twitch enabled minecraft crashes

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Title twitch enabled minecraft crashes

Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App

Modpack SkyFactory3

Modpack version 3.0.10

Have you modified the pack? No

Link to log file

Details of the issue I previously edited my splash file under the config directory to enabled - false because my limited graphics card was causing forge 1.10.2 to crash. Editing the file seemed to work because I can load that version with forge. However, when I attempt to play skyfactory3 through twitch, the game crashes in a similar manner. I don't know if there is something I need to edit under the twitch directory.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hey man, i'm no expert but try adding an log file to your post... might help the experts quickly identify your issue :)
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Reactions: Quetzi


which log file? the one under minecraft or is there one within the twitch folder?


the minecraft log is as follows

[18:44:06] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
[18:44:08] [main/INFO]: Using primary tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
[18:44:08] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
[18:44:08] [main/INFO]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.10.2 loading
[18:44:08] [main/INFO]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.8.0_25, running on Windows 7:amd64:6.1, installed at C:\Users\user\Downloads\runtime\jre-x64\1.8.0_25
[18:44:08] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[18:44:08] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
[18:44:08] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[18:44:08] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLInjectionAndSortingTweaker
[18:44:08] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[18:44:11] [main/INFO]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft Forge. Certificate fingerprint e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557
[18:44:12] [main/INFO]: Found valid fingerprint for Minecraft. Certificate fingerprint cd99959656f753dc28d863b46769f7f8fbaefcfc
[18:44:12] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.CoreModManager$FMLPluginWrapper
[18:44:12] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.FMLDeobfTweaker
[18:44:13] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
[18:44:13] [main/INFO]: Calling tweak class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.launcher.TerminalTweaker
[18:44:13] [main/INFO]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main}
[18:44:15] [Client thread/INFO]: Setting user: Ceddrwyn
[18:44:23] [Client thread/WARN]: Skipping bad option: lastServer:
[18:44:23] [Client thread/INFO]: LWJGL Version: 2.9.4
[18:44:32] [Client thread/INFO]: MinecraftForge v12.18.3.2316 Initialized
[18:44:32] [Client thread/INFO]: Replaced 231 ore recipes
[18:44:33] [Client thread/INFO]: Found 0 mods from the command line. Injecting into mod discoverer
[18:44:33] [Client thread/INFO]: Searching C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods for mods
[18:44:34] [Client thread/INFO]: Mod mercurius_updater is missing the required element 'name'. Substituting mercurius_updater
[18:44:35] [Client thread/INFO]: Forge Mod Loader has identified 4 mods to load
[18:44:36] [Client thread/INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, mercurius_updater] at CLIENT
[18:44:36] [Client thread/INFO]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, mercurius_updater] at SERVER
[18:44:37] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:mercurius_updater
[18:44:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Processing ObjectHolder annotations
[18:44:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Found 423 ObjectHolder annotations
[18:44:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Identifying ItemStackHolder annotations
[18:44:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Found 0 ItemStackHolder annotations
[18:44:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
[18:44:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
[18:44:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
[18:44:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
[18:44:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
[18:44:39] [Client thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
[18:44:40] [Client thread/INFO]: Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0
[18:44:40] [Forge Version Check/INFO]: [Forge] Starting version check at
[18:44:40] [Client thread/INFO]: Version Number exists, but out of date, Updating
[18:44:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Remote version needs update. Old: 1.9.4 New: 1.9.4-
[18:44:41] [Forge Version Check/INFO]: [Forge] Found status: AHEAD Target: null
[18:44:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Download checksums verified: da3a649daac5aef544f632a2970f2bc43f7cc8f1
[18:44:41] [Client thread/INFO]: Mercurius Jar contains all signed files! Continueing loading!
[18:44:42] [Client thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
[18:44:42] [Client thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
[18:44:42] [Client thread/INFO]: Injecting itemstacks
[18:44:42] [Client thread/INFO]: Itemstack injection complete
[18:45:12] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...
[18:45:13] [Thread-7/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
[18:45:13] [Thread-7/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see
[18:45:13] [Thread-7/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
[18:45:13] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started
[18:45:17] [Client thread/INFO]: Max texture size: 4096
[18:45:17] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 16x16 textures-atlas
[18:45:18] [Client thread/INFO]: Injecting itemstacks
[18:45:18] [Client thread/INFO]: Itemstack injection complete
[18:45:18] [Client thread/INFO]: Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 4 mods
[18:45:18] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:mercurius_updater
[18:45:19] [Client thread/INFO]: SoundSystem shutting down...
[18:45:21] [Client thread/WARN]: Author: Paul Lamb,
[18:45:22] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Starting up SoundSystem...
[18:45:22] [Thread-9/INFO]: Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
[18:45:22] [Thread-9/INFO]: (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see
[18:45:23] [Client thread/INFO]: Max texture size: 4096
[18:45:23] [Thread-9/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
[18:45:23] [Sound Library Loader/INFO]: Sound engine started
[18:45:24] [Client thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512 textures-atlas
[18:45:27] [Client thread/WARN]: Skipping bad option: lastServer:
[18:46:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.10.2
[18:46:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
[18:46:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Injecting existing block and item data into this server instance
[18:46:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
[18:46:15] [Server thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
[18:46:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading dimension 0 (forge1_10_2) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@2cf7f199)
[18:46:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading dimension 1 (forge1_10_2) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@2cf7f199)
[18:46:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading dimension -1 (forge1_10_2) (net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer@2cf7f199)
[18:46:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0
[18:46:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 6%
[18:46:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 11%
[18:46:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 15%
[18:46:22] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 20%
[18:46:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 26%
[18:46:24] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 30%
[18:46:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 36%
[18:46:26] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 42%
[18:46:27] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48%
[18:46:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 54%
[18:46:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 61%
[18:46:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 70%
[18:46:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 77%
[18:46:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 84%
[18:46:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 92%
[18:46:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 98%
[18:46:34] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 12, from 10
[18:46:37] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 2060ms behind, skipping 41 tick(s)
[18:46:39] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: Server protocol version 2
[18:46:39] [Netty Server IO #1/INFO]: Client protocol version 2
[18:46:39] [Netty Server IO #1/INFO]: Client attempting to join with 4 mods : [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
[18:46:39] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: [Netty Local Client IO #0] Client side modded connection established
[18:46:39] [Server thread/INFO]: [Server thread] Server side modded connection established
[18:46:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Ceddrwyn[local:E:2805f03a] logged in with entity id 1566 at (-232.5, 73.0, 217.5)
[18:46:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Ceddrwyn joined the game
[18:47:12] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? Running 9956ms behind, skipping 199 tick(s)
[18:48:07] [Client thread/INFO]: Warning: Clientside chunk ticking took 187 ms
[18:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
[18:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'forge1_10_2'/Overworld
[18:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'forge1_10_2'/Nether
[18:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'forge1_10_2'/The End
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'forge1_10_2'/Overworld
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'forge1_10_2'/Nether
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'forge1_10_2'/The End
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Unloading dimension 0
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Unloading dimension -1
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Unloading dimension 1
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Applying holder lookups
[18:48:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Holder lookups applied
[18:48:15] [Client thread/INFO]: Stopping!
[18:48:15] [Client thread/INFO]: SoundSystem shutting down...
[18:48:15] [Client thread/WARN]: Author: Paul Lamb,