Open Server Unleashed|SG|Now Open to the Public|GriefPrevention|GriefLog|Dedicated|Mumble

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Hey Man

Just wanted to say thanks for putting all this together for us. The fact that you have spent a lot of money to put together a server for a community of people online is phenomenal. The fact that it is also home hosted and is lag free also continues to amaze me!

If you are looking for a server where the owner if firm but fair, the staff and friendly and you can have a joke with them, yet can be serious and ban anyone who deserves to be, and the players are always willing to help, then come post an app and join us, it can't hurt just to try us for a day can it?
I don't recommend this server.. I played on here for like a week and I had some family problems and I had to quit... so on my white-list app he says since i left that i was immature and always asking for items... Not once did I ask for something. Overall I didn't see him on the server and it was kinda lame. I asked for 1 item... it was the saplings to get a giant redwood tree... so he gives out items. I just don't recommend it. They only play battlefield.​
thanks for all that Nasty. I enjoy doing it for you guys.

And Ill briefly touch on what TooFabulous has said.

He logged on, tossed his items to a player and said bye. Not explaining the situation just leaving as if to ignore any confrontation with anyone else. I am one of the most active on the server. Just because you are on at different times then you doesn't mean I am not active.
You found someones lot, and asked "Can I have this." "Can I have that" "Does this guy even play?" You were already told that you can't take other peoples things. And again, yes he plays. Just because he doesnt play when you do doesnt mean he isnt active.

TooFabulous was only on the server for maybe 4 hours over 2 or 3 days total. No one here only plays battlefield. Im not really sure where that came from. Possibly from the one night you came into mumble and I was playing BF with my other 2 brothers perhaps? Who arent even in the community.

Off this derpy subject.

Come check us out. We are a great community who also lets you play other games ever once in awhile![end.sarcasim]

World border has been increased to 4500 from the center of spawn.
Dynmap will be installed and rendered a little later tonight.
Hats mod has been enabled.
Vending mod has been enabled and shortly players will be able to host their own shop in spawn for public trading.

Have a good night!
Quarries are no longer banned items!
Hat Stands mod is now enabled!
Dynmap can now be viewed at
Come check out our recent updates! Eye had been making amazing improvements to the sever. The new spawn is awesome.
The server is now open to anyone and everyone! No whitelist required. Though registering on our forums will grant you extra permissions such as set multiple homes.
Love the new faces around! Always looking for more people to have some fun with.

The community is also beta testing a custom mod pack just for us, that will go up alongside our Unleashed server, based around Galacticraft!
Happy to say that the Unleashed server is back online. Feel free to hop on and play! I am afraid that its a tad quiet. Most wandered into our custom modpack focused around space travel, science, and technology! Feel free to check that out by joining our forums today!
We have since ended our FTB servers and are using a Custom mod pack with over 120 mods running 24/7. Check out for more information!