Unhinged Solar Panels

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am sorry if this has already been posted I have looked and searched and cannot seem to find any info abou the solar panels in the Unhinged mod. There is only a plain Solar Panel, which i believe produces 8 Eu/T. There are also some other things in the NEI with Solar in their names. Such as Advanced Solar panel, and Solar panel upgrade. The solar panel upgrade adds how much of an upgrade, Can a regular solar panel be upgraded multiple times or just once? And as for the Advanced Solar Panel, I can find absolutely no information about this, in Creative I cant put one down or do anything with it. These probably have dumb answers to them but I am sort of new to the pack. Thanks to anyonethat can help.

Back story-Trying to power my matter fabricator, was going to use the tower of power,lol 48 markI reactors automated with uranium export and import from my ME system, but it glitches out and falls to pieces when it gets up and running. Not worried about that....I want to find some other ways to power it, I already have Steam and Thermal Generatos, one Mark VI reactor(their are 6 of us living in a 286 block tall sky scraper with every room wired and machined out to the max). Would love to go Solar but sems they are useless in this mod or the server I am playing on does not have to Solar mod installed???Not sure.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greg doesn't like solar panels. There are no upgrades to the Solar Panel in Unhinged. Those unplaceable solar panels you're finding in NEI are components for Steve's Carts.

For a full list of mods in Unhinged, you can look here.
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