I've begun conceptually developing a modpack.
Here's the currently assembled modlist,
1. Astral Sorcery
2. Mekanism
3. Embers
4. Roots 2
5. Nuclear Craft
6. Advanced Generators
7. Actually Additions – Canola Disabled
8. Abyssal Craft
9. Calculator
10. Environmental Tech
11. Pneumaticraft
12. Advanced Rocketry
13. Chisel
14. Chisels and Bits
15. AE2
16. Storage Drawers
17. Iron Chests
18. Silent’s Gems
19. Morpheus
20. Draconic Evolution
21. Extra Utilities
22. Journey Map
23. Mantle
24. Custom Main Menu
25. CraftTweaker
26. FTB Utils
27. Natura
28. JEI
29. Immersive Engineering
30. Chicken Chunks
31. Death Quotes
32. Better Builders Wands
33. Cosmetic Armor
34. Brandon’s Core
35. BiblioCraft
36. ConnectedTexturesMod
37. OpenBlocks
38. Iron Backpacks
39. Just Enough Resources
40. Avaritia
41. Factory Tech
42. Pam’s Harvestcraft
43. Forestry
44. Cooking for Blockheads
45. Apple Skin
46. Ender Storage
47. Biomes of Plenty
48. EnderIO
49. Modular Machinery - Maybe
Here are some currently planned features.
Silents Gem's gems will come from the Deep Dark.
EnderIO Infinity Dust will be created from a high tier Factory Tech machine.
Dire Crafting table will be made in the Final Tier Astral Sorcery Crafting Table
Environmental Tech will be unlocked early-mid way through, with the gems being required to progress.
AbyssalCraft dimensions will spawn some of the ores such as Dilithium ore from Advanced Rocketry.
Pneumaticraft pressure chamber used to create Crystal Matrix ingots.
Any mod suggestions or feature suggestions would be appreciated.
Here's the currently assembled modlist,
1. Astral Sorcery
2. Mekanism
3. Embers
4. Roots 2
5. Nuclear Craft
6. Advanced Generators
7. Actually Additions – Canola Disabled
8. Abyssal Craft
9. Calculator
10. Environmental Tech
11. Pneumaticraft
12. Advanced Rocketry
13. Chisel
14. Chisels and Bits
15. AE2
16. Storage Drawers
17. Iron Chests
18. Silent’s Gems
19. Morpheus
20. Draconic Evolution
21. Extra Utilities
22. Journey Map
23. Mantle
24. Custom Main Menu
25. CraftTweaker
26. FTB Utils
27. Natura
28. JEI
29. Immersive Engineering
30. Chicken Chunks
31. Death Quotes
32. Better Builders Wands
33. Cosmetic Armor
34. Brandon’s Core
35. BiblioCraft
36. ConnectedTexturesMod
37. OpenBlocks
38. Iron Backpacks
39. Just Enough Resources
40. Avaritia
41. Factory Tech
42. Pam’s Harvestcraft
43. Forestry
44. Cooking for Blockheads
45. Apple Skin
46. Ender Storage
47. Biomes of Plenty
48. EnderIO
49. Modular Machinery - Maybe
Here are some currently planned features.
Silents Gem's gems will come from the Deep Dark.
EnderIO Infinity Dust will be created from a high tier Factory Tech machine.
Dire Crafting table will be made in the Final Tier Astral Sorcery Crafting Table
Environmental Tech will be unlocked early-mid way through, with the gems being required to progress.
AbyssalCraft dimensions will spawn some of the ores such as Dilithium ore from Advanced Rocketry.
Pneumaticraft pressure chamber used to create Crystal Matrix ingots.
Any mod suggestions or feature suggestions would be appreciated.

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