Whitelist Server Unleash The Panda|Unleashed v1.1.3|Whitelisted|Small Comunity|Dedicated Server|Fiber Optics Internet

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your name: BlurVex
- Your play style: I get into a bit of everything, but never really in any set order. A lot of the times I'll focus on making a nice house/base before I really get into any tech, other times my house will get built around the tech I make. I have a lot of experience with almost every mod in the pack, so I never know what path I'll decide to take (which is half the
fun). I agree with you that rushing to endgame makes a game boring, so I won't be doing that. I also love community builds (if you ever plan one I would love to be included :) ).
- Favorite mods: AE, Biomes O' Plenty, Tinker's Construct/Natura, Bees from forestry and the bee mods, Mystcraft, Portal Gun, and Hats (I know it's a long list, but I think they're all awesome... and hats is just hilarious).
- Least favorite mods: Dartcraft (it feels so cheaty and way too easy whenever I use it).
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them: I have had three servers randomly close with no explanation, one or two I left because they died after
a few people rushed to endgame then left, and others were simply unplayable because of lag.
-A Bit About Me: I'm 17, and going into college. I have no idea how this will affect how much I can play, but I will definitely be playing. All I'm looking for is a place to have a good time, do awesome things, and hang out with people.

Hope you let me on :)

Dear BlurVex,

I am building a city for the community, including: a shared machines and liquids workshop, houses for people to live in and maybe some headquarters for some teams people will form (I don't know what the hell people are up to :p).

I took a little different path then I normally do. I started with Factorization and started mining like a maniac to get into Tinker's Construct. It was alot of fun!

It truly is a long list, but they are all fun. I love AE, but gonna make the factory with Logistic Pipes, just because I never did anything with Logistic Pipes. DartCraft is indeed kinda cheaty, but I love the Ender Tots.

The server was down yesterday for a couple of hours. A player was trying to create a MystCraft Age and the server just *POOF* crashed. Turned out the virtual server ran out of disk space *facepalm*. After I fixed that the Twilight was replacing everything in the Twilight. Everything is fixed now and we don't have to restart.

I am looking forward to speaking to you on TeamSpeak or Skype. My Skype is: ivohuntjens .

Yours sincerely,



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My IGN is Recyrexor, I joined your previous server about a month ago and unfortunately had to leave because of lag issues. I'd like to comeback as my pc should be running much more smoothly this time.
As you know my favorite mods are the chemistry/DNA based mods. Bees, Trees, and potions to name a few things.

The mods I most dislike I suppose can be some of gregtech only cause of how convoluted some of the recipes are. Other than that, there really isn't anything bad about the mods.

What I plan to do is explore every inch of this world. No worries I'll do it at a pace that shouldn't lag the server. I will most likely become a collector among the community. Collecting just about all of one-of-a-kind things we might find. I could certainly lend a hand in community projects. I'd be more than happy to join the cause. I realize that my leaving was not the greatest move on my part but, it by no means was anything wrong with you, are the server itself. My computer was just a being a dick lol.

I am 25 years old, my name is Michael, Mike for short. I spend a great deal of my time playing on online games, and socializing with friends on random days of the week. I talk about everything from why pink makes us happy to what started the bogeyman trend. No topic will be left unturned with me. I am not the fastest builder, but my builds are always on a grand scale. I will always have some major project that may never get completed from how big it really is. I like playing this way, as it always gives me something to do everytime I log on.

Hope to see you in the wondrous world of Minecraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your name: CrimsonBlaven
- Your playstyle: Spend most time building a house > -< ( Might suffer from lazy perfectionism, really strange trait )
- Favorite mods: Been a while since I played minecraft, not sure what mods are out now, doesn't really matter for me, can have fun on any o .o /
- Least favorite mods: Mods that makes your computer crash ! ( I really have no idea, there must be some out there that do that right ? )
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them: Usually played on some friends servers, why I left them is because we simply stopped playing

I'm 18 (19 in some months now I guess) and am studying Multimedia (I like being creative!), I'm Norwegian but live in Belgium (looong story, I'll spare you the wall of text), so know my share of languages ~
Some friends told me they played here and felt this little itch of building myself a pretty house again, preferable with my friends :3 !
Sorry I didn't use any periods, they're so serious ; -; !


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your name - Hi i'm Ruben, IGN Noahskey
- Your playstyle - Creative builder, I like to build the biggest castles, towers, tunnels, anything you want to dream big, I'll help on it
- Favorite mods - I don't know, I'm fairly new to minecraft, I only have a few friends on the server.
- Least favorite mods - I really don't have any opinion about mods really, I'm still learning about them, but definately mods that make people lag to absolute fucking shit to the point where the servers have to be rolled back losing progress and stuff.
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them - Umm Tekkit lite servers. stopped playing after I spent days on huge projects like the ones I mentioned above, and having it all disappear because some mod or whatever was making the time go slowly in a permanent fashion, so I just really didn't want to rebuild there.

