[Ultimate 1.0.2] EE3 minium Stone Recipes Broken?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In my main world, I am using the minium stone and all of the recipes such as (logs to obsidian, green wool to black wool, inc sak to cactus dye, etc) is broken. As in it shows in the crafting table, I put the items in with the stone but there is no output. There is no option to get the new item. The output slot is empty. Is this a bug or is my game/world/universe corrupt in anyway?

I have not messed with any configs.
I tried looking for a config from GregTech
I tried making new worlds, and using non damanged stones, even cheating in a P-Stone

(If you want pictures, I will try to reply with some)
Have you checked the recipes in NEI? Some of the older EE2 recipes no longer work.
Are you using vanilla logs? I cannot seem to get Extrabiomes logs to work.
What are you putting the items and the minium stone into? Have you tried a crafting table? With the minium stone in your hand try pressing 'C' See if you get a crafting table grid. Try using that for your crafting grid.
Are you separating each of the items? As in not putting all the logs into one slot in the crafting grid.
Are you playing on a server? If so the admin might have disabled the recipes.

If all else fails post a console and error log if there are any into pastebin and link here. Directions linked below:
I get the same issue on a server, some people are getting it. Some not. So it's definitely a fairly unpredictable bug.
I get the same issue on a server, some people are getting it. Some not. So it's definitely a fairly unpredictable bug.

Thanks for the heads up. I thought it might have been user error, sorry Keynah. Can they solve it by logging out and back in or are they permanently without it? I wonder if it could be a lag issue, that is assuming that Keynah is using a server and not SP. Anything in common for the people having the problem?
This is a bug, but Pahimar has to the best of my knowledge been unable to locate it.

What happens is that sometimes the stone+1 or stone+2 recipes either don't get set, or get later removed. The stone+4 recipes seem to always work (at least for me, on advancing)

It's also variable. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Restarting the server gives you another roll at the dice.
Thanks for all the replies, I am playing single player in my favorite world.
I tried logging out and logging back in, and shutting down the game, (Nothing Worked there)
I tried using multiple crafting tables, such as uncrafting, Thaumcraft 2x2 crafting table, Minium crafting, even the factorization pocket crafting table, none worked
-There are no logs for the bug, its not crashing my game or making an error, the recipe just does not show when I do the right conversion (Oak wood to Pine Wood) it will not show the pine wood in the output slot of the crafting table. Like I click there to try to trick the game, but it does not work. It acts like that was never a recipe.

-Thanks for all the support and tips
I have the same issue, and logging out and back in doesn't fix it, but completely shutting down and restarting the launcher fixes it for me. I think I have it narrowed down to an issue with NEI. As soon as I look up any recipe in NEI, that is what seems to break it for me. Someone else test my theory, but I think that is what is doing it.
I can confirm NegativeNothing's results.
I conducted these experiments in single-player:

Control: I successfully converted wood to obsidian and blaze powder to blaze rods using a minium stone when I launched before any of these experiments. I tested these in 1.0.1 and 1.0.2. [EDIT: Also happens in 1.1.0]
  • I hit the R key on an object in NEI, and those recipes stopped working.
  • Quitting the world and reloading did not help.
  • Loading a different world after the break fixed it.
  • Returning to the original world, it remained broken on the original world
    • without looking up a recipe in the new world and
    • without quitting Minecraft
  • It also happened when using Recipe mode and clicking.
  • Quitting Minecraft entirely, relaunching using the FTB launcher and reloading the "broken" world fixed it.
Somebody let ChickenBones and Pahimar know.

Note: I also play Direwolf20's pack with GregTech added. I experienced this problem in 5.3.0 but not in 5.2.1
IIRC this was a bug in FZ with introduction of new mixer mechanics. It is fixed now (but not for 1.4.7).
Thank you, Zjarek_S.

I took the DW20 5.3.0 pack and downgraded to Factorization 0.7.10 (The version in DW20's 5.2.1 pack).
The bug went away.
I took the Ultimate Pack 1.10 and similarly downgraded the Factorization version.
The bug went away.

I'd call that a hotfix until the 1.6 FTB pack comes out.
I know it is probably a very simple question to most but I have never edited any of the mods in FTB.

I would also like to know how to downgrade a single mod.
I assume I would have to delete the existing FZ Mod and load in the older version of same as if it were current, but not certain. I'd prefer to check and not break my world, which is why I asked.
Single player : You must navigate to the mods folder in your FTB installation and delete the current version of FZ and install the older version you want.

On a hosted server : just use Filezilla or similar and remove the current version and install older.

Just make sure the version of FZ you use is compatible with 1.4.7.
Thanks, I had a look and could only find a later version on the minecraft forums thats different from the one above, will keep looking I guess and try to check what one is in Ultimate that I play.
OK, you will just need to go into the mods folder on your server (or single player folder) and look for it. The version is usually in the mod name (but not always).
Aah, twas just about to search for this problem, myself. This might also explain why my Factorization ore processing thing kinda...stopped me from being able to interact with anything in that world aside from Power Converters blocks.
[ FIX ] I had this problem too, (on ultimate), and all i had to do was find the file "Ultimate", enter it, "minecraft" "config" Then "EE3" then change the false to true B:version_check.enabled=false --> B:version_check.enabled=true Hope This Helped // Simon