Various Tools & Armor Mod [1.5.1][Forge]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everyone!
ILGT here with my FIRST mod! :D
Anyways basically I created this mod for myself because one day I'd like to become a computer programmer and figured I may as well start somewhere.
Anyways this mod currently is only for Vanilla but there are plans to make it a GregTech addon once I get some more experience and can decompile that darn IC2 jar and Greg's API [Contact me if you could help please :p]
So far this mod adds:
Emerald Tools: [All 5 Tools Added][Hoes And Axes Can Should Be Able To Be Crafted Both Ways]
Crafted Like Any Other Tools Using Emeralds And Sticks [If You Don't Know What I'm Talking About You Haven't Played Minecraft]
-Mining Level of Diamond
-3/4 Uses As Diamond
-3/4 Speed Of Diamond
-Sword Strength Of Iron
-Enchantibility Of 10
Obsidian Tools: [All 5 Tools Added][Hoes And Axes Can Should Be Able To Be Crafted Both Ways]
Crafted Like Any Other Tools Except Using Obsidian Ingots* And Sticks [If You Don't Know What I'm Talking About You Haven't Played Minecraft]
-Mining Level of Iron
-Same Uses As Diamond
-Speed Of Wood
-Sword Strength Of Stone
-Enchantibility Of 5
*Obsidian Ingots: Smelt Obsidian 1:1 Ratio
Notch MultiTool
Crafted Using A Dragon Egg In The Place of a Stick and Nether Stars In Place of the Material
The Following Recipe Is For The Notch MultiTool
Notch Hoe, Nothing, Notch Shovel
Nothing, Notch Axe, Nothing
Notch Sword, Dragon Egg, Notch Pickaxe
This ToolSet Has The Following Statistics:
-33.3 * The Level Of Diamond Mining Level
-Infinite Uses
-125 * Speed Of Diamond
-No Need To Enchant Because The Sword, Upon Crafting Has The Following Enchants:
Sharpness 5
Smite 5
Bane Of Arthropods 5
Knockback 2
Fire Aspect 2
Looting 3
Unbreaking 3 :p
Recipes For:
Coal Block & Reverse Coal Block, Sponge, Ice, Grass, Mycelium, Obsidian, Saddle, XP Bottle, Nether Star, Dragon Egg, Bedrock, Nether Portal, End Portal, End Portal Frame, Command Block, SlimeBall, Web, Slow Sand, Water Lily, Wool>String, Mossy Cobble, Chain Armor, Records {12}, Cactus
And Finally The Coal Block To Store Your Coal
Crafted 9 Coal In A Grid, And Vice Versa

The Recipes For The Vanilla Items Are In My Comment
I believe that covers everything...
Guys, this is my first mod so please do not bash. Of course it's not some big elaborate mod but that will change in later versions.
If you have suggestions I will probably not take them sorry, maybe at a later time.
If you find something super OP with my coding please tell me. The computer I made this on doesn't run Minecraft therefore I can't test something after I code it ;)
Also, if anybody would like to be a tester please tell me [I Will Need Testers To Take Pictures Of Crafting Recipes To Spice Up The Thread, & Testers To See If All The Tools Work] :)
I BELIEVE that covers everything. You guys will tell me if it doesn't right? ;)

Official Mod Tester:


Old Versions:

