- Applications are now closed as of 28/06/2013 -
Within a good week we've managed to fill the server up quite nicely, this has resulted in an active and extremely fun and friendly community. I've decided to close applications down for now to not over-strain the server and to have the people who are on the whitelist now get to know each other and work on their projects. In time we'll open this thread up again for new applicants, so be sure to keep an eye out if you're interested!
Welcome everyone, this is Nom4d bringing you all a brand new server to play on. This Sunday, 16th of June, on 12:00 CET (GMT+1) we are officially launching Ultimate Nexus, a fun, community driven easy survival server for European players to hang out and work on their projects. We'll be starting on brand new, clean map.
We're aiming to be a server free of griefing by hand picking our members carefully so that we can all have the best experience in FTB possible. This is why I've got 10 spots free on the whitelist until saturday, and I'm looking for you to apply and tell us why we'd want you to play with us. The server itself is great for both people who want to work together on public projects as well as those who enjoy finding a place of their own and build there.
For additional information as well as our full rules please see our forums. Since we've set this all up very recently it's pretty damn empty, which mean we're looking for you to join in on the fun. Link: http://ultimatenexus.clanteam.com/
If anything is unclear just feel free to ask here or through a PM and I'll be sure to get back to you.
To apply, reply to this thread with the following:
Age (16+ only):
Country(EU Only):
Your experience with FTB:
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?:
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry):
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?:
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yes/No
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?:
Note that we have disabled and modified a few mods based on our experience with the mod pack and how we think playability will be enhanced:
- Modular Powersuit has been disabled.
- Minium Stone's durability has been severely reduced.
- Gravity gun has been rendered useless to prevent potential griefing.
- Portal gun can only be used for portals.
- You must be over 16 years of age, no exceptions.
- You are from a country on the European continent.*
- Your English is good enough to communicate well with other players.
- Being on the whitelist is a privilege, not a right, we ask you be respectful of the mod(s) and admin.
- You will not grief/cheat/steal from other players.
- You'll be respectful and helpful towards other players.
- Profanity is allowed on the server, as long as it's not negatively directed at another player.
*I don't dislike people from other continents/countries in any way. This rule is simply in place to ensure less lag and to maximise the chance of people being online at the same time.
Additional Rules - For server performance's sake
- Don't plant chunk loaders everywhere you go. Be sensible with them. As an indication try to limit yourself to about 3 - 4 chunk loaders per person.
- The above rule includes chunk loader turtles.
- Peak times are not a great time to create a whole lot of Mystcraft worlds as their initial set-up is very server intensive.
Server address: ultimatenexus.no-ip.biz:25565
(Won't be up until Sunday the 16th of June)
We're looking forward to your application. Do keep in mind that we're hand picking the people we want in, so this is not first come, first serve. The better your application, the higher your chance! We'll use the time between this thread being posted and the server opening on Sunday the 16th of June to consider all applications and to lay the final hand on getting everything ready. If you're accepted I'll send you a PM here on the forums with confirmation that you're in. Hope to hear from you all!