Too easy

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Random things has a config option that can change how dark darkness is, including under a tree. It may not be a eternal twilight option that allows mobs to not die due to sunlight, but it's bad enough that they can spawn during the day on the surface if there is a tree for them to spawn under. Could happen in vanilla occasionally too, but it's worse.

That's actually not how it works, the Hardcore Darkness config option only changes how dark things are rendered. It doesn't modify the actual light values and also doesn't change the spawning behavior of monsters.
That's actually not how it works, the Hardcore Darkness config option only changes how dark things are rendered. It doesn't modify the actual light values and also doesn't change the spawning behavior of monsters.
Oh. Well, that's a relief! On one hand, yay, it's not actually allowing things to spawn when they shouldn't. On the other hand, you have different fingers I didn't break anything when I disabled that feature because it was driving me
If Blood n Bones doesn't do it for you, I always highly recommend the Dark Souls series. No building, but a great sense of exploration and the best combat I've seen in a game. The difficulty is usually "be careful and you can avoid every death", but boss fights are legitimately tough. There is one area you're required to die at later in the game, but that's it. I'd advise going in spoiler free, because experiencing this games the first time is something you can only do once.

I have to agree with other people in this topic though: Minecraft is really only as challenging as you make it, and combat has never been one of Minecraft's strong suits. I'd advise looking elsewhere for your fix on that. If you're burned out on building, take a break for a few months and come back to it later. It's better to put it down and play something else if it just isn't working for you.
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If Blood n Bones doesn't do it for you, I always highly recommend the Dark Souls series. No building, but a great sense of exploration and the best combat I've seen in a game. The difficulty is usually "be careful and you can avoid every death", but boss fights are legitimately tough. There is one area you're required to die at later in the game, but that's it. I'd advise going in spoiler free, because experiencing this games the first time is something you can only do once.

I have to agree with other people in this topic though: Minecraft is really only as challenging as you make it, and combat has never been one of Minecraft's strong suits. I'd advise looking elsewhere for your fix on that. If you're burned out on building, take a break for a few months and come back to it later. It's better to put it down and play something else if it just isn't working for you.
Dark Souls is a great game. From what I've heard Dark Souls 2 may just be too unforgiving even for Dark Souls players.
Dark Souls is a great game. From what I've heard Dark Souls 2 may just be too unforgiving even for Dark Souls players.

Eh, their difficulty is often overstated because so few modern games try to be properly difficult. I actually found Dark Souls 2 a lot more forgiving due to an increase in bonfires (check points, basically). It kicked my ass in the beginning because I was rusty and got overconfident (it'll slap you hard for that), but I found most of it to be much easier. I have played Demon's Souls as well, so the experience probably adds up. The main thing for new players to remember: "Don't give up! and then Try perseverance".
Eh, their difficulty is often overstated because so few modern games try to be properly difficult. I actually found Dark Souls 2 a lot more forgiving due to an increase in bonfires (check points, basically). It kicked my ass in the beginning because I was rusty and got overconfident (it'll slap you hard for that), but I found most of it to be much easier. I have played Demon's Souls as well, so the experience probably adds up. The main thing for new players to remember: "Don't give up! and then Try perseverance".
I meant the fact that you lose health permanently when you die. It's a great game, but a mechanic like that needs you to have mastered the game before actually playing it...
So I'm trying out the Blood n Bones pack, and I'm trying to run a server so I can play with my cousin. I've run like 5 different types of packs with a server, and I've always used the same method. I make a text file with a .sh extension, and type these arguments, then run it. It's always worked, but BnB doesn't seem to like it. I'm unable to launch the server with a decent amount of ram, so the thing will NOT work properly, it just lags soooo bad. Here's the argument I'm using.I've been told to kill the "exec" part of it, but I did that and it still didn't work.

cd "$(dirname "$0")"
exec java -Xms4G -Xmx6G -XX:PermSize=256m -jar FTBServer-1.6.4-965.jar nogui
I meant the fact that you lose health permanently when you die. It's a great game, but a mechanic like that needs you to have mastered the game before actually playing it...
Actually, it's not a permanent decrease. It lowers your max health a little bit each time, but you can get it all back by using one item (Human Effigy, fairly common) or get a significant portion back by wearing a ring (as in the other ones). The older games actually had an even harsher mechanic: you die, your max health is now 50% (but again, use a semi-rare item or wear a ring). Demon's Souls was especially brutal: every time you died in human form, the world tendency would gradually shift towards black, making it get more difficult and even spawning more difficult versions of monsters in.

