Wanted: Tutorial for BiomeTweaker

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a good tutorial for Biome Tweaker?

I'm trying to get something done for JamPacked 2, and my previous tool of abuse -- CustomOreGen -- isn't up to the wretched abuse I was trying to do.

What I want to do:
1. Beaches and Rivers keep a top block of sand, and a filler of either sandstone or netherrack.
2. Everything else gets netherrack and sandstone for top and filler. Netherrack dominates the topblock, sandstone dominates filler.
3. The exceptions are the savanna/mesa plateau's. The mutants -- M, F, and FM -- are left alone/normal. The non-mutants are solid netherrack, top to bottom, and spawn nether mobs.

So, biomes 36, 38, and 39 are all high altitude "Hell", and their +128's -- 164, 166, 167 -- are normal, and the only source of trees in the world.

It's minecraft, punch wood? Yea, right. Wood is going to be a scarce resource here.
What you want to do is certainly possible. The only tutorial I know of is the one I made here. If you haven't seen it yet, everything you can do with BiomeTweaker is documented on the wiki. I suggest you watch the video and then try to understand what is happening below using the wiki.

Below I'll provide an outline of a possible script to achieve the kind of landscape you want.

#Set top and filler for all biomes
allBiomes = forAllBiomes()
allBiomes.set("topBlock", "minecraft:netherrack")
allBiomes.set("fillerBlock", "minecraft:sandstone")

#Restore the mutated biomes
toRestore = forBiomes(164, 166, 167)
toRestore.set("topBlock", "minecraft:grass")
toRestore.set("fillerBlock", "minecraft:dirt")

#Turn Savanna to solid netherrack and spawn nether mobs
savannaBiomes = forBiomes(35, 36, 163, 164)
savannaBiomes.set("topBlock", "minecraft:netherrack")
savannaBiomes.set("fillerBlock", "minecraft:netherrack")
savannaBiomes.addSpawn("net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityPigZombie", "MONSTER", 100, 4, 4)
savannaBiomes.addSpawn("net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityGhast", "MONSTER", 50, 4, 4)
savannaBiomes.addSpawn("net.minecraft.entity.monster.EntityMagmaCube", "MONSTER", 1, 4, 4)

There is no way to directly edit tree generation with BiomeTweaker, however setting the topBlock to netherrack will cause no trees to generate. If you have any questions (or something isn't working), feel free to ask.
... oh, I was going about it all wrong then, I was looking at having to modify every single biome's settings ... one by one.
... oh, I was going about it all wrong then, I was looking at having to modify every single biome's settings ... one by one.
Really? Why is that? I created 'forAllBiomes' and 'forBiomes' so you don't have to do exactly that.