Whitelist Server TRC FTB Unleashed 1.1.5 / Whitelist / mcpc+ / multiple plugins / Griefprevention / Chestshop

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
TRC FTB Unleashed 1.1.5
Server info;
  • The server ip:
  • The server is powered by fragnet and located in Amsterdam the Netherlands.
  • 20 slots free at this moment (Upgrading server when we get enough players)
  • Whitelist only so please use the application form down below or at our website.
  • The server runs Unleashed 1.1.5.
  • Enabled some extra mods (Biomes o plenty, Xena's reliquary, Nether ores, Powerconvertors, Hats, Hatstands and enchanting plus).
  • And you need the translocator mod https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb7vv75tzkpheeo/Translocator
  • Also added mcpc+ with extra plugins.
  • Plugins; Griefprevention, worldedit, mcmmo, vault, mcjobs, PeX, essentials and chestshop.
  • Also got a Teamspeak 3 server running alongside to have a chat.
  • Server is running at normal difficulty.
  • No griefing!
  • No begging for items (asking is allowed)
  • No bad language
  • Respect other players and the staff!
  • No building close to spawn!
  • Dont stress the server!
  • No pvp (a prank is fine)
  • Only speak English and Dutch (try to talk English as much as possible)
Play style;
We aim for coop play. Where people can build and explore this wonderfull new world. Also would like to see some really nice builds and where people help each other out to get the best (undiscovered items) available to everyone.

Website: http://www.trcgaming.nl/forum/ (down atm)
The website and forums are down for the moment moving to another host.
Please register here and fill out our application form there.
There you can read the rules again and find the teamspeak 3 adress.
Or use the application form down here.

Exiledred (owner / admin)
Dredge89 (admin)
Madgothic (admin)

Application Form;

Age (13+) and country:
Experience with FTB and/or mods:
Do you have teamspeak? If so would you use it?:
What is your best skill in FTB? (For example: mining, tech, building, etc.):
How long have you been playing FTB/Modded Minecraft?:
Minecraft Name(for whitelist so please use exact name):
Anything else you want to add? (Not mandatory but really appreciated):

Please use the above form and the more info the better.

A small story about TRC;
TRC stands for The Royal Cobra's. We started our clan back in 2005 with a small group of friends just for battlefield 2. And from there on we just played a bunch of games together and we never really expanded just always have around 20 friends playing. New friends are always welcome. We have good experience in minecraft we played alot of pvp on some big servers. We had a ultimate server hosted by fragnet for 6 months. And just upgraded it to unleashed and now its open for applications to share the fun and company to others!

Below are some screens from the spawn area;








ive played around with many mods such as mystcraft ic2 mms powersuits, and somes steve cart
i do not have team speak but would consider getting it
I've played FTB for quite a while i like mining and building machines and technical things
i live in california i enjoy playing ftb and typically play most days of the week 1-4 hours (most times more:p)
the website is down so i will just post my Application here:
Age (13+) and country: 15, norway.
Experience with FTB and/or mods: i have been playing tekkit since minecraft BETA 1.8 and then moved on to ftb last year when it got released
Do you have teamspeak? If so would you use it?: yeah
What is your best skill in FTB? (For example: mining, tech, building, etc.): tech :)
How long have you been playing FTB/Modded Minecraft?: i have been playing minecraft since MC beta 1.3
Minecraft Name(for whitelist so please use exact name): PepsimaxL
Anything else you want to add? (Not mandatory but really appreciated): playstyle: i like to team up with people and build awsome stuff and just have a fun time :)
ive played around with many mods such as mystcraft ic2 mms powersuits, and somes steve cart
i do not have team speak but would consider getting it
I've played FTB for quite a while i like mining and building machines and technical things
i live in california i enjoy playing ftb and typically play most days of the week 1-4 hours (most times more:p)

Hi thanks for the application. :)
I added you to our whitelist and you are promoted to member. So you can start building a base. Just one thing i see you are living in california and our server is located in amsterdam the netherlands.
I dont know if that will be a problem for you with latency! But you are welcome to give it a try ;)

Our teamspeak adress is: nl-voice.fragnet.net:10022
Our ftb server ip:

And please update the pack to 1.1.4 through the launcher.
And enable the following mods; Biomes o plenty, Xena's reliquary, Nether ores and Powerconvertors
Please download this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb7vv75tzkpheeo/Translocator and add it to your modpack under the mod tab.

Enjoy your stay and have fun!