So in summary, Dark Souls 2 is actually a lot more forgiving than the previous ones, even if it's still harsher than other games. I'm not crazy about punishing the player that harshly when they die, but the mechanics of it in DS2 are actually a good improvement in that regard.

To stay on topic somewhat, the reason I did Minecraft combat so lacking is that most any weapon feels the same. It's all about spamming left click and jumping, no matter the melee weapon. I do think the bow is really nicely balanced, but it still feels the same mechanically unless you use Tinker's Construct bows and different arrows.

As a counter example, every one of the dozens of weapons in Dark Souls has several attacks: light, heavy, forward+ light (usually a push or a kick), forward+ heavy (usually a jumping attack), and light after rolling. Every one of those moves takes time to complete, and your character puts their ensure body into each swing. Battles feel intense, and there's a lot of mind games involved in each attack and approach.

I'm not saying Minecraft combat can't be good (there are definitely some UHC/RFW videos that illustrate that), but its core design makes the combat feel like an after thought. Which, primarily being a building game, mashes sense. You can do a lot to improve mobs and weapons with mods, but the basic movements in the game (left click attack, right click block or special) make it difficult to do a lot with it.

Tinker's Construct and Ars Magicka do a lot to add mechanics, but because of the power creep in Minecraft, it seems like most players get to the top tiers always and so most of the balance is thrown out of whack. It'd be interesting to see a good, balanced arena/gladiator setup using them though.
@jokermatt999 Ah, didn't know about human effigys. That's pretty nice, then.

Also no need to preach to the choir mate. I played both Demon Souls and Dark Souls. They are well worth the learning curve. Kinda like Thaumcraft, I guess.
After all...

Once you put your hand in the flame
You can never be the same
There's a certain satisfaction
In a little bit of pain
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Dark souls and Minecraft (modded) have pretty much ruined all other games for me. I just alternate between the two depending on my mood. Ive tried quite a few different mob-mods over the last couple years and they never worked out for me. Technical issues seem to abound and in the long term they just arent worth it. Besides, I dont like dying in Minecraft and losing tools that I spent who knows how long making. So I havent bothered with them in 1.6.4 at all. I play in peaceful half the time unless Im spawning enemies for their drops or something along those lines. Im interested in adding hunger tweaks so I still have to eat, but Im not sure.
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Challenge yourself with the need to design everything with the utmost efficiency, while maintaining aesthetics, and while achieving basewide integration of all systems.
Challenge yourself with the need to design everything with the utmost efficiency, while maintaining aesthetics, and while achieving basewide integration of all systems.

You're missing my point. I DO do things like that all the time. My point is that there's no reason to. For example, lets say I figure out a totally unique way to make a powerplant that's 10x more efficient than before... score right!? Nope. Because I already have a trillions of EU I wasn't even using, sitting there, just because. I do find the mods fun, and I do like experimenting and making systems that are more efficient.

What I am experiencing is that I make amazing armour and weapons, and there's nothing to use them on. Nothing can kill me, and nothing is hard for me to kill. It makes going further and making more awesome stuff seem pointless. That's what I'm trying to say.[DOUBLEPOST=1400992905][/DOUBLEPOST]
And ditch AE.

I never use AE, I prefer having to think about my methods, haha
You're missing my point. I DO do things like that all the time. My point is that there's no reason to. For example, lets say I figure out a totally unique way to make a powerplant that's 10x more efficient than before... score right!? Nope. Because I already have a trillions of EU I wasn't even using, sitting there, just because. I do find the mods fun, and I do like experimenting and making systems that are more efficient.

What I am experiencing is that I make amazing armour and weapons, and there's nothing to use them on. Nothing can kill me, and nothing is hard for me to kill. It makes going further and making more awesome stuff seem pointless. That's what I'm trying to say.[DOUBLEPOST=1400992905][/DOUBLEPOST]

