Updating Thaumcraft and Thaumic Tinkerer on Magic World 2

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, I hope this is the correct thread to ask this sort of question, or even if I should be asking on the Feed the Beast forums at all.

I downloaded Magic World 2, and having previously played the most up to date version of Thaumcraft, quickly updated TC to 4.1. However, I did not update Thaumic Tinkerer, and it has worked fine using 2.1-67 up until I need to research Gaseous Tenebrae. Reason I need to research it is so I can get the constantly blinking, yet not providing me with the research note, Fume Dissipator. However, after getting absolutely every research in the Thauminomicon researched, and putting in all the hidden research using the fragments (I now only get the "Failed Research"), I have yet to get any progression with the Gaseous Tenebrae (Not even showing up) nor the Fume Dissipator (Still blinking). I was to get to the kami stuff, but without those out of the way, I cant. I have searched a ton all over the internet and I cannot find the answer. I even went and tried updating Thaumic Tinkerer, and when I do that, nothing related to thaumic tinkerer even shows up in the thauminomicon, current or new worlds.

So I ask anyone to help me with this: Can you find me the research note code so I can maybe type it into chat to get gaseous tenebrae shown ("ie. /give me 25256 1 xxx), if that will even work. If not, what do I need to do to get gaseous tenebrae shown? If that wont even work, how can I update Thaumic Tinkerer so it will work with my 4.1 Thaumcraft in Magic World?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This has been bugging me constantly since I got to this point in the game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IIRC a different research unlocks the gaseuous tenabrae. Updated TT versions fix it and makes the Thaumium goggles researchable again


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, how would I go about updating TT? Like I said, when I delete the old thaumic tinker files (The normal and the KAMI one) and put in the newest one, I dont see any TT stuff in the compendium when I play. Some of the stuff should be unlocked, no?