Tons of Mobs are spawning??

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I created a Mystcraft age.
When i go to it, it all seems fine.
I setup a quarry running in the age and leave. I have left a chunkloader in the world aswell.

When i log back in and go to this mystcraftworld i notice that there is over 4000 mobs around me.
It is very laggy.
But after a few minutes they have despawned and all works fine.
Why are there a bunch of mobs in the world when i leave?

I have a turtle running in the world.

Any ideas what i can do?
Using FTB Monster 1.1.1 but have done some modification and updated some mods that needed.
Also i have special mobs and ly...(cant remember the name) mod activated.
What kind of mobs are there? All different types or is a specific type more prevalent?
No mobs from that mod called ly..(something) with wierd dragons, birds, scarry cows etc.
Only vanilia mobs but also special version of them (probably from special mobs mod).
If you use the /cofh killall command it will kill all spawned mobs (and logged in players) and give you a list of how many it removed of each type which you could paste here.

Also you mentioned you had a chuckloader in the world. The quarry has a built in chunkloader and its not a good idea to use multiple chunkloaders form different mods to load the same chunks. So if your chunkloader is loading some of the quarry chunks I'd remove it or move it.

You can use the /chunkloaders command to see what chunks are staying loaded when you are out of that mystcraft age. Just change the dimension box to match whatever that age is using.
nice, did not know of the cofh killall command, what mod gives that?

the chunkloader is needed since i have some other stuff around that the quarry do not cover, dont think the quarry itself and the chunkloader is overlapping.

since you seem to know a bit...
i have been struggeling to get a set of basic admin commands to work, like kill all mobs, set spawn etc.
Wanted to install bukkit essential, but maybe something else is better for ftb monster?
A lot of the admin slash commands seem to change from documentation relating to older versions so finding the correct one can be a bit tricky. I've not tried bukkit essentials or changing the default world spawn point so cant help you there.

As for other admin tools check out OPIS which is included in Monster (its already enabled on the server just enable it in your client). It may conflict a bit with other client map mods installed (I tend to just enable it when I need to use it). But its great for seeing what mobs are spawned where; killing off particular mobs; looking for machines, mobs, or chunks that are causing lag.
The E number is entitys but that is not the same as mobs. An Entity in minecraft is just about anything that is not a static block. This wiki page explains them

78 mobs removed with a kill all I would say is normal to low. So is the 4000E, I've got nearly 9000 on mine atm which is running fine.

If you really are getting 1fps as that F3 screen suggests I'd say your lag is client lag and not the server. /tps will give you the ticks per second of the server. It should be 20.