Updated DW20 pack, crash on world load, old world

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I have my old world, and it works fine on the DW20 v.4 pack, but I updated to DW20 v.5 and got this crash log: http://pastebin.com/DwS4CcM4

The world was created in v.4, when loaded onto the new client I clicked yes, I made a back up just in case something happened to it.

Is there anything I can do to resolve this, or does it mean I either need to use the old version or create a new world?

If there is any extra info you need let me know. Thanks for all of your help guys :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You need to use the old world with v4. The Worlds don't always carry over to new versions. You can revert, rename the old v4 modpack folder, and then update. To play your old world you merely need to nename your v5 to something besides Direwolf20, and rename your v4 to Direwolf20, but don't forget to change the version the launcher uses. Otherwise it will just install over your old version again.
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