TripleNation |FTB 1.0.1 pack A|White list|

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
IGN: Sleeeper
16+ Age?: 28
Agree to the rules?: Sure.
A bit of info about you.: Playing modded mc for 2 years from time to time. Nice that you have logistic pipes here.
Note that I have 3 "e" in a row in IGN if you going to WL me :]
IGN: Sleeeper
16+ Age?: 28
Agree to the rules?: Sure.
A bit of info about you.: Playing modded mc for 2 years from time to time. Nice that you have logistic pipes here.
Note that I have 3 "e" in a row in IGN if you going to WL me :]
Whitelisted, ill pm you the TS3 details now :)
IGN: D3athkat
16+ Age?:Y ( 16 )
Agree to the rules?:Y
A bit of info about you.: Sophomore and I have a bit of experience with java code. :D
IGN: Othergamers
16+ Age?:Yes (17)
Agree to the rules?:Yes
A bit of info about you.: Dutch ICT Student And I play alot of minecraft (2 years) I also know every mod in the FTB pack (I'm kinda new with gregtech)
IGN: SixStringedBass
16+ Age?: Yes, 22
Agree to the rules?: Of course
A bit of info about you.: College student studying computer engineering, little to no server play experience but looking forward to playing with others. Most familiar with IC2, BC, and Forestry with a fairly good understanding of the others (minus ComputerCraft and PortalGun).
IGN: weras57
16+ Age?:Y 17
Agree to the rules?: Yes, i agree to them
A bit of info about you.: Playing mods since 1.8, ever first saw FTB map i just had to play it and that's all i think
IGN: brunonande
16+ Age?: 24 as of now
Agree to the rules?:Yes
A bit of info about you.: I'm from Portugal but currently studying (Masters) in the UK. I've been playing minecraft for a long time, with many hours on vanilla SMP. I've been playing with mods on SSP, and am finally going multiplayer now that the pack is launched.
16+ Age?:Y/N: 26
Agree to the rules?:Y/N : yes
A bit of info about you.: I'm an engineer, and tech based minecraftian I enjoy building mega-structures.
IGN: SixStringedBass
16+ Age?: Yes, 22
Agree to the rules?: Of course
A bit of info about you.: College student studying computer engineering, little to no server play experience but looking forward to playing with others. Most familiar with IC2, BC, and Forestry with a fairly good understanding of the others (minus ComputerCraft and PortalGun).
IGN: brunonande
16+ Age?: 24 as of now
Agree to the rules?:Yes
A bit of info about you.: I'm from Portugal but currently studying (Masters) in the UK. I've been playing minecraft for a long time, with many hours on vanilla SMP. I've been playing with mods on SSP, and am finally going multiplayer now that the pack is launched.
16+ Age?:Y/N: 26
Agree to the rules?:Y/N : yes
A bit of info about you.: I'm an engineer, and tech based minecraftian I enjoy building mega-structures.

I have whitelisted all three of you. Ill pm you the TS3 details so we can help you get on the server :)
IGN: coopy10
16+ Age?:Y/N: Y (16)
Agree to the rules?:Y/N : Yes, of course!
A bit of info about you.: My name is Andrew and I live in the USA, also I have a mic so I will be using teamspeak regularly, I've been playing minecraft since its early beta stages (before hunger) and I know a lot about vanilla mechanics. I eventually got bored of vanilla and started looking at mods and that is when I discovered direwolf20. I have experience with buildcraft, industrialcraft, MFFS, and factorization. I plan to develop myself as well as the sever as a whole and I hope to be playing with you all soon :)
StellarMan, could you include your age?

Jack, i have whitelisted you and will pm you the Teamspeak details.
16+ Age?:Y/N Y (16)
Agree to the rules?:Y/N Y
A bit of info about you.: I have been playing minecraft since early beta and enjoy mods like these, I also have experience with playing on servers like this. I live in the USA.
16+ Age?: 39
Agree to the rules?:Yes
A bit of info about you.: I have been playing Minecraft off and on since 1.2.5. Love building nice looking structures and making them fully functional (ie, farming, machines, etc.) Have not gotten into the higher up machines as I have been known to stop working on one building to build another. Have played on 1 other server and wanted to see how 1 or 2 other servers were before sticking with one.
IGN: Bambiiable
16+ Age?:Y/N Yes , 18
Agree to the rules?:Y/N Of course ^.^
A bit of info about you.: I've been playing MC since 1.2, never touched these mods extensively and am pretty clueless but I am a youtuber and I want to learn a bit before possibly starting a series. I learn better with people showing me so yeah ^.^
16+ Age?: 39
Agree to the rules?:Yes
A bit of info about you.: I have been playing Minecraft off and on since 1.2.5. Love building nice looking structures and making them fully functional (ie, farming, machines, etc.) Have not gotten into the higher up machines as I have been known to stop working on one building to build another. Have played on 1 other server and wanted to see how 1 or 2 other servers were before sticking with one.
Whitelisted you, ill pm you the TS3 details. :)