Whitelist Server Ultimate Nexus - A 12 slot FTB Ultimate 1.1.2 Server | Whitelist | No griefing | 16+ | Mumble | EU

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

- Applications are now closed as of 28/06/2013 -
Within a good week we've managed to fill the server up quite nicely, this has resulted in an active and extremely fun and friendly community. I've decided to close applications down for now to not over-strain the server and to have the people who are on the whitelist now get to know each other and work on their projects. In time we'll open this thread up again for new applicants, so be sure to keep an eye out if you're interested!

Welcome everyone, this is Nom4d bringing you all a brand new server to play on. This Sunday, 16th of June, on 12:00 CET (GMT+1) we are officially launching Ultimate Nexus, a fun, community driven easy survival server for European players to hang out and work on their projects. We'll be starting on brand new, clean map.

We're aiming to be a server free of griefing by hand picking our members carefully so that we can all have the best experience in FTB possible. This is why I've got 10 spots free on the whitelist until saturday, and I'm looking for you to apply and tell us why we'd want you to play with us. The server itself is great for both people who want to work together on public projects as well as those who enjoy finding a place of their own and build there.

For additional information as well as our full rules please see our forums. Since we've set this all up very recently it's pretty damn empty, which mean we're looking for you to join in on the fun. Link: http://ultimatenexus.clanteam.com/
If anything is unclear just feel free to ask here or through a PM and I'll be sure to get back to you.

To apply, reply to this thread with the following:

Age (16+ only):
Country(EU Only):
Your experience with FTB:
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?:
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry):
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?:
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yes/No
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?:
Note that we have disabled and modified a few mods based on our experience with the mod pack and how we think playability will be enhanced:

- Modular Powersuit has been disabled.
- Minium Stone's durability has been severely reduced.
- Gravity gun has been rendered useless to prevent potential griefing.
- Portal gun can only be used for portals.


- You must be over 16 years of age, no exceptions.
- You are from a country on the European continent.*
- Your English is good enough to communicate well with other players.
- Being on the whitelist is a privilege, not a right, we ask you be respectful of the mod(s) and admin.
- You will not grief/cheat/steal from other players.
- You'll be respectful and helpful towards other players.
- Profanity is allowed on the server, as long as it's not negatively directed at another player.

*I don't dislike people from other continents/countries in any way. This rule is simply in place to ensure less lag and to maximise the chance of people being online at the same time.

Additional Rules - For server performance's sake
- Don't plant chunk loaders everywhere you go. Be sensible with them. As an indication try to limit yourself to about 3 - 4 chunk loaders per person.
- The above rule includes chunk loader turtles.
- Peak times are not a great time to create a whole lot of Mystcraft worlds as their initial set-up is very server intensive.

Server address: ultimatenexus.no-ip.biz:25565
(Won't be up until Sunday the 16th of June)

We're looking forward to your application. Do keep in mind that we're hand picking the people we want in, so this is not first come, first serve. The better your application, the higher your chance! We'll use the time between this thread being posted and the server opening on Sunday the 16th of June to consider all applications and to lay the final hand on getting everything ready. If you're accepted I'll send you a PM here on the forums with confirmation that you're in. Hope to hear from you all!
Hello everyone, my name is Arkafold and I'm a mod on this new server. Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm a 24 year old Dutchman and a long time friend of Nom4d's. We've been gaming together for years and we're even friends in the outside world(imagine that!). I'm the one that likes to fool around on Mumble and meet everyone who's going to play with us, hoping to maximize the amount of teamwork we can do! I'm really looking forward to be playing with a bunch of you, who I imagine are quite a creative gathering!
Now, I'm not the most experienced Minecraft player by far, but I have fooled around in FTB Ultimate quite a lot. My interest mostly went out to the IndustrialCraft part of the game, even made a working Nuke! (I was really proud of this, please pat me on the shoulder!)