I'm 18 years old, currently living in France, I speak 4 languages (Portuguese, English, Spanish, French) and i'm passionate about music, digital art, and vidya gaems.
I'm a good friend that you can count on and i'll definately help out anyone any way I can. I also have tumblr and if you're interested you can message me and i'll mutually follow you if you have one too!
Expect copious amounts of horrible puns and corny jokes from me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your name: CrimsonBlaven
- Your playstyle: Spend most time building a house > -< ( Might suffer from lazy perfectionism, really strange trait )
- Favorite mods: Been a while since I played minecraft, not sure what mods are out now, doesn't really matter for me, can have fun on any o .o /
- Least favorite mods: Mods that makes your computer crash ! ( I really have no idea, there must be some out there that do that right ? )
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them: Usually played on some friends servers, why I left them is because we simply stopped playing

I'm 18 (19 in some months now I guess) and am studying Multimedia (I like being creative!), I'm Norwegian but live in Belgium (looong story, I'll spare you the wall of text), so know my share of languages ~
Some friends told me they played here and felt this little itch of building myself a pretty house again, preferable with my friends :3 !
Sorry I didn't use any periods, they're so serious ; -; !

If you can add me to skype and we can have a little chat on there, it'll be cool! Liked your application!
Skype: ivohuntjens


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello! Unsure if you're still taking applications, but I figured I'd try.

- Your name: Seb677, but other places I go by RenegadeMessiah
- Your play style: I like building things and experimenting with stuff. Mainly, I like to concentrate on magic, adventuring, and town/house building. I have a big thing for like, small communities, more or less, so to me, the joy in Minecraft is found in doing group activities and such.
- Favorite mods: I like ThaumCraft, Xeno's Reliquary, Tinker's Construct, and Twilight Forest. I also enjoy some of the aesthetic mods like Bibliocraft and such.
- Least favorite mods: I'd have to say the Gregtech-esque mods. I like machinery alot, but I hate how complicated it can get. I'm a simple man with simple needs, get me?
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them: I originally started playing in FTB Beta A, and eventually joined a Mindcrack server with some friends. Due to problems with the server, we switched over to making our own server, which lasted a good while, but eventually got to the point where it was so small people would rush through the mods and leave again. I'm more or less just looking for a small continuous community to do stuff with, where I can come on and at least know that different people will come on and chat.
- Extra Info: I used to run and still do run Minecraft servers. I'm 17 and a senior, so I dont spend as much time on the computer as I used to, but I still like to spend time gaming and such. I also use Skype mainly for communicating online, if thats a must.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello! Unsure if you're still taking applications, but I figured I'd try.

- Your name: Seb677, but other places I go by RenegadeMessiah
- Your play style: I like building things and experimenting with stuff. Mainly, I like to concentrate on magic, adventuring, and town/house building. I have a big thing for like, small communities, more or less, so to me, the joy in Minecraft is found in doing group activities and such.
- Favorite mods: I like ThaumCraft, Xeno's Reliquary, Tinker's Construct, and Twilight Forest. I also enjoy some of the aesthetic mods like Bibliocraft and such.
- Least favorite mods: I'd have to say the Gregtech-esque mods. I like machinery alot, but I hate how complicated it can get. I'm a simple man with simple needs, get me?
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them: I originally started playing in FTB Beta A, and eventually joined a Mindcrack server with some friends. Due to problems with the server, we switched over to making our own server, which lasted a good while, but eventually got to the point where it was so small people would rush through the mods and leave again. I'm more or less just looking for a small continuous community to do stuff with, where I can come on and at least know that different people will come on and chat.
- Extra Info: I used to run and still do run Minecraft servers. I'm 17 and a senior, so I dont spend as much time on the computer as I used to, but I still like to spend time gaming and such. I also use Skype mainly for communicating online, if thats a must.
Dear Seb,

I liked you application. It brought a different player than the other I have seen so far. The other ones were very similar to each other or were way too short or the people I accepted on the server, joined once and then never came back. I hope you will be playing very long on this server. There may have been issues due to crashes on the server and I hate to delete corrupted chunks and stuff, but it wouldn't be too big of a deal. I saw at one guy's base only 1 layer of dirt missing. My Skype is: ivohuntjens . There is also a Skype group for the server and TeamSpeak is most of time online. I hope to speak to you soon!

