Uncrafting to UU Matter?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I was watching some videos on youtube, and apparently you can uncraft stuff into UU Matter(with a Twilight Forest Uncrafting Table), so I tried it myself. Apparently it only works in the FTBBETAA, but I like the MindCrack pack more.
So my question is: what do I change in the configs to allow this on a MindCrack Pack?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I was watching some videos on youtube, and apparently you can uncraft stuff into UU Matter(with a Twilight Forest Uncrafting Table), so I tried it myself. Apparently it only works in the FTBBETAA, but I like the MindCrack pack more.
So my question is: what do I change in the configs to allow this on a MindCrack Pack?
i know thay fixed uncrafting of the stuff from Monzit ore to UU due to it been a BUG the uncrafting table is OP even without this


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They should really add this as an option in the config files
If you're going to do that, you might as well just go into Creative and give yourself UUM.
Nope, it gives me a reason to get the Monazit stuff, because before GregTech changed the mass fabricator to matter fabricator, it was pretty easy to get UU Matter... just afk for a while and you got it.
i know thay fixed uncrafting of the stuff from Monzit ore to UU due to it been a BUG the uncrafting table is OP even without this
What do you mean OP? Am I missing something? Repairing is in vanilla (the Anvil) and uncrafting stuff is not very helpful if it doesn't uncraft it completely if it is just a bit broken...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Monazit was not intended to be uncrafted into UUM. Monazit (from MFFS) put into an uncrafting table (Twilight Forest) to make UUM (IC2). Sometimes it's hard for a mod author to make sure his mod plays well with others, and this was one example.

If you're just wanting easy UUM then disable the Matter Fab and use the Mass Fab. It's in Gregtech's config file. If you're wanting to take advantage of an oversight in the compatibility between three mods, then you might as well use Creative.

It's OP in one way because you can get enchants on things you normally couldn't (ie Soul Stealer on a Diamond Sword). I'm sure there's others.

I'm really tired
Get some sleep.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Huh, what's that? Quoting non-existing posts? :p

(Yeah noticed it almost right away after posting and deleted it - shouldn't be on the forums when you're tired I guess!)