Hoping to play with you all soon,

Age (16+ only): i am 16
Country(EU Only): sweden
Your experience with FTB: i have played whit mods since 1.7.3 and whit ftb since day 1
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: big multi mod automation
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry): yes i think so
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: no i have never been banned
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?:nicket97
Age (16+ only): 26
Country(EU Only): Sweden
Your experience with FTB: Avarage, have fooled arround with the ultimate pack since it got released
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: Though question, hehe. I guess that would be to make builds that serves some kind of purpose. Either for my base, or for the community.
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry): Yeah sure, atm my headset is broken tho. Have to fix it/get a new one first.
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: No
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yeah
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: GuitarNerd87
Hey guys, thanks for replying, I'll most likely send out the first batch of PMs on if you're accepted tomorrow at around 12:00 PM. If you don't get a PM around that time unfortunately you haven't been accepted.
Also, keep those applications rolling in! :D
Age (16+ only): 25
Country(EU Only): Finland
Your experience with FTB: Have fiddled with Buildcraft, Thaumcraft, Industrialcraft, Thermal Expansion. Less experience with addon mods like Gregtech and newer additions such as Equivalent Exchange 3 (which I wouldn't really use anyway). I prefer the Buildcraft side of the technical mods.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: I'm not sure if I enjoy projects all that much. I would probably say I enjoy making automated systems to do stuff just because I can. But I also like to explore, mine manually and learn new stuff. I know it sounds weird that I would enjoy manual labor but still want automation but that's what I do.
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry): I would use Mumble, I use it regularly when I play with my friends. But I have to mention that I usually won't be able to speak after midnight or so due to a sleeping beauty in the same room.
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: No, I have not played on "public" servers (our group of friends has a vanilla server that we have played on for years).
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Zelfana

In addition I want to add a few words: There are a few reasons why I would want to join a server. First off, I tried to encourage my friends to play FTB but not enough of them have time for it so that never worked out. Second, my game performance is amazing when on a server but in single player it has gone worse every update because the server side stuff takes too much processing power so I can't really play Minecraft anymore not to mention FTB. Third, even with this awesome launcher and stuff managing the mods takes too much time. It would be better if that is left to the server so the players like me can focus on playing.

I have also made the Thaumcraft research boost list I have in my signature and would like to actually make a research room with all that jazz.
The first round of PM's have gone out. We're still looking for more people to join us, so sign up and hopefully we can add your name to the whitelist.
The next round of people who will be accepted will be tomorrow (saturday the 15th, once again around 12:00 in the afternoon.). Once again congratulations to the people who got in.
Age (16+ only): I'm currently 17 years old.
Country(EU Only): I live in Belgium, East-Flanders to be more precise.
Your experience with FTB: I started playing FTB about 5 months ago and took a huge break and now I'm back for some more.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: I love building not to large but really complex buildings and filling them with machinery. I prefer the steampunk style since I'm also big fan of Steam punk.
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry): I would yes. but usually I play minecraft with music on. But things can change.
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: I haven't been banned from a server before what so ever. Only once when two staffmembers got into an argument resulting one of them banning everyone in a furry. Wrong time at the wrong place I suppose.
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yes/No
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: HunterLuigi

Additional info: I'll introduce my self a bit more so you can get a better idea of what kind of person I am.
I'm hunterLuigi, but you can call me Luigi. I'm currently finishing my final year in Industrial Science. Hopefully I can go to university next year. One of my biggest hobbies is playing the bass. I'm a big music lover. I love all kinds of music. Other than that I also love to draw things. I don't do it on regularly base. I'm a person that likes to think outside the box and I have a weird sense of humour. Some think it's funny, others think it's disturbing :P
If you have more questions, feel free to ask!

Couple things I should ask and others would probably like to know:

- Modular Powersuit has been disabled.
Does this mean we should disable that mod client side, too?

Also, InvTweaks breaks shift clicking for me so I would like to disable that. I assume that is ok as it is a UI mod so nothing is going to break for doing that.

Is there anything to change in config files client side or is it enough that the things are changed on the server?

I like the Forestry backpacks for their ability to sort items and have added items that were missing in the config files and also made the Adventurer's Backpack into a "loot" bag that can take all the various chest and mob loot that doesn't go into other backpacks. Would you like to implement these config changes? This would probably need to be on the client, too, so it knows what can go in the bags. My config is not complete at all, though, as it was made in Magic World. The config is a pain to handle as it is mindful of item metadata so if you want to add items with durability you have to add all the different values of damage it can have. But I would like to know if other players would like the "fixed" backpacks or are Ender Pouches enough since they take everything anyway and you can sort items that way?
Heya Zelfana,

1. No, no need to change anything client side, it's fine just being on the server. It just means that when you enter ingredients for the recipe into a crafting table, you can't take the 'result' out.
2. As long as this is just client side, that's perfectly fine.
3. Nope, our aim is to keep things as simple as possible with as little adjustments needed on the client's side as possible.
4. Kind of referring to my answer at 3. We'd like to keep things as simple as possible. Ender Pouches and a basic sorting system is a possibility that is offered within the FTB Ultimate modpack, so we'd much prefer that over any custom configuration.
I hope that answers your question, if you have any more I'd love to hear them.

