Recently a player of my MindCrack 8.2.0 server has updated his client and he can't connect to the server but he could previosly. I think the update is because new version of Thaumic Bees or other mod but I'm not sure how works FTB launcher.
The server pack downloaded in the launcher don't seems updated for this mod. Should I update this mod manually? I think is better wait for new version of MindCrack with this mod/s updated but maybe updating mods 1by1 is a common practice.
Another question is... When MindCrack server is updated officialy, what should I do? Should I overwrite old fles with new and no more changes? Maybe I have to run a new server and later change the new world folder for my old world folder.
The server pack downloaded in the launcher don't seems updated for this mod. Should I update this mod manually? I think is better wait for new version of MindCrack with this mod/s updated but maybe updating mods 1by1 is a common practice.
Another question is... When MindCrack server is updated officialy, what should I do? Should I overwrite old fles with new and no more changes? Maybe I have to run a new server and later change the new world folder for my old world folder.