Understanding crash reports

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do people use to actually understand what a crash report is saying? I have been unable to log in to my server since I got up today, and keep seeing a message in red at the end of the MultiMC console that says something about perm 512 no longer being supported in 8 (Which I think would be Java)

the pastebin is this: http://paste.ee/p/D5SOh

I don't know if this is the right forum channel for this, so if not please let me know where to put it.
I believe this belongs in the mod discussion forum. And yes, the problem is most likely your java version, try using java 7.
Ok what people use to understand crash reports is our minds. Anyways I think your issue is a thuamcraft table being render
Java 8_25 tends to be fine with Minecraft (all that message is telling you is that in Java 8 you can no longer change the permgen.)

If you read the first few lines of your crash report, it says "java.lang.NullPointerException: Rendering item"

So the issue is most likely to do with a block in world, backed up by "net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity.func_145838_q(TileEntity.java:176)".

So what we have is an in-world Tile Entity that appears to be causing a crash.

If you look at lines 58-63, you see that the item causing the issue is a Thaumcraft Table.

Lines 74-84 tell you that it is in the Overworld (dimension 0) and its coordinates are (-664,64,152).

Some crash logs are more difficult to read than others. As midgetassin said, your issue seems to be a Thaumcraft table of some kind.
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Looks like a cross mod rendering issue between thaumcraft and waila. Try disabling waila and see if that lets you back in. If not you'll need to remove the block indicated by RJS.
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  1. -- Item being rendered --
  2. Details:
  3. Item Type: thaumcraft.common.blocks.BlockTableItem@477c2f9d

    Yeah, I would try getting disabling Thaumcraft/Waila, another thing that might help is generating a new world for your server or trying Java 7.
Thanks guys. I just don't know what I'm looking at. There's a lot of data in that file and I guess I just need more practice reading into it.
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No problem, once you get the hang of it it's usually pretty easy what went wrong and where it happened.
Happy crash-report reading!
A good way of reading it is going to lines that say caused by that usually has the issue other wise you need to just skim it looking for info. I sucked at it for the longest time you get used to it
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Lines 74-84 tell you that it is in the Overworld (dimension 0) and its coordinates are (-664,64,152).

Is that the coordinates I can punch into my journeymap to hunt down? Cause it seems to lead to an empty spot of air over the middle of the ocean. :/

You said it was a thaumcraft table, I have the crafting table and the research table... but could it be some other player's table?
Is that the coordinates I can punch into my journeymap to hunt down? Cause it seems to lead to an empty spot of air over the middle of the ocean. :/

You said it was a thaumcraft table, I have the crafting table and the research table... but could it be some other player's table?
Can't really help you there - it's possible I may have made a mistake in my interpretation. I'm not so hot with crash reports myself, I usually just look for the hints :P
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If you were able to access the server the day before with no problem and your Java or something didn't update without you noticing, and now you are not able to access the server, the only plausible explanation is that it is someone else's Thaumcraft Table, you don't have to read the crash report to figure that out.
I would suggest making a backup of your current world file, then deleting the one in the server files and letting the server generate a new one, then you can try to see if you can log in then.
Is that the coordinates I can punch into my journeymap to hunt down? Cause it seems to lead to an empty spot of air over the middle of the ocean. :/

You said it was a thaumcraft table, I have the crafting table and the research table... but could it be some other player's table?
just get rid of all related thuamcraft table related blocks
Thank you for the help everyone. The problem seemed to have resolved itself, but I couldn't find which table it was. There were three other players doing thaumcraft stuff so there was notably a lot of thaumcraft mod provided tables.