- Nom4d
Age (16+ only):18
Country(EU Only):UK
Your experience with FTB:iv played FTB for about 6 months now, the last server i was on, unfortunately closed after about 3 months. i have expieriance with most of the mods like, BC, Gregtech, IC2, Forestry, AE, RP and many more.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?:i love automating things, making mob farms. gregtech is defo my favorite mod just because it makes everything more challenging rather than been far too easy. recently i have just got into bees and really enjoy it.
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry):yes
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?:no
Have you read and do you accept the rules?:yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?:Conbine
The next round of PMs has just gone out. If you didn't get a PM, unfortunately you didn't make the cut. Applications are still open with the next wave going out tomorrow at around 11:45 AM. This is also the last chance to try and get in before the server launches tomorrow. We'll be keeping this thread/applications open and active after launch of course. But it's more fun to start together with a group of people, so don't hesitate and apply!
One last reminder before I go to bed, we're launching tomorrow so get your applications in before tomorrow 11:45 AM to still get in before the launch! Looking forward to it!
Age (16+ only):18
Country(EU Only):United Kingdom, Stafforshire
Your experience with FTB:Been playing for a while but still have stuff to learn I have been on a ftb server before but it shut down unfortunately.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: Big buildings and redstone contraptions, But I would also like to help out with server games and other community things.
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry):yes
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: No
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: littlelee211
Age (16+ only): 23
Country(EU Only): United kingdom, Brighton.
Your experience with FTB: been playing for the last year in ssp and smp.
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: build factories and bee farms atm.
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry): If there are others about on it and im not alone yea.
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: No not yet. :<
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yes, i do.
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Cry1ic
Launch day, I'm very excited to get this off the ground. As of right now 4 people have been accepted to the whitelist from the applicants in this thread. That means we have a total of 6 players currently able to get on the server (myself and Arkafold included). There's still some room left so be sure to keep sending in your applications. Take your time with the application and make a good impression, you're bound to get in. For now we're only half an hour away from launch so for all those who got in I hope to see you online!
Age (16+ only): 27
Country(EU Only): Poland
Your experience with FTB: few months in single using direwolf20 and ultimate packs. Mods i have experience : IC2 , BuildCraft Thermal Expansion , Forestry and others
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: beekeeping is fun. Also i like all tech stuff
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry): yes
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: never
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yes ofc
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Lemcio666
Age (16+ only): 20
Country(EU Only): Czech Republic
Your experience with FTB: Few months of SP playing trying out stuff, few Mindcrack and Ultimate pack servers, always left due to griefers :/
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: IC2 stuff is the most enjoying for me, also been trying to find a decent server without griefing to try out bees and forestry. Also I've been trying to find a nice whitelisted server so I could try to start some kind of a series on YT.
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry): For some strange reason Mumble sometimes doesn't agree with my PC, but I might be able to come say hi from time to time :)
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: No, I have never been banned, partially because I haven't played much MP(only on local server with few friends)
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yes, I have absolutely no problem with them
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: Autista_SvK
- You must be over 16 years of age, no exceptions. I am 17
- You are from a country on the European continent.* yes
- Your English is good enough to communicate well with other players.yes
- Being on the whitelist is a privilege, not a right, we ask you be respectful of the mod(s) and admin. I am very nice
- You will not grief/cheat/steal from other players. Never
- You'll be respectful and helpful towards other players.Allways
- Profanity is allowed on the server, as long as it's not negatively directed at another player. I would never
Age (16+ only): I am
Country(EU Only): Ireland
Your experience with FTB: A shit ton
What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: group Projects
Do you think you'd make use of the Mumble server? (not mandatory, don't worry): i would make a lot of use of the mumble sever
Have you ever been banned from a server before? If so, why?: people dont like it when you build your base out of warded stone and the banned me for that
Have you read and do you accept the rules?: Yes
What's your In Game Name (IGN)?: andrew_stultz