*MultiTool Help From: PaulJoda: Go Check Out His Awesome Mod :D
*Moral Support/Tester: whizball1
*Coding Help/Moral Support, Greg, CrafterofMines57, and all the guys on Greg's thread :p
*Videos from:
I believe that covers everyone :p
v0.0.1: Initial Release
+ Emerald Tools
+ Obsidian Tools
+ Notch Sword
+ Recipes for Mossy Cobble, Web, Gravel, Obsidian, Fire, Mycelium, DeadBush, Sponge
v0.0.2: Finished Some Things, Cleaned Up Code A Little
+ Reverse Coal Block Crafting
+ "Notch Items"
+ Notch MultiTool
+ Tool Classes
+ Obsidian Ingot
+ Redid ItemIDs
+ Changed Notch Durability Code
Rewrote Recipe For MultiTool And Sword Rendering Sword Useless Unless Used In MultiTool
-Took Out Tools/Armor Temporarily
+Redid Texture Of MultiTool
+Implemented GunShy Changes Asked For
+Added Recipes For [Coal Block & Reverse Coal Block, Sponge, Ice, Grass, Mycelium, Obsidian, Saddle, XP Bottle, Nether Star, Dragon Egg, Bedrock, Nether Portal, End Portal, End Portal Frame, Command Block, SlimeBall, Web, Slow Sand, Water Lily, Wool>String, Mossy Cobble, Chain Armor, Records {12}, Cactus]
+Added Furnace Recipes For [Sapling>DeadBush, Gravel>Flint, ZombieFlesh>Leather, Milk>SlimeBall]
+Added Nether Star Armor
+Added Lady Gaga Armor
+Added Obsidian Armor
+Added Emerald Tools/Armor And Obsidian Tools And Notch Tools Back In
Planned Features:
+Mossy Stone Brick And Leather Recipes
+Mob Head Recipes
+Possibly Nether Quartz Armor
+Lapis, Redstone, & Glostone Tools/Armor [Should I?]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it just me, or is there no link in *Current*?
Recipes For Vanilla Items:
Only In Code So Far Sorry
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sponge, 1), new Object []{"SCS", "CBC", "SCS", 'B', Item.bucketWater, 'S', Block.sand, 'C', Block.blockClay});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.sponge, 1), new Object []{"CSC", "SBS", "CSC", 'B', Item.bucketWater, 'S', Block.sand, 'C', Block.blockClay});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(, 1), new Object []{"###", "#S#", "###", '#', Item.bucketWater, 'S', Block.snow});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.grass, 1), new Object []{"GGG", "#D#", "###", 'G', Block.tallGrass, '#', Item.seeds, 'D', Block.dirt});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.mycelium, 1), new Object []{"RBR", "BDB", "RBR", 'B', Block.mushroomCapBrown, 'R', Block.mushroomCapRed, 'D', Block.grass});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.mycelium, 1), new Object []{"BRB", "RDR", "BRB", 'B', Block.mushroomCapBrown, 'R', Block.mushroomCapRed, 'D', Block.grass});

GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.obsidian, 1), new Object []{Item.bucketWater, Item.bucketWater, Item.bucketLava, Item.bucketLava});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.saddle, 1), new Object []{"###", "SDS", "SIS", '#', Item.leather, 'S',, 'D', Item.diamond, 'I', Item.ingotIron});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.expBottle, 1), new Object []{"DED", "EBE", "DED", 'D', Block.blockDiamond, 'E', Block.blockEmerald, 'B', Item.glassBottle});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.expBottle, 1), new Object []{"EDE", "DBD", "EDE", 'D', Block.blockDiamond, 'E', Block.blockEmerald, 'B', Item.glassBottle});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.netherStar, 1), new Object []{"###", "#B#", "###", '#', Block.blockDiamond, 'B', Item.expBottle});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.dragonEgg, 1), new Object []{"BBB", "BEB", "BBB", 'B', Block.bedrock, 'E', Item.enderPearl});
GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.bedrock, 4), new Object []{Block.blockGold, Block.blockIron, Block.blockLapis, Block.blockDiamond, Block.blockEmerald, CoalBlock, Block.blockRedstone, Block.obsidian, Block.blockNetherQuartz});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.portal, 1), new Object []{"NBN", "BEB", "NBN", 'N', Block.netherrack, 'B', Block.bedrock, 'E', Item.expBottle});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.portal, 1), new Object []{"BNB", "NEN", "BNB", 'N', Block.netherrack, 'B', Block.bedrock, 'E', Item.expBottle});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.endPortal, 1), new Object []{"SBS", "BEB", "SBS", 'S', Block.whiteStone, 'B', Block.bedrock, 'E', Item.expBottle});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.endPortal, 1), new Object []{"BSB", "SES", "BSB", 'S', Block.whiteStone, 'B', Block.bedrock, 'E', Item.expBottle});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.endPortalFrame, 1), new Object []{"DED", "#E#", "###", '#', Block.whiteStone, 'E', Item.eyeOfEnder, 'D', Block.blockDiamond});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.commandBlock, 1), new Object []{"###", "#B#", "###", '#', Block.planks, 'B', Block.beacon});

GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.slimeBall, 1), new Object []{Item.magmaCream, Item.blazePowder});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.web, 1), new Object []{"###", "###", "###", '#',});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.slowSand, 1), new Object[]{"#S#", "S#S", "#S#", '#', Block.netherrack, 'S', Block.sand});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.waterlily, 1), new Object []{"VVV", "VBV", "VVV", 'V', Block.vine, 'B', Item.bucketWater});

GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(, 2), new Object []{Block.cloth});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.cobblestoneMossy, 1), new Object []{"#D#", "#C#", "###", '#', Item.seeds, 'D', Item.diamond, 'C', Block.cobblestone});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.helmetChain, 1), new Object []{"###", "# #", " ", '#', Block.fenceIron});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.helmetChain, 1), new Object []{" ", "###", "# #", '#', Block.fenceIron});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.plateChain, 1), new Object []{"# #", "###", "###", '#', Block.fenceIron});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.legsChain, 1), new Object []{"###", "# #", "# #", '#', Block.fenceIron});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.bootsChain, 1), new Object []{"# #", "# #", " ", '#', Block.fenceIron});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.bootsChain, 1), new Object []{" ", "# #", "# #", '#', Block.fenceIron});

