I am trying to set up a modified direwolf20 1.12 2.10 server in an ubuntu vm i set up on unraid. I've got McMyAdmin up and running but since i am a relative noob to Linux i didn't think and i made the server files on my windows pc and then copied them over to my VM. The server will begin to start up but i get exceptions that kill it before it can fully start. So i went and did more research trying to do it the proper way dl and got the ftb launcher running in Linux i am running it as root and the download server button does absolutely nothing whatsoever the terminal doesn't even acknowledge that i tried to do anything on the launcher. I have successfully launched and downloaded the mod pack client files but the server file button nothing. Not sure if it's a bug or something i've done. I assume it's not a permissions since everything else worked. I can't find a manual dl link address for the files outside of the windows versions...I assume they are incompatible..or will it work if i decompress and do the install in linux.