots of problems that you do not have in vanilla. So you either get to deal with really odd issues that can be hard to pinpoint or server load.
I have had issues with it too but they have all been taken care of by nallar. You do have a good point though. If he is going to have a big server then he should probably install TT and get a feel for it but if he is just going to have a small server and he doesn't want to experience bugs then he should just not get it.