//Add Recipes With Potions To Make Harder

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.record13, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Block.endPortal});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.recordCat, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#',Block.blockEmerald});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.recordBlocks, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Block.commandBlock});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.recordChirp, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Block.portal});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.recordFar, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Block.bedrock});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.recordMall, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Block.blockDiamond});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.recordMellohi, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Block.beacon});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.recordStal, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Block.dragonEgg});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.recordStrad, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Item.ghastTear});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.recordWard, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Item.expBottle});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.record11, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Item.netherStar});
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.recordWait, 1), new Object []{"OOO", "O#O", "OOO", "O", Block.obsidian, '#', Block.endPortalFrame});

GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.cactus, 1), new Object []{"VVV", "VSV", "VVV", 'V', Block.vine, 'S', Block.sponge});

//Add Recipes For All Stone Bricks/Mossy Stuff {Furnace}
//Add Recipes For Mob Heads

GameRegistry.addSmelting(Block.sapling.blockID, new ItemStack(Block.deadBush), 0.0F);
GameRegistry.addSmelting(Block.gravel.blockID, new ItemStack(Item.flint), 0.0F);
GameRegistry.addSmelting(Item.rottenFlesh.itemID, new ItemStack(Item.leather), 0.0F);
GameRegistry.addSmelting(Item.bucketMilk.itemID, new ItemStack(Item.slimeBall), 0.0F);


