Whitelist Server TYBAK [Unleashed] [Whitelist] [PVE-Survival-Hard] [21+]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Recruiting closed for now, thank you.
About the server
Tybak is a small, and friendly server where people are free to build and create in a somewhat challenging Minecraft setting. IP: tybak.dal3.creeperhost.net
  • Dedicated Server with AMD Opteron 4340, 32 GB RAM 128 GB SSD.
  • Server Difficulty is set to hard.
  • Mystcraft age creation restricted to OPs.
  • We have and use our own Forums, Teamspeak3 and IRC (EsperNet #Tybak) and have Forge IRC installed on the server and have in game chat out of game.
  • Biomes O' Plenty is enabled, Dartcraft is disabled.
  • Most important rule - No griefing or stealing.
  • Second most important rule - Have fun!
  • Age 21+ only, no special considerations, no exceptions.
  • Strip mining (quarries, turtles and such) restricted to mining age.
  • Keep BC Quarry size to 10 chunks max.
  • No BC pumping lava, no chunkloaders in nether.
  • Keep overworld and spawn town tidy and clean.
  • You are free to build at spawn town, but keep it modest in size.
  • Outside of town, do not build right next to someone else unless they say it is ok.
  • No begging for stuff, and definitely no begging for OPs to spawn you items lost to creepers, lava, etc. Items lost to bugs is different and such unfortunate occurrences will be dealt with as server population and OP think is fair.
  • Learn to paint your cables to avoid power loops.
  • Large builds (Quarry, Forestry farms, ore processing/sorting, and such) need shut offs built in and clearly posted signs for the shutoff or you run the risk of build being broken to shut it down in the case of something going wrong.
  • Please feel free to live stream / record for YouTube, but if others are currently doing a PG stream/recording keep chat clean.
  • We reserve the right as a community to add rules in the future not everyone will agree with.
All accepted Whitelist applicants will receive a PM with Server and Website info. No replies will be made in thread.
  • In Game Name:
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N)
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story:
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server?
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!
  • Age:
Featured Youtubers
  • In Game Name: tyler0184
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes.
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: Never been banned.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Mature and friendly server population- the age restriction here looks great. Looking for a server with as close to 24/7 up time as possible. The listed rules look great- pretty much exactly what I was looking for.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!: I usually build into the top/side of a mountain. I like clean looking builds in general.
  • Age: 29
  • In Game Name: Danieledward
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: yes I do :)
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: no
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I want to join because I LOVE the fact that this is a 21+ server. I did like other servers I've been in recently but there are always a couple things I didn't like, so I am hoping this is the one!
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! : I don't have any pictures or Video of any builds but I was VERY proud of many aspects of all of my bases. I generally get established, then start making things look pretty. I like to be in plains next to mountains for a Dwarven castle, farmer's fields kind of idea with many building and large spans. I like the idea of harvesting 81 redwood saplings to start a redwood farm.
  • Age: 31
Thanks for your consideration!


EDIT: Also, i feel like this server will be a great fit for me, and if this holds true I have no problems helping with server payments. Thanks again.
  • In Game Name: anemtees
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) yes i understand the rules
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: never been banned and don't plan on it
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? i am looking for mature player to have fun with i find alot of servers have to meny kids bugging for stuff or wanting others to build for them
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! i have no pictures but i had a fully working compound and a security train that would shot anything that came close to my fencing
  • Age: 32
  • In Game Name: Dracomagus
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I have been playing in a small server me and a friend are having just for the 2 of us for over 8 months now, and hes not playing as much lately, so it feels more like an LP than server, and I wanna share my creation / knowledge and see others creation in world, I wanna play with others
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! I love automating mostly anything, and lately, been exploring Bees and Trees extensively. My next goal is to unlock all trees as fast as I can to make some crazy buildings with all that extra trees adds
  • Age: 34
Hi, im sending this app for 2 ppl, coz my friend has some internet problems atm, will fix it tomorrow
  • In Game Name: DonPilkanius
  • In Game Name: Stonjara
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? our old server died and its not coming back up, so we need a new place to live ;) We need stable server with serious and friendly ppl and no banned items (all should know to play reasonable, responsible towards others and dont do stuff that crash server)
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! unfortunately we dont have ANY sc's of our last and proudest build since we had 3 resets in 2 months, so we never had our general idea of build finalized, because our server crashed in the end.It was a Jade Cliffs biome with a medieval castle on top of one cliff, had a bay with a port and ships, while castle had 2 lvls of underground halls with full automated MJ production for 4 quarrys, and Constant EU production to run Matter fab at full 8 k/t, setup could run for weeks and without causing any lag or maintenance.
  • Age: 25,26
  • In Game Name: Reizals
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: Yes and agree with all of them
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: Never been banned
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? Been looking for a mature no nonsence server where I can play and develop my skills in minecraft in a mature setting
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! I dont have a picture or a video but my latest build was my house made from red rock and marble with a basalt dome on top. In the house was a fully operating Applied Energistics network that included a steve's cart tree farm a forestry farm 2 High pressure boilers with 18 steam engines attached, a biofuel production line and an automated charcoal production through the coke oven. Everything my quarry dug up was auto pulverized and smelted into ingots. Basically I had a fully automated house thanks to Applied energistics mod and a couple others. This time around I'm looking to explore some more bee and tree breeding and doing more with thaumcraft.
