So i'm wandering around in my AE2 data centre, admiring the nice re-work of all my ME cabling to make everything all nice and efficient when all of a sudden..
'Whoosh', an Enderman teleports INSIDE my base and i'm looking right at him (he appeared right in front of me!), i'm in full nano armour and suddenly find myself two-shotted by this beast of a mob.
The teleport was me trying to use my elevator block to escape...
Never seen one of these before, it was a 'Vampiric Enderman', and wow does this guy hit like a freight train, going very fast.. down hill.. carrying lots of really big heavy hard-hitting things.
Now the damned thing's taken over my new base!!
Right, this means WAR! Any tips on vanquishing this interloper?
'Whoosh', an Enderman teleports INSIDE my base and i'm looking right at him (he appeared right in front of me!), i'm in full nano armour and suddenly find myself two-shotted by this beast of a mob.
The teleport was me trying to use my elevator block to escape...
Never seen one of these before, it was a 'Vampiric Enderman', and wow does this guy hit like a freight train, going very fast.. down hill.. carrying lots of really big heavy hard-hitting things.
Now the damned thing's taken over my new base!!
Right, this means WAR! Any tips on vanquishing this interloper?