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh there we go. Guess I needed a refresh. Thanks!
No thank you :)
Um I think I posted all the recipes up there. If you need some help just ask me I'll explain them :)
Also, would you mind taking pictures of the recipes...actually could you just make sure you can craft the items and they work correctly?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I said thanks.
The third page and down on your *Solar Recipes* document is really wonky, the second crafting recipe on that page is covered partly by the first.
Otherwise rather amazing idea!
Do you think that maybe right clicking on an item with a redstone tool could activate it, maybe?
And for glowstone, right clicking on sand or gravel will make them float up, and right clicking water or lava would make them begin to float up and eventually evaporate?
And for lapis, make it have luck on it, and add reiterations of the tools that are made by surrounding the tool in lapis? Each successive reiteration would send the tool toward one fortune enchant? And you could theoretically add infinite fortune levels to the tool?
I have bunches of other ideas, but that was enough for now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I said thanks.
The third page and down on your *Solar Recipes* document is really wonky, the second crafting recipe on that page is covered partly by the first.
Otherwise rather amazing idea!
Do you think that maybe right clicking on an item with a redstone tool could activate it, maybe?
And for glowstone, right clicking on sand or gravel will make them float up, and right clicking water or lava would make them begin to float up and eventually evaporate?
And for lapis, make it have luck on it, and add reiterations of the tools that are made by surrounding the tool in lapis? Each successive reiteration would send the tool toward one fortune enchant? And you could theoretically add infinite fortune levels to the tool?
I have bunches of other ideas, but that was enough for now.
No I mean thank you for testing. BTW it says that v0.0.2 doesn't have any downloads... Are you sure you tested the right one? LOL
As for your other ideas those are a bit advanced :p
Maybe a later date?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know. You could prob ask King Lemming for help with the Glowstone and Redstone Ideas, and MDiyo with the Lapis thing.
Haven't downloaded yet.
You could also make UUUM also make the same things UUM does, using the same recipes, but when you craft them, the yield is higher, maybe double, or triple, or even quadruple or more!
Redstone Armor activated everything you touch or walk on.
Glowstone Armor lets you jump higher.
Lapis Armor gives a chance that you do not get hurt at all for every hit. Each iteration of the armor surrounded by Lapis increases the chance.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Always good to see new people making their first mod (Something I need to try out soon :p)! I *might* be able to help you with the gregtech stuff, but first, how do you have your workspace set up? Like are you using Pahimar's guide as an outline or are you just using the eclipse folder from the forge/MCP setup?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Always good to see new people making their first mod (Something I need to try out soon :p)! I *might* be able to help you with the gregtech stuff, but first, how do you have your workspace set up? Like are you using Pahimar's guide as an outline or are you just using the eclipse folder from the forge/MCP setup?
I used ScratchForFun's tutorial setting up MCP for 1.5.1
And then I watched wuppy and then did it myself a few times because I messed up so yea...
I can always help if you need it :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I used ScratchForFun's tutorial setting up MCP for 1.5.1
And then I watched wuppy and then did it myself a few times because I messed up so yea...
I can always help if you need it :)
Pahimar's video series has a very nice set up that I like and is easy to use, and also makes it very easy to update to new versions of forge/import mods into it. GregTech does have an API that you can import that is on his thread, and so does IC2 as far as I'm aware.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pahimar's video series has a very nice set up that I like and is easy to use, and also makes it very easy to update to new versions of forge/import mods into it. GregTech does have an API that you can import that is on his thread, and so does IC2 as far as I'm aware.
Yes but there is a long and confusing process... A very wordy process that isn't explained well anywhere really and along with that if you do it wrong you could accidentally distribute a mod illegally (copying code from ic2 etc etc) so yea
Plus I'm a visual guy ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes but there is a long and confusing process... A very wordy process that isn't explained well anywhere really and along with that if you do it wrong you could accidentally distribute a mod illegally (copying code from ic2 etc etc) so yea
Plus I'm a visual guy ;)
I'm still trying to learn this stuff too, but as far as I can tell you should reference a the API for gregtech as an external library in Eclipse and then you will be able to use them with your mod. I'm sure if someone who is familiar with modding comes by this thread they will make it seem all too easy for us though :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Installing Netbeans, but it is taking forever. Watching tutorials from TheNewBoston.
I HIGHLY recommend Eclipse over NetBeans for modding Minecraft. Not because I think Eclipse is better in any way, but because MCP builds itself with a pre-built eclipse folder, and virtually every minecraft modder/modding tutorial use Eclipse as well. And TheNewBoston is very good for learning the basics of Java, but after you know the basics you are better off watching a minecraft modding tutorial instead.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Man! I've been waiting for obsidian tools since I started playing in 1.2.5. Thank you. That excites me. I know absolutely nothing about coding, or I would have tried to do it myself a while ago. The emerald weapons are fantastic, too. When I imagined obsidian tools, I imagined a good late-game workhorse tool, and everything you have there seems to be exactly that, which is really cool. The only thing that stings though, is sword strength of wood. Ouch. I would rather the sword strength be stone, and the mining level be iron (even if you leave the speed at stone), and take a hit to enchantibility and/or durability.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Man! I've been waiting for obsidian tools since I started playing in 1.2.5. Thank you. That excites me. I know absolutely nothing about coding, or I would have tried to do it myself a while ago. The emerald weapons are fantastic, too. When I imagined obsidian tools, I imagined a good late-game workhorse tool, and everything you have there seems to be exactly that, which is really cool. The only thing that stings though, is sword strength of wood. Ouch. I would rather the sword strength be stone, and the mining level be iron (even if you leave the speed at stone), and take a hit to enchantibility and/or durability.
Thank you very much for the suggestions. From your comments it doesn't sound like you have played with it yet but it does sound like you are interested. Just because you were so kind I am going to do what you said.
I will probably release a version tomorrow if I can get some testers... whiz did it work?
Also congrats whiz I definitely love the new Boston for more than just java... But after you learn the basics you should learn modding tutorials because its basically working off of forge API and not so much writing the kind of code that Boston is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you very much for the suggestions. From your comments it doesn't sound like you have played with it yet but it does sound like you are interested. Just because you were so kind I am going to do what you said.
I will probably release a version tomorrow if I can get some testers... whiz did it work?
Also congrats whiz I definitely love the new Boston for more than just java... But after you learn the basics you should learn modding tutorials because its basically working off of forge API and not so much writing the kind of code that Boston is.

Wow. That's pretty swell. Thanks guy! I'll try and make time to play around with it tonight so I can give you some feedback.

You said that it's only for Vanilla currently, but if you ever get it to the point where it's FTB compatible, and it tickles my fancy (and it's looking like it will), I'll try and convince my friend to run it on his Ultimate server. I'm sure he'd be down.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow. That's pretty swell. Thanks guy! I'll try and make time to play around with it tonight so I can give you some feedback.

You said that it's only for Vanilla currently, but if you ever get it to the point where it's FTB compatible, and it tickles my fancy (and it's looking like it will), I'll try and convince my friend to run it on his Ultimate server. I'm sure he'd be down.
I mean it is FTB compatible it's just not big and fancy like GregTech or advanced solars which I plan on making it.
If you'd like to see what I'm talking about basically right now you don't need IC2/GregTech. But in the future I will make it so that you do need it.
Check the link in my description (the Dropbox one and go to the "Solar Recipes.doc")
Enjoy :)
Also thanks for the help on testing. If you'd like to help TREMENDOUSLY then you could take pictures of when you craft the items too ;)
Also, could you wait a little? I'm going to get v0.0.3 out later tonight with some big changes so yea :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I still haven't downloaded it, been caught up with this homeschool co-op that my family sets up with a few other families who have the same work as my dad, so haven't really had time.