Tungsten Ore and Direwolf20 pack.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While mining I came across some Tungsten Ore. This is the first time I have seen it in this map but I'm still new to FTB. Back when I was playing Technic it had no use except for the EMC value in EE2 (1 ore = about 4 diamonds). Since FTB is using EE3 and it is still in alpha I was wondering what I can do with the Tungsten ore.

I did a few searches but could not find any mention of Tungsten Ore in the Direwolf20 pack. I cant even find it in my NEI.

I did just add Logstics Pipes to my modpack so I wonder if that is what caused it to appear in my world suddenly.

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here I thought it was Gregtech since that's the only mod that uses it.

Makes some awesome looking blocks :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That was my fear.

At least with EE2 I could exchange it for diamonds . Guess I could always NEI some diamonds in exchange for finding the ore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here I thought it was Gregtech since that's the only mod that uses it.

Makes some awesome looking blocks :)
Elo stated on her blog some time ago that she has plans for it, and that we'd better save it up :p
also that it would be impossible to reach tier 4 machines without it or something along those lines


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have tons of it. It's a waste product of centrifuging lava for brass :)
well then as soon as Elo adds a use for it, you're in luck... except, her version of the macerated/smelted version of tungsten is probably hugely different to Gregs and he'll have to adjust accordingly. So yeah, between those two times there's gonna be a little bit of "dafuq" in the Mindcrack/Tech/Whatever other pack uses GT


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Of course it uses the ore dictionary. Why wouldn't it?

Build a Forge Lexicon in a Mindcrack instance and toss a GregTech tungsten ingot into it; you'll notice that the lexicon identifies it as "ingotTungsten", much like both GregTech's nickel and Thermal Expansion's ferrous ingots are identified as "ingotNickel". If Eloraam ever gets around to implementing her own ingot, the ore dictionary already has the definition waiting for her.

You can say many things about GregTech and its maker, but Gregorious loves the ore dictionary and would register his own grandmother if he could. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If it hasn't been removed, I think Forestry had a way to exchange it for 2 diamonds via the trade stations thing.
Not sure about it, as I never used it myself though.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2012
If it hasn't been removed, I think Forestry had a way to exchange it for 2 diamonds via the trade stations thing.
Not sure about it, as I never used it myself though.
The trade stations are just used for trading between players on a server. On one of the Direwolf20 Server Plays, someone set up a trade station full of diamonds and requested tungsten ore as payment, but it does not actually turn tungsten into diamonds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Of course it uses the ore dictionary. Why wouldn't it?

Build a Forge Lexicon in a Mindcrack instance and toss a GregTech tungsten ingot into it; you'll notice that the lexicon identifies it as "ingotTungsten", much like both GregTech's nickel and Thermal Expansion's ferrous ingots are identified as "ingotNickel". If Eloraam ever gets around to implementing her own ingot, the ore dictionary already has the definition waiting for her.

You can say many things about GregTech and its maker, but Gregorious loves the ore dictionary and would register his own grandmother if he could. ;)
well RP gems are also registered in ore dictionary, but RP dosn't use it in its recipes (thats why you can't use GT gems to make gem tools, but can use RP gems for IC energy crystals)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's because Redpower doesn't actually register its gems. And the recipes using these gems are not ore dictionary aware.

GregTech registers the Redpower gems. As I said above, GregTech registers everything it can get its hands on. However, Eloraam herself would have to make the recipes that use her gems ore dictionary aware; that's not something GregTech can do for her. So as a result, you have this odd one-sided substitution possibility where Redpower gems work in GregTech recipes but not the other way around.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Elo stated on her blog some time ago that she has plans for it, and that we'd better save it up :p
also that it would be impossible to reach tier 4 machines without it or something along those lines
I think this was over a year or longer that she posted this. No one knows what she has planed for RP2 in the future except for her. But for now there is no sign that is is of any use in the near furture.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's because Redpower doesn't actually register its gems. And the recipes using these gems are not ore dictionary aware.

GregTech registers the Redpower gems. As I said above, GregTech registers everything it can get its hands on. However, Eloraam herself would have to make the recipes that use her gems ore dictionary aware; that's not something GregTech can do for her. So as a result, you have this odd one-sided substitution possibility where Redpower gems work in GregTech recipes but not the other way around.
Thats what I said....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Elo stated on her blog some time ago that she has plans for it, and that we'd better save it up :p
also that it would be impossible to reach tier 4 machines without it or something along those lines

I think i heard somewhere that Elo plans to change Block Breakers recipe to include tungsten, at least somewhere down the line.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
That would be a big ouch to many designs, from little sugar cane farms to massive impressive tunnel bores. That sort of change could cause massive uproar.