Yours sincerely,



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your Name? My name is Joshua but everyone calls me Josh or in the Virtual world I'm know better as BigBoss4ever211 (IGN)

Your Playstyle? Nothings better than have a group of people come together introducing the type of playstyles to create a very fun enviorment. My playstyle is fairly simple start by finding a nice plains biome to build upon hopefully not to far from a village of players while still have some space to myself. Work on a solid power source, resource gathering, upgrading, exploring, and challenging bosses to a fight to the death lol. yah kinda of dramatic eh. As to how long i would play for well call me an addict but if i could i would play all day lol i play everyday when i get a chance probably 3-8 hrs if possible so i guess you can all me an active player. Especially when i play with my friends Nefentari, _SageJoe_, and Mattstricks19 love those guys.

Favorite Mods? Whats differs FTB to MC is that there are so many more goals to accomplish. Me i love Mystcraft, Bees, RedPower, Applied Energetics, Forestry, BuildCraft, and EnchantingPlus although this sever disabled it i can live with that :p lol Mods are what make the game along with friends and the game itself.

Least Favorite Mods? of course with all those mods there are bound to be ones we dislike and that would have to be in my opinion Thaumcraft. I never really got into it but maybe on day i will who knows ^.^

Have I played on other server? Yes i have, just to name a few it was Loopitech, ZoomingCraft, and BedCraft on Ultimate and a whitelist sever on Unleashed which name i can't disclose. But i left those due to the fact of resets and griefing and when i am griefed mods don't do much to help sadly. I'm just trying to find a long term server where i can make new friends and have a great time.

About me? I am 19yrs old and a well experienced player in FTB and Minecraft. But i never stop learning when it comes to FTB. My skype name is bigboss4ever (joshua echevarria) i live in colton ca. I know sometimes its hard to trust players out there you don't know but i have a saying "Trust until a reason not to" because everyone deserves a chance right. ^.^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your name? Hello, my name is Mattias and in Minecraft I am using the name Mats or Aladauz (Old gaming nicknames).

Your playstyle? In the game I try to be creative, solving my problems and always making stuff look good. When things dont turn out the way I want it , I really get into it to make it exactly as I want it or at least as close to it as possible. I also dislike when stuff are unesthethic or well, just ugly. I enjoy seeing other peoples builds, and of course chatting and interacting with the other players, as to be fair that's why I want to be on a server, otherwise I could just stay in singleplayer.

Favorite mods? I enjoy most mods, but I guess I like the concept of IC, and I always hate just running around in vanilla biomes and the best mod I've seen to fix that is Biomes o Plenty.

Least favorite mods? Don't really have any least favorite ones. Guess I am not that good at Thaumcraft and well never gotten into it.

If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them? Have only been playing on bigass servers and these are always pillaged and quite messy. That's why I like to join. To be part of a small community, where you know the players. You trust them and can do stuff together.

Little bit about me. Well I am 20 years old from Sweden, and study to become an Engineer. Havent played that much vanilla MC, but mainly FTB packs like Ultimate. I play quite much, but I also have a social life aside of my gaming. So I won't be online everyday, but most probably a few hours every evening/night.

Looking forward to hear back from you,!

Regards, Mattias


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your name- Joseph A. Mendoza ign _sagejoe_
- Your playstyle- I love "Overclocking" things , or overdoing, so yeah, love playing with friends participating with people on the server and just having fun.
- Favorite mods- Portal - Soul Shards- Forestry- many others, long list...
- Least favorite mods- Gregtech- I'ts my least favorite mod because, it makes everthign take longer, and more complicated...
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them- most of the server i have played on have been white list servers, and sadly all of them have closed due to one or more reasons.
- A lil' about me- I'm currently going to college, so i might not have as much time as i had before, but at nights i do stay on for a long time because of homework ec., like right now, i love this game, and I'm hoping to get a better computer just for this game.
- Age- 19 and "I'm a guy" :D
- Skype- joeseph.jam
and if you want to know a lil more about me, then fine we can have a long and fruitful conversation about "life" :D if you want


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your name wackoman678 (austin)
- Your playstyle i love to build i do kinda rush through things at times but if like i finish the game basically i start over new place new things and i also love to build in groups of people and also stream on twich from time to time
- Favorite mods Ic2 buildcraft AE (a lot more mods)
- Least favorite mods gregtech when you start out but once you get setteled down and have a lot of stuff its fun
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them i have play on other servers but they ended up going down hill :( and admins abusing there power
- My skype is austin9068


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your Name Blobblip
My Playstyle: Design is my favorite part of MC
Favorite mods: Hats of course and i love forestry and bibliocraft they all add something unique to the game
Least favorite mod: Mystcraft Besause of the lagg and i am very bad at it
If you have played on servers before, if so , why did you leave them: because on one server they said that hats were only for OPs and they banned me for wearing hats.
A bit about me: i am 13, and doing second grade gymnasion i love Ftb because you can link it to science