I never use AE, I prefer having to think about my methods, haha
So you're essentially asking for harder mobs or a progression based mod like a quest type mod? I agree. There should definitely be some high tier mob besides the Wither (can kill that in 3-6 blows, I forgot) or the Ender Dragon (just annoying). The problem is that mods tend to use vanilla Minecraft as a "baseline." After all, you have to cater for those people that use just vanilla MC with their choice mods added. The thing is, the mod we have in mind will need more than just enchanted diamond armor which goes beyond the vanilla MC baseline.
What I'm trying to get at is that a mod maker has to take other mods like Modular Power Suits or the KAMI armor into consideration when making the super hard mob. Once that happens, there'll be a "reason" for having the super powered gear as we'll use it to defeat the boss. Or have boss mobs that come around once in a while that increase in difficulty with play time so that there's a reason to continue to get super powered gear.
But now the problem is that there are those players who build slowly or like to completely finish a mod before moving on, and they might lag behind the mob mod and find that they're not ready in time and continuously die / lose stuff (as the mobs from the mod should destroy things). So you have to have people ready for the mod, but also cater for the people who like to grab the armor first.
So as a result, whatever direction you go, you'll be catering for a very small group of people out of the modded minecraft community, which brings up the question of whether or not it's worth it to maintain such a mod.
:) Just my 2 cents.
Play vanilla... try to sort items automatic, make and automated woodfarm, animal farm etc. When Im "tired" of modden I power up the vanilla and relaxing there for a few hours :)
So you're essentially asking for harder mobs or a progression based mod like a quest type mod? I agree. There should definitely be some high tier mob besides the Wither (can kill that in 3-6 blows, I forgot) or the Ender Dragon (just annoying). The problem is that mods tend to use vanilla Minecraft as a "baseline." After all, you have to cater for those people that use just vanilla MC with their choice mods added. The thing is, the mod we have in mind will need more than just enchanted diamond armor which goes beyond the vanilla MC baseline.
What I'm trying to get at is that a mod maker has to take other mods like Modular Power Suits or the KAMI armor into consideration when making the super hard mob. Once that happens, there'll be a "reason" for having the super powered gear as we'll use it to defeat the boss. Or have boss mobs that come around once in a while that increase in difficulty with play time so that there's a reason to continue to get super powered gear.
But now the problem is that there are those players who build slowly or like to completely finish a mod before moving on, and they might lag behind the mob mod and find that they're not ready in time and continuously die / lose stuff (as the mobs from the mod should destroy things). So you have to have people ready for the mod, but also cater for the people who like to grab the armor first.
So as a result, whatever direction you go, you'll be catering for a very small group of people out of the modded minecraft community, which brings up the question of whether or not it's worth it to maintain such a mod.
:) Just my 2 cents.

Yeah I totally agree with everything you said there. One way would be to create difficult dungeons. The Rogue Like Dungeons are awesome, but easy. Imagine if they were loaded with tons of boss mobs? And some sort of trophy for each dungeon you beat, and each boss you kill. The Twilight is an excellent example of this kind of thing, but it's just a little too easy.
Just throw every mob mod you find interesting in your pack, then use Infernal Mobs to add more flavor and make them more common in the config as a spice.
The rest should be easy if you can set challenges for yourself, like avoiding things you always do or not making rapiers at all because they make killing things way too trivial. I also recommend Deadly World to make your caving experiences more interesting.

As for Roguelike Dungeons, it can become a pretty nice experience if you go in one as soon as you start a world, or if you don't go into them with endgame armor. The unique artifacts mod also adds plenty of traps and some treasure to them, and there's always Infernal Mobs if they still aren't challenging enough.
The other good and popular dungeon mod is Chocolate Quest (which is also completely broken by rapiers), so you might want to give it a try as well.

My opinion is that things already are pretty enjoyable with how many mods exist at the moment -- simply because no matter how many armors that make you invincible or weapons that kill everything in one hit exist, you can always opt to not use them.
You're missing my point. I DO do things like that all the time. My point is that there's no reason to.

There is no reason to play minecraft, then. If you cannot accomplish a goal you set and feel satisfaction in that goal... then this may not be the game for you.

For example, lets say I figure out a totally unique way to make a powerplant that's 10x more efficient than before... score right!? Nope. Because I already have a trillions of EU I wasn't even using, sitting there, just because. I do find the mods fun, and I do like experimenting and making systems that are more efficient.

That said, IC2 & GT have always had broken power systems, design wise.

What I am experiencing is that I make amazing armour and weapons, and there's nothing to use them on. Nothing can kill me, and nothing is hard for me to kill. It makes going further and making more awesome stuff seem pointless. That's what I'm trying to say.

Manufacture a challenge arena sufficiently difficult to defeat you. Spawn 3 withers in along with a horde of witches. Perhaps have other people assist, so that you cannot know what you're facing in advance.

I never use AE, I prefer having to think about my methods, haha

Then perhaps a good challenge would be to create a base that only AE could create.[/quote]