If you encounter any problems please send me an email at [email protected][DOUBLEPOST=1380738251][/DOUBLEPOST]
the website is down so i will just post my Application here:
Age (13+) and country: 15, norway.
Experience with FTB and/or mods: i have been playing tekkit since minecraft BETA 1.8 and then moved on to ftb last year when it got released
Do you have teamspeak? If so would you use it?: yeah
What is your best skill in FTB? (For example: mining, tech, building, etc.): tech :)
How long have you been playing FTB/Modded Minecraft?: i have been playing minecraft since MC beta 1.3
Minecraft Name(for whitelist so please use exact name): PepsimaxL
Anything else you want to add? (Not mandatory but really appreciated): playstyle: i like to team up with people and build awsome stuff and just have a fun time :)

Hi thanks for the application. :)
I added you to our whitelist and you are promoted to member. So you can start building a base.

Our teamspeak adress is: nl-voice.fragnet.net:10022
Our ftb server ip:

And please update the pack to 1.1.4 through the launcher.
And enable the following mods; Biomes o plenty, Xena's reliquary, Nether ores and Powerconvertors
Please download this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb7vv75tzkpheeo/Translocator and add it to your modpack under the mod tab.

Enjoy your stay and have fun!

If you encounter any problems please send me an email at [email protected]
Age (13+) and country: 15, norway
Experience with FTB and/or mods: i have played quite a while
Do you have teamspeak? If so would you use it?: yes i have and maybe i would
What is your best skill in FTB? (For example: mining, tech, building, etc.): Exploring/mining
How long have you been playing FTB/Modded Minecraft?: i have almost played FTB since it was realeased
Minecraft Name(for whitelist so please use exact name): blox100
Anything else you want to add? (Not mandatory but really appreciated): im a friend of pepsimaxl and im gonna play with him :3
Age (13+) and country: 15, norway
Experience with FTB and/or mods: i have played quite a while
Do you have teamspeak? If so would you use it?: yes i have and maybe i would
What is your best skill in FTB? (For example: mining, tech, building, etc.): Exploring/mining
How long have you been playing FTB/Modded Minecraft?: i have almost played FTB since it was realeased
Minecraft Name(for whitelist so please use exact name): blox100
Anything else you want to add? (Not mandatory but really appreciated): im a friend of pepsimaxl and im gonna play with him :3

Hi thanks for the application. :)
I added you to our whitelist and you are promoted to member. So you can start building a base.

Our teamspeak adress is: nl-voice.fragnet.net:10022
Our ftb server ip:

And please update the pack to 1.1.4 through the launcher.
And enable the following mods; Biomes o plenty, Xena's reliquary, Nether ores, Powerconvertors, hats, hatsstands and enchantingplus
Please download this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb7vv75tzkpheeo/Translocator and add it to your modpack under the mod tab.

Enjoy your stay and have fun!

If you encounter any problems please send me an email at [email protected]
Age (13+) and country: age is 13 country netherlands
Experience with FTB and/or mods: i have experience with all the ftb mods (some not)
Do you have teamspeak? If so would you use it?: i have it but i dont have a mic
What is your best skill in FTB? (For example: mining, tech, building, etc.): tech,magic
How long have you been playing FTB/Modded Minecraft?:like 1 year
Minecraft Name(for whitelist so please use exact name):owenzoe
Anything else you want to add? (Not mandatory but really appreciated): no i have nothing to say (yet)
Age (13+) and country: age is 13 country netherlands
Experience with FTB and/or mods: i have experience with all the ftb mods (some not)
Do you have teamspeak? If so would you use it?: i have it but i dont have a mic
What is your best skill in FTB? (For example: mining, tech, building, etc.): tech,magic
How long have you been playing FTB/Modded Minecraft?:like 1 year
Minecraft Name(for whitelist so please use exact name):eek:wenzoe
Anything else you want to add? (Not mandatory but really appreciated): no i have nothing to say (yet)

Hi thanks for the application. :)
I added you to our whitelist and you are promoted to member. So you can start building a base.

Our teamspeak adress is: nl-voice.fragnet.net:10022
Our ftb server ip:

And please update the pack to 1.1.4 through the launcher. (there are some bugs with 1.1.5 so we rolled back to 1.1.4)
And enable the following mods; Biomes o plenty, Xena's reliquary, Nether ores, Powerconvertors, hats, hatsstands and enchantingplus
Please download this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb7vv75tzkpheeo/Translocator and add it to your modpack under the mod tab.

Enjoy your stay and have fun!

If you encounter any problems please send me an email at [email protected]