Want to join me for a playthrough series?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am looking for up to 3 people for a youtube/twitch playthrough on your favorite HQM packs such as Blast-Off, Obscurity and others similar!

I have 2 criteria that I need met to join me on this journey:
Uno: You have to be available to play sometime between 8am - 12pm OR 5pm - 9pm CST. These are
my two windows to record and I can only do one of the two windows.
II. You are mature; 18+ as I am 32 years old and I have a raunchy perverted sense of humor at times.

If doing HQM playthroughs sounds like fun to you, and you are available during one of the 2 timeframes listed above AND you are 18+ please send me a message in my inbox!

Thanks guys and ladies!
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