Wanted: Collaborator For YouTube Show

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Feed The Beast Ultimate (I put optifine and damage indicators in too)
Must speak English, have Skype and be able to connect to a Hammachi server.
Would like one to start with but others who do their own shows are welcome.
No trolls, griefers or spammers please.
If intrested post here if not, don't.
Fnord out man :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you've got all the mods updated as well(several in Ultimate need to be updated) and are willing to add like three more mods for my sake(one which should be in Ultimate anyway, one because I hate stairs, and and one because it adds more MystCraft Symbols), I'd be willing to start now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Forgot to add, will need to be free on a friday night at about midnight.
YX33A What mods do you have in mind?
As for stairs...there is the Modular Power Armour which gives you flying.
That and I was thinking of having a limited amount of command blocks (we'de have to work for them though).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Three somewhat small mods.
First is Plugins for Forestry. I simply can not fathom why it's not included. It's too damn handy.
Second is Dynamic Elevators, because I love a good elevator(RP2 Frames don't make good elevators).
Third is Ages of MystCraft. Super sweet in my opinion, even without enabling the stability affecting symbols(which I suggest doing, actually).
Fourth is not at all needed, and personally I think could use more showing to the world, is StarGateCraft. It adds Star Gates ala Stargate the TV show.
I have all of the updated mods in my Ultimate setup, and plenty other mods, but I figure it's best to only request a few.

Oh, and also not really requested, but Immbis's Liquid XP is worth looking into. It's pretty sweet, and makes mob farms easier to work with in my eyes.
EDIT: Crap, meant to add links first.