*Unleashed* Server crashes when attempting to run it with Biomes O Plenty[BOP]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have been trying to run a private server for a few friends with the biomes o plenty mod enabled and had no luck :( I have tried the following..

.Renaming the DISABLED.Jar file of the mod to just .Jar in the mods folder inside the servers folder
.Setting the Level type in server properties to =BIOMESOP
.downloading the fix for the mod for 1.5.2 and replacing both the jars in singeplayer and multiplayer foldiers since apparently the mod was broken during the release of the new Unleashed modpack

and still no luck! One of the two things happen when I run the server. The first thing is, I am able to load the world but nothing generates and I continuously fall in a blue background until the server client crashes at around Y20 and I'm disconnected from my server. The second thing is. I get stuck on the loading chunks screen and the server crashes. The crash report in CMD states that the server overloaded and is out of memory but I have already tried to run my server at 6100MB and still had no luck. I would love a solution for this problem as I have searched for hours on web for a way to set this up and found nothing :( I know this is possible as I have seen servers functioning with the Biomes O Plenty mod on big servers so it should most definitely be doable on private servers. Much thanks for the help guys! :)
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