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hoi allemaal ik ben daan en heb over deze server gehoord via Youtube. Deze server heeft mij aangezet tot het spelen van Ftb. En ik ben een trouw abonnee van Gamernebulae zelf. Zijn ideeën inspireerde mij om ingewikkelde computercraftprogammas te maken en toen ik hoorde dat ik bij zijn server kon komen, ben ik meteen gaan denken wat ik voor een inbreng zou kunnen hebben op zijn server, en toen ontdekte ik de hoeveelheden decoratiemogelijkheden er zijn in FTB. Ik zou graag een hub in een mystcraftwereld willen bouwen (als iemand me helpt me een setup van de age). Ik hoor graag of ik in de server kan komen en hoop dat ik een hulp zal zijn voor alle spelers. BTW ik ben 13 en wil graag erbij horen


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your name

- Your play style
Entirely friendly and co-op. groups who get together make for great build especially if they are like minded. I support mainly by learning as much as i can about the mods and helping teach others how to improve their knowledge of the mods they like and ones they want to learn about. I'm a diligent miner who uses very small amounts of resources and prefers to let others do the large scale designing while working behind the scene on making sure everyone has the resources they need.

- Favorite mods
Thaumcraft, Twilight forest, Steve's carts I enjoy most of the mods from FTB however these are the ones i have been using the longest and am most comfortable with.

- Least favorite mods
I don't really have an mods i don't like. if I feel they are too overpowered i just don't use them until they are either nerfed or i am so far in the game that i have the same level gear

- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them
I have been playing on servers for well over 2 years now and it seems like every single one I have played on the server owner shut the server down for a ton of different reasons ranging from he ran out of money to his wife made him stop playing. I've only quit off of 2 servers because they were poorly run by the admins.

- Your skype


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Alright, as usual, I'll make an application for me and my girlfriend at once, because we always play together.

- Your name: Qatall & AngieBLD (those are IGNs, real names are unnecessary)
- Your playstyle: We usually spread really thin between mods, so we take a long time to get to high tech tiers. We go for the fun stuff we know from the available mods, have fun with other players, and try to keep it social.
- Favorite mods: Buildcraft, Thermal Expansion, Railcraft, Thaumcraft, Forestry (BEES! :D)
- Least favorite mods: GregTech and DartCraft.
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them: Well, some server admins are a) Immature kids; b) idiots; c) both. So far all we've got was this kind of admins. Eventually servers we played on closed, or in 2 different cases where both admins matched option C, we got banned over a land dispute and dropped the other because half way through the second week the admin started requiring "mandatory donations" (also he used his op status for benefit).
- Your skype: lordfokas. I don't think you need hers, at least for now, if you do, I can provide it in private.

We also played on a server with Nefentari and BigBoss4Ever, which was the one we got banned from when some random guy tried to take over our backyard.
If we are accepted, we'll likely stick close to Nefentari if she'll have us as neighbors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your name: Jens and IGN: sinterpad
- Your playstyle: I like to adventure at the start finding a suitable place to build a decent base i like. I also like to play with some people but not to many people. and to chat a bit, and help eachother out. I like making fun with other people, i am so tired of playing single player and i cannot seem to find a decent server except for this one where everything is explained decently.
- Favorite mods: BC, forestry, any other mod that includes bees, natura, IC2, railcraft+(anything that has to do with rails and stuff), twilight forest, Biomes-o-plenty, thaumcraft,.....
- Least favorite mods: gregtech, dartcraft(as someone mentioned above it is to cheaty, you can just get to powerfull armour and tools to soon in the game), and i'm also not a big fan of tinkers construct.
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them: I have tried several servers before but they were mostly open servers, but i don't like the fact they have banned items, or items only available for donators. I can understand you ban some items like nukes and stuff but still other stuff shouldn't be banned, If i like a server i would donate, but no ridiculus amounts as 100$ as i have seen on some servers just to get some more stuff and a color in your name.
- Your skype: sinterpad -Some information about me: My real name is Jens, i am 23 years old and i live in Belgium, My hobby's are playing games, watching some good movies, going out fishing,.... I play alot of games, like WoW, minecraft, LoL, Dota2, CS:go and Planetside 2. My current focus goes to minecraft FTB because i kinda want something where i can do what i want, and be as creative as i want. Greetings Jens AKA sinterpad


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Your name: IRL Armir, IGN PepsimaxL
- Your playstyle: have fun, get a quarry or something like that setup so it can mine for me while i make cool stuff and have fun :)
- Favorite mods: BC2 and thermal expansion
- Least favorite mods: i like all of them but factorization. its just so much work for nothing :p
- If you have played on servers before, if so, why did you leave them: i used to play on Jcraft alot but the map restarted and my friend never had time to play with me so it got boring :\
- Your skype: i cant share me skype here due to ip exploit on skype and such and i wanna remain annonymous for random users ( i will send you a PM with my skype )