TPPI base w/ GT fusion reactor + more

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been playing this TPPI survival world for a while, just wanted to share some pictures. I finally completed my first full automated gregtech fusion reactor today, it's been a goal of mine to actually make it far enough in game to legitimately build one. It was a lot of work, that's for sure.

Main base from the outside. I can't design stuff worth a crap so I kinda build squares and throw a roof on it and call it good. The giant smeltery is for making ungodly batches of steel because I hate waiting for it.


Inside the main floor of the base


And from the other side


GT multiblock machines

At the moment they are all powered off mekanism cables converting RF to EU. Now that I have the reactor complete I will probably transfer them all straight over to EU to make powering highly overclocked machines possible.


Here is my setup for the plasma generators that is currently being used to convert EU to RF. Mekanism energy cubes have an unlimited INPUT. I can fill an elite energy cube in a matter of seconds with this setup, making them the perfect way to convert large amounts of EU to RF, while still allowing EU to be stored in EU storage devices, etc. Each energy cube is capable of outputting 20,480 RF/t. With 30 plasma generators (2 used for powering the reactor itself) generating 61,440 EU/t I need 12 energy cubes to be able to dissipate the full output from the plasma generators which is equivalent to 245,760 RF/t. RF:EU ratio is 4:1 with mekanism conversions, both the cables and the cubes.


Here is the final stage of production of tritium and storage for both tritium and deuterium. A factorization router is used to output deuterium cells at a 4:1 ratio heading to centrifuges to become tritum, and straight to storage for use in the reactor, respectively.


55 electrolyzers and 216 centrifuges total go from water to deuterium+tritium fast enough to keep the reactor running non-stop and produce excess.


My storage and crafting area. The separate AE system with the enderchest is used for input from my mining machine and laser drills. The enderchest is connected to the system so that if the storage cells overflow with items, the enderchest is filled with items signaling the mining machine to stop. An item can also be added or removed from an ender pouch to start/stop the mining machine when desired.


The area is built on top of the MAC allowing for an easy way to connect busses to tesseracts and other storage/transfer devices without the need for excessive cabling.


The next level up contains a simple DSU storage room. Due to the autocrafting bug I downgraded from AE r14 to AE r13, however r13 includes a bug where if a storage bus tries to insert an item into an empty DSU it crashes and corrupts the world until the DSU or bus is removed. I get around this by using a storage bus to insert items into a chest, and a small but very fast logistics pipes system to sort items into the DSUs. Storage busses on the underside of the DSUs allow AE to remove items but NOT insert them.


On the top level of the center area is a laser room. Not used much at all, but still needed from time to time. Buildcraft gates detect items in the assembly table inventories and allow power flow to the lasers when necessary. When the tables are empty, no power is sent to the lasers preventing them from leeching power when inactive.


I believe around 30 LP boilers fueled by planks provide steam to 5 max size bigreactors steam turbines located in the basement of the new base with the fusion reactor. LP boilers are used because they are around 20-25% more efficient than HP boilers at max temperature. The 5 steam turbines produce around 24,000 RF/t each, so around 120,000 RF/t combined. Along with the fusion reactor I now produce a total of around 365,000 RF/t.


Outside view of the old base which now houses the boilers on the bottom floor. Upstairs is a mess of left over crap and its in rough shape from some kind of meteors hitting the terrain, creeper explosions, etc.


12 horses and donkeys accelerate a 3x3 treefarm by eventually providing it with fertilizer from their sewage. Tons of harvesters harvest the trees instantly as they grow. The obsidian building used to be a mob farm and dye seeds grow to the right.


Here is the path my mining machine leaves behind.


32 miningwellpluses fully enchanted with silk touch/max efficiency/max speed dig to bedrock every 6 seconds. I used to run this in the deep dark but I wanted some of the ores only available in the overworld. Right now this thing is disconnected and not used because a laser drill (and soon to be more) supply all the ores needed now that I have built up a supply.


No enderchests are used for item transfer I don't know why people use enderchests for mining machines. A ME network consisting of a controller, storage bus, and me interfaces on the mining wells instantly transfer items to the base without any lag, extraction time, pipes with flowing items, etc. Just instant. The enderchest is used to turn on and off the movement remotely. Fortron is a liquid and pumped in from the base. A single tesseract on the mining machine handles all item, liquid, and power transfer.


Below the main floor of the base are the 5 steam turbines, the fusion reactor, and the mobfarm. The mobfarm can be turned on and off by cursed earth in drawbridges, and can kill mobs with either grinders or autonomous activators with etheric swords.


Closeup of mobfarm


Closeup of fusion reactor


Hope everyone enjoyed, more to come as I expand with all the power now available to me with the fusion reactor!
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Popular Member
Apr 25, 2014
One question: you said you use an ME network to transfer mined ores to your base. An ME network needs cabling for transport, or a quantum link. I don't see either. So how exactly are you sending mined ores to your base?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, I really liked your job. Is there any chance that we can have a download link of your map and also how exactly do you send you ores to your base ?