Wally is in the ZONE!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys! My name is Stas, Im russian who lives in Israel(no nazism plox^^), Atheist etc etc.
Im kinda experienced in old tekkit(pre 3.1) and the mods there was un-dated anyways so I gotta learn everything again from scratch!(means more fun to me!) yay!
Gonna be 15 soon(december 25th! best b-day day ever!)

Sucks to be that young...
Well that's it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You should enjoy the time when you are young.

When you are 20 you will look back at the time when you were 15.
When you are 30 you will look back at your wild time as 20.
When you are 40 you will groan at what you did as 30.
When you are 50 you will hate your time as 40.
When you are 60 you will forget that you passed 50.
When you are 70 you find out you can't eat spicey food like you did as 30, yet forgot you couldn't even do that as 60.
When you are 80 you will forget the present time and dream about the past as a young, wild man.
I'll leave the 90+, nobody wants to live that long...

Welcome to FTB! Where people still cling to their youth, while foolishly ignoring the future and how it will make you suffer.