[Ultimate] EE3/Alkahestry recipes for IC2 and other mods

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello basically I was wondering if there was already a mod that increased the vanilla capabilities of the minium stome and/or the tome of alkahest/alkahest to include the exchange and creating/destroying of more ingots in game, for example trading ic2 tin for ic2 copper or other ic2 materials.

If not I'll get myself on google and find out how to make one for myself and post it if anyone else shows any interest in it. If that's the case suggestions for any all recipes from all Ultimate mods will be considered.

Thanks for reading happy beast feeding!
There is an add-on called Equivalency that adds recipes for ingots from other mods.

Keep in mind that some people consider the add-on to be overpowered and getting caught with it will result in dropped monocles and fainting women.
Wow I saw those recipes and my monacle dropped so hard nearby women bagan to faint without even knowing what it dropped for! Well now that I know its possible I may write my own, seeing as its for personal use. Thank you for showing that one to me.

Anyone have any info on alkahestry add-ons?
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Wow I saw those recipes and my monacle dropped so hard nearby women bagan to faint without even knowing what it dropped for! Well now that I know its possible I may write my own, seeing as its for personal use. Thank you for showing that one to me.

Anyone have any info on alkahestry add-ons?

Dont think so.
Also there is no api, so it could be kinda awkward for you to make a addon for it.
But its open source also :3
I'm going to come across as really nooby now but what do you mean api? Last time I modded anything it was vanilla minecraft using eclipse and some other pack I think. I was going to google and do some research but its difficult whilst at work - sorry to be impatient but I'm really curious now :3.

Also which is open source? The Xreli' or EE3 or both? Could be useful to look at those. Thanks for the reply.
I'm going to come across as really nooby now but what do you mean api?

An API, to get all super duper technical, is sort of a thing that helps you write programs for another thing. :p

For example, Forge and ModLoader are both APIs to help you write mods for Minecraft. Any mod worth its salt is written using Forge, since editing Minecraft's source directly generally results in a mod that isn't compatible with any other mod. A lot of the big tech mods have their own special APIs you can use the source for to write your own add-ons without needing the source code for the entire mod. For example, if you have the IndustrialCraft API, you can add new things to the Macerator and things like that.

Currently, neither mod has an API, but they're both open source, so you shouldn't have a whole ton of trouble writing add-ons for either anyway.
It would be really easy to make a mod like that anyways.
Just need to have a dependency on it.
Then just put your recipes in pre-init.
Do the common/client proxy then packhandler.
Wow thanks for all the replies, guys. I'm going to do my research into this then get working on it immediately.. I know I added recipes into vanilla before but never using anything like damage values on the minium stone and both of the items remaining in the players crafting square. That's where the source is going to come in handy, I'm sure!
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