So, I'm playing the recommended version of Monster, and I've set up a quarry some distance from my house. I've got a train running from the house out there, and most of the time it works perfectly fine, but it has been known to occasionally disappear, once because the locomotive exploded and set an oil well on fire, and once because it ran out of fuel. While I've set stations up to prevent that from occurring, I'd like to be able to know where it's at.
The idea that occurs to me, is a computer and some wireless redstone and the terminal glasses. The problem comes for me, in the actual wiring. I can set up a computer to do most things, but getting it to recognize a redstone event still escapes me.
What I'm thinking is to set up detectors and toggle latches to pairs of wireless redstone transmitters, with receivers facing into MFR cabling. When the latch goes one way, I get a < sign showing the train is heading to the station, and when it comes back I see a > showing it's heading to the quarry. Can anyone help me?
The idea that occurs to me, is a computer and some wireless redstone and the terminal glasses. The problem comes for me, in the actual wiring. I can set up a computer to do most things, but getting it to recognize a redstone event still escapes me.
What I'm thinking is to set up detectors and toggle latches to pairs of wireless redstone transmitters, with receivers facing into MFR cabling. When the latch goes one way, I get a < sign showing the train is heading to the station, and when it comes back I see a > showing it's heading to the quarry. Can anyone help me?