Because most auto pruning methodology looks for the thread with the oldest last reply that isn't stickied to delete first. Also, the soul shards mod is changing such that acquiring a tier 5 spawner is not something one is going to do as an easy solution to eu power.
Hmm. Thanks for the insight, on both counts. On the matter of auto-pruning, is there no mod interaction with this method? While I can definitely see the need for some type of automated method, anything with no mod interaction would inevitably result in an irretrievable loss of precious informations, along with the staggering amount of useless data the methodology was, I assume, designed to deal with. I'm sure this has been suggested before but such a method could/should be made to flag anything marked for deletion such that a mod has a chance to review the thread's content prior to deletion.
Regarding upcoming soul shards mod changes: That makes me sad. Even with it's flaws, the T5 Blaze -> EU farm is a good beginner EU setup IMO, and it gives you something to do with all those damn rods, even if your only source is a T5 Blaze XP farm. One of the things I like about playing MC is the mastery one can have over the in-game environment and its inhabitants. Setting up these type of mob farms is like sweet justice for all the abuse these electronic creatures have caused me over the months/years I've been playing. Bending them to my will, to serve my needs,...I dunno, it just feels so right. Makes me smile. In any case, soul shards mods extends this ability even further. And I say beginner EU production not because it's easy to obtain early in-game, but because there are better methods of EU production that are much more mineral intensive. I don't think getting a T5 spawner is in any way easy, but then again I always have to travel leagues to find fortresses. And if you use the exploitive method of combining shards in an anvil, that still costs you 4 diamonds and possibly 1-2 anvils, which is a substantial investment early on. Best of all, this method is much less about dig, dig, dig and more about exploring the world/Nether and doing some monster-bashing.
Sry for running on like that. I'll stop now.