  • Age: 27
  • In Game Name:Mronionz
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N)Yup
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story:Have never been banned.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server?I was really excited to see that it was 21+ cant seem to find a server with out children on them.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!Tthe last build i did that i was proud of, was a place on top of a mountin, where the mountain walls opened up using RP2 motors, and frames, to reveal laboratory incased in glass. the lab had most my machines, and other mod items
  • Age:30
  • In Game Name: svalkur
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: No, never been banned.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server?I'm desperately looking for a stable mature ftb server where i don't have to worry about kids stealing all my items, happened in my last server. So. from what ive read thats exactly what this server is
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus!: No pictures, but once i get setup with a basic base i tend to wander off into the wilderness and build fairly large builds, not quite mega builds, had way too many bad experiences with servers that dissapear over night. Besides the large builds i like to automate everything i can in large tech based bases.
  • Age: 29
  • In Game Name: darkjedibrad
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: no
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? looking for a good community of mature players
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! get back to recording after a break http://www.youtube.com/user/jedi1701a
  • Age: 40
  • In Game Name: chrijack1066
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: no
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? looking for a good community of mature players with no griefing or unauthorised PvP (I don't mind a bit of banter, like trap setting, with those I get along with - DW20 v RichardG style!)
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Can't really show you too much without giving you my IP and authorising you to come to my in-house server (feel free to ask though) but I'm clean and careful - REALLY loving Modded MC.
  • Age: 33
  • In Game Name: tozzy2012
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) yes i understand the rules
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: never been banned
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? i am looking for mature player to have fun with
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! Use to play on this server.. and got everything automated.. I like to stress all mods.. so I can put them together and build a big base
  • Age: 30
  • In Game Name:MrMysterio
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes of course.
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: I have never been banned. I have only been apart of small servers that have been pretty close. The reason I am looking is simply we have been waiting for 1.6.2 addons to come out.
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I am really looking for a community server where I can still build what I would like to, but also be able to talk with others and collaborate with them on projects. I have been playing FTB for some time now, about 1 year and really like it. I started with just a small server of friends playing tekkit and progressed to public servers before wanted to get back to a smaller community. Building together is really what makes SMP fun. I know that at the present it states that you are not currently looking for anymore applicants, but I figured if the right person came along you might make an exception. I like to play a lot, almost every night, and have started to record for twitch. I do it mostly just to record some of my builds as you never know in the long run how long they will last. I have worked as a builder in my past server, which after about 50+ hours of building and just finished it, they decided they wanted to reset the server as some people were getting bored. It comes to this, I am looking for a place to build and help grow. If this server is the place please let me know. I appreciate your consideration.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! I would really like to include everything as I did record it on Twitch, but it seems to have not posted them. I can link you it and another video that shows a little of what I did.
    mine is features at :38 seconds and also the unfinished spawn at 4:52 was done by me and some others. The computer craft controlled Thaumcraft arcane levitator elevator was all me. Early build http://www.twitch.tv/potentialnrg
  • Age:29
Again I really appreciate your consideration to my application. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.
I understand the thread says "Recruiting closed", but Foopex and Ebonyfaye stated that I should make an application here anyway. So here it is:
  • In Game Name: Danybad
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Yes
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: I have never been banned from any of the communities I have been part of
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? I was playing on a private server with Dracomagus, but as he already stated, we are not often on at the same time. I'd like to connect with new players, share ideas and concept and help on big builds when I can.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. I have legitely recreated the russian Alexander Palace. It took about 5-6 month of intensive mining and digging back in the days when mods wheren't available in SMP. As I don't have as much time as I used to have, I'm mostly into "smaller" builds and compact automatisation.
  • Age: 36
Recruiting closed for now, thank you.
About the server
Tybak is a small, and friendly server where people are free to build and create in a somewhat challenging Minecraft setting. IP: tybak.dal3.creeperhost.net
  • Dedicated Server with AMD Opteron 4340, 32 GB RAM 128 GB SSD.
  • Server Difficulty is set to hard.
  • Mystcraft age creation restricted to OPs.
  • We have and use our own Forums, Teamspeak3 and IRC (EsperNet #Tybak) and have Forge IRC installed on the server and have in game chat out of game.
  • Biomes O' Plenty is enabled, Dartcraft is disabled.
  • Most important rule - No griefing or stealing.
  • Second most important rule - Have fun!
  • Age 21+ only, no special considerations, no exceptions.
  • Strip mining (quarries, turtles and such) restricted to mining age.
  • Keep BC Quarry size to 10 chunks max.
  • No BC pumping lava, no chunkloaders in nether.
  • Keep overworld and spawn town tidy and clean.
  • You are free to build at spawn town, but keep it modest in size.
  • Outside of town, do not build right next to someone else unless they say it is ok.
  • No begging for stuff, and definitely no begging for OPs to spawn you items lost to creepers, lava, etc. Items lost to bugs is different and such unfortunate occurrences will be dealt with as server population and OP think is fair.
  • Learn to paint your cables to avoid power loops.
  • Large builds (Quarry, Forestry farms, ore processing/sorting, and such) need shut offs built in and clearly posted signs for the shutoff or you run the risk of build being broken to shut it down in the case of something going wrong.
  • Please feel free to live stream / record for YouTube, but if others are currently doing a PG stream/recording keep chat clean.
  • We reserve the right as a community to add rules in the future not everyone will agree with.
All accepted Whitelist applicants will receive a PM with Server and Website info. No replies will be made in thread.
  • In Game Name: MrSandwichez
  • Do you understand and agree with the rules stated above: (Y/N) Y
  • If you have been banned before please share your side of the story: No
  • Why do you want to join Tybak? What are you looking for in a server? MY RL friend MrOnionz asked me if i was interested. Im looking for a laid back Mature server to play on and have fun.
  • Describe a past build, creation or LP you are proud of. Pictures and video a big plus! I have no pics but have built many O Things that i was proud of.
  • Age: 34
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