Windows .jar [ULTIMATE] "Memory connection overburdened"

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2013-03-12 20:17:17 [INFO] [STDOUT] Memory connection overburdened; after processing 2500 packets, we still have 1 to go!

Just started today while playing Ultimate. I routinely get this message spamming the console window at around the 5 minute mark of game play. Happens every single time, the longer it runs the slower and slower the gameplay gets... very quickly approaching unbearably laggy.

Sometimes I am in my Project Table when it starts. Other times I am looking in a chest (Wooden vanilla or Iron / Diamond both). It even starts up while I am AFK researching something on the FTB Wiki (so I'm just standing idle). Starts while I am at my base, away from my base, in another dimension (Nether, MystCraft Age, etc)... everywhere. Changing dimensions does not correct it. Pausing the game does not correct it, nothing appears to help. The only thing I can do is save and exit..then restart the client for another 5 minutes of gameplay.

Issue just started today after my FTB Launcher updated Ultimate to 1.0.1, I did not have this problem yesterday. Help please?
I had this once. Try shutting down all automation systems. If some keep running for a long time afterwards you likely have a storage loop causing the problem. Storage loops are also possible with redpower item backflowing, and they are a hell of a lot more difficult to eliminate than BC storage loops.

P.S. Not sure if items in pipes/tubes count towards the entity count on the debug screen. If they do you could use that to easily find storage loops.
I have worked my way up to a nice Applied Energistics system for item storage and crafting automation. I'm not sure if I have a loop in it somewhere or what. Will have to check.
No, AE has no problems with loops... Gah, I'm thinking a crash log would be really useful to see the entities list it always spews out. Problem is ofc that it's not crashing...

EDIT: Try purposely crashing it and posting the log. I just tested, a TE bug which is warned about on their wiki still works, but be aware that it does corrupt your world so make a backup first. Simply connect two linked tesseracts with 1 (and no more!) BC pipe and pump a few items into one of them.
Just for the sake of testing, I went back to my AE setup. I have a bank of barrels hooked up to it for the most common elements that I get a ton of from my quarry (Dirt, Cobblestone, Marble, etc). It is set to store those respective things in five designated barrels. Works great, saves me some drive space as well. Well.. I also have a recycler with an import and export bus hooked up to it. Dirt, Cobble and Marble get exported into the recycler.. all scrap gets imported into the system (and stored in a barrel). I thought maybe having the dirt and all specified for being in TWO places was confusing it and causing the loop. Unfortunately removing the "put dirt in this barrel" setting and just having "run dirt through the recycler" didn't reduce the issue. Tried doing that for EVERYTHING that's being stored in a barrel and it did not help the problem.

I went to Applied Energistics specifically to eliminate my RedPower and BuildCraft pipe reliance. It requires an ABSURD amount of power to run but it is totally worth it. So right now I literally only have one block of RP2 pneumatic tube setup, coming out of a filter that is just pulling apples and oak logs out of my Cargo Manager (running a tree planting / chopping Steve's Carts cart). Hmm.
No, it doesn't seem like you have an item loop issue. Those problems only occur when a transport system keeps accepting items faster than it outputs them; due to AE's inbuilt storage system it has no issues whatsoever of this kind. I thought this may be a problem as the "Memory connection overburdened" message typically can only mean that there are too many entities somewhere the fact that lag keeps increasing means that more and more entities are being generated.

One prime case for this are storage loops. The only other thing I can think of are mobtraps which only collect mobs. It would therefore be interesting to see a list of entities, so I would try forcing a crash to display a list of entities, as I said above.
Hmm. Back up my game world, then try to force a crash while it is having the memory issue?
Console Log -

Crash Report -

Sorry that they are not Pastebin. Unfortunately the console log is considerably longer than the 500 KB limit they impose on free users. Both are text files, of course.

This problem happens every single time I run FTB Ultimate... between 5 and 10 minutes into gameplay. Usually never longer than 10 minutes and never quicker than 5 minutes. I have no Buildcraft pipes being used, I have turned off all RP2 Pipe systems. The only exception to the timers is the one I left running so I could use a bug to force a game crash (click on a RP2 Timer with a Dirt Block in hand. Works every time, immediately.) I use Applied Energistics for 90% of my item storage.. with less than a half dozen diamond or gold chests with some odd bits of projects that I am currently working on. Everything else is either in the AE network or stored in a barrel. All 'processing automation' is done with Thermal Expansion machines hooked up to my AE network. I had 2 chunk loaders running (one at my base, another at my oil pump site) but both have been removed and the bug still persists.

Not sure what else I should be looking at that might be causing this memory tick leak. Suggestions?
Just an update: I have posted this issue as a ticket @ (the Support Site). Updated it just a little while ago with my logs / crash reports. Hopefully that will help.
Okay, I must have mis-remembered; I thought crash logs spewed out a list of entities, unfortunately yours didn't; maybe it only prints it if you play on a server(?). Anyway, I'm running out of ideas somewhat, but if you wouldn't mind sharing your world you could upload it so that I could play around a bit and see if I find anything suspicious.

I have OptiFine installed but currently disabled for the sake of tracking down this error and figuring it out. Everything else is "stock Ultimate" as it were, no other mods have been added or removed. (I do run with GregTech and Forestry in "easy mode" but that's just a config file thing and this problem started before I made that change.)
Okay, I literally spawned in the middle of nowhere 20m in the air. I got a few ID missing warnings for XyCraft, but I'm assuming that's no problem. What's your bases coordinates, I can't seem to find it?

EDIT: I just saw I got a lot of "not tile entity" errors. Maybe there's an ID mismatch somehow? I don't know how considering FTB should use the same IDs everywhere.
EDIT2: No, that just seems to happen if a try using the ME-wireless access terminal.
Totally forgot that I did not build near spawn, DOH! Base coords are -396, +151

Look for the giant obsidian cube.
Okay, I literally spawned in the middle of nowhere 20m in the air. I got a few ID missing warnings for XyCraft, but I'm assuming that's no problem. What's your bases coordinates, I can't seem to find it?

EDIT: I just saw I got a lot of "not tile entity" errors. Maybe there's an ID mismatch somehow? I don't know how considering FTB should use the same IDs everywhere.
EDIT2: No, that just seems to happen if a try using the ME-wireless access terminal.

You may need to re-pair the ME Wireless handheld unit with the network control unit on the 2nd floor.

EDIT: You can always use the ME Crafting Terminal on the first floor near the crafting bench, also.
Well that's wierd. I spawned in mid-air around those coords, I guess I did spawn in your "base", only that for some reason there was nothing there. Are you sure you correctly copied everything, esp. the region folder?

EDIT: I'd be suspicious of the ID mismatch thing, only if your base was made from obsidian, that should have been there one way or another.
Sorry, the zips are quite literally identical. Also for some reason there is there is a terrain-gen boundary where you base should be...
EDIT2: Dropbox is now giving a 404, maybe the download just takes a while to update.
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