Transportation Methods

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Due to some system issues, I've started a new map. I also decided to try out a pre-made map that seems really well done

This is an amazing map, and I'd love to play on it, but anyone that has tried it out knows that it's a bunch of really big amazing islands. What I'm getting at is I want to use all of the islands and was wanting suggestions on travel systems between the islands. I'm also hoping for more interesting systems than portals/mystcraft.

One I've all ready come up with that I like is a CC computer controlled airship, that I can call to have show up for me and take me to predetermined landing pads.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That would require so many frames and so much programming. Use RC and Highspeed Rails. Better yet, make something Traincraft! Even better yet, make a drivable cart from Steve's Carts 2 and make a bunch of train stations!
EDIT: Also, the moment Lambert sees this, he is going to rage about "These people have a lack of imagination" or "Why can't you Google it?" Don't listen to him. You already have an amazing sense of imagination. That idea for a CC/Frames Airship sounds amazing! I'll try making something like that, but with logic! I will never abandon RP2.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was thinking about doing a train system as well so that I could hop in a cart and be carried between islands (anybody remember the game Riven?) but the idea of the drivable cart from Steve's Carts 2 sounds like a good addition to it. As for Lambert, I'd agree that I'm allready being more imaginative since I'm not planning on doing a Mystcraft portal hub or Portal Gun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nether Railway, the way it's done in Vanilla minecraft, is very interesting and underused in FTB. For each block you travel in the overworld, you travel an equivalent 8 blocks in the X and Z coordinates in the Nether. Y is constant, but adjusted so that you spawn in the closest available empty space in a certain amount of blocks (which i forget), at which point it clears out an area in front of the portal and spawns you there. So if you want to travel 5000 blocks in the Overworld, that's only 400 blocks in the Nether. Saves you a lot of rails... And you have the interesting challenge of making your railway Ghast and Pigmen proof. You don't want it getting asploded by Ghasts, or Pigmen getting aggroed by Carts ramming into them...