Tinkers Construct Clarification (Hammer)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What materials are needed to make the fastest possible hammer?
I know you need ardite, but what specific parts of what specific ore and why.
Somewhere somepeople say cobalt heat, or slime plate, etc.

Right now I have a cobalt head with rest ardite and down to 1 durability.

I am thinking of added (Is there anything different I should do?, Should i replace the lava smelting thingy for diamond?)
-Use to 1 Durability
Eletric upgrade
Lava thingy for smelting


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, if you are literally looking for the fastest possible hammer, then you should be skipping all of those other modifiers and just using redstone redstone redstone. And redstone.

Furthermore, in my experience (which is based on pickaxes, not hammers, so it may be different) one full set of redstone is worth more speed than the bonus granted by stonebound (ardite). For that reason, I would recommend using thaumium and/or paper instead of ardite, depending on how concerned you are about durability. The resulting thaumic/writable abilities will open up shiny new modifier slots which you can use for - you guessed it - more redstone.

Now, if you didn't literally want the fastest possible hammer, you'll have to be the judge of how much you care about durability, luck, auto-smelting, and all the other stuff granted by the modifiers that you mentioned. For instance, the electric upgrade is a great way to counteract the otherwise very-low durability that you would have from using paper for multiple components (you should still use cobalt for the head though, especially since you won't have to bother with repair materials).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, well excluding redstone as a sole modifier, what is the next best. I'd like Lapiz along with Eletric for sure. In fact, id like to leave redstone out.

I wont accept it to be that simple LOL.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, to be fair, your original request - "the fastest possible hammer" - genuinely is that simple. ;)

If you want to add other abilities then you're right, it isn't so straightforward. But only you can be the judge of how much you care about speed versus the other modifier options.

If, for some strange reason, you want "the fastest possible hammer" that doesn't use ANY redstone, you're probably off to a good start with a cobalt head and ardite for stonebound - locking the stonebound bonus at its maximum by applying the electric modifier once the hammer has exactly one use left. But, as I mentioned, I'm not convinced that that's the best route. I would bet that using some paper components then adding electric and a set or two of redstone would give you equivalent or greater speed while still allowing for at least as many other modifiers to use as you see fit. Possibly more.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be honest I just go steel head, thuam plate, paper everthing else. Loadup on the options i want like autosmelt and lapis, then slap a diamond + gold block and nether star on it and load up all the left over mod slots with redstone. Obvusly one of your mods slots should be self repair or eletric. But the resulting hammer will most likely wreck things faster then you can run.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, if you are literally looking for the fastest possible hammer, then you should be skipping all of those other modifiers and just using redstone redstone redstone. And redstone.

Furthermore, in my experience (which is based on pickaxes, not hammers, so it may be different) one full set of redstone is worth more speed than the bonus granted by stonebound (ardite). For that reason, I would recommend using thaumium and/or paper instead of ardite, depending on how concerned you are about durability. The resulting thaumic/writable abilities will open up shiny new modifier slots which you can use for - you guessed it - more redstone.

Now, if you didn't literally want the fastest possible hammer, you'll have to be the judge of how much you care about durability, luck, auto-smelting, and all the other stuff granted by the modifiers that you mentioned. For instance, the electric upgrade is a great way to counteract the otherwise very-low durability that you would have from using paper for multiple components (you should still use cobalt for the head though, especially since you won't have to bother with repair materials).

Am I doing something wrong with this set-up? I tried what you said in creative first so see the results and its not adding up. Cobalt Head with rest Ardite and Emerald down to 1 durability is 24.9 speed (15.9 speed) WITH electric and Lapis (3/4 used slots, 4th is reserved for lava thingy)

I went into a singleplayer mode and did all paper except head and I only got 15.66 with lava, lapis, eletric, and haste 200/200 which is +12 only.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
You're gonna wanna go pure ardite- stonebound stacks last I remember and every piece of the tools adds durability. Then of course get it down to 1 and slap on all the extra modifiers and gold + diamond & nether star. Put on everything you want electric mandantory and whatever is left make redstone. IIRC you can get a combination of some sort that'll get you up to 43 speed but such is a pointless challenge IIRC as the curve for speed basically has a 0 increase after 23.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're gonna wanna go pure ardite- stonebound stacks last I remember and every piece of the tools adds durability. Then of course get it down to 1 and slap on all the extra modifiers and gold + diamond & nether star. Put on everything you want electric mandantory and whatever is left make redstone. IIRC you can get a combination of some sort that'll get you up to 43 speed but such is a pointless challenge IIRC as the curve for speed basically has a 0 increase after 23.

Wow, lol that answered so many questions all at once. Thanks for your help!


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
I just went with a pure cobalt hammer. It's only 27 pieces of it. I use repair over electric myself, but that's personal taste.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Am I doing something wrong with this set-up? I tried what you said in creative first so see the results and its not adding up. Cobalt Head with rest Ardite and Emerald down to 1 durability is 24.9 speed (15.9 speed) WITH electric and Lapis (3/4 used slots, 4th is reserved for lava thingy)

I went into a singleplayer mode and did all paper except head and I only got 15.66 with lava, lapis, eletric, and haste 200/200 which is +12 only.

Yeah, perhaps the stacking effect of stonebound is making a more dramatic difference than I give it credit for. Also, I haven't messed with hammers as much as I have with pickaxes and weapons (attempting to use jagged in the latter case). Your test results and Hoff's response have me second guessing myself.
That said, I would still suggest trying thaumium in addition to paper. I think you might be able to get an extra modifier that way.

I may do some testing myself at some point. If I do, I'll be sure to report my findings back here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
thaumium in addition to paper. I think you might be able to get an extra modifier that way.

Yes if you use both. One of one and the rest the other you can get an extra mod slot. With the teir 2 it can take a little playing around to find the right combo of thaum and paper parts. But you can see it fairly easy by making a normal pick that is Something head , Paper binding, Thuam rod. It will have 1 more mod then if you went just paper or thuam for binding and rod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes if you use both. One of one and the rest the other you can get an extra mod slot. With the teir 2 it can take a little playing around to find the right combo of thaum and paper parts. But you can see it fairly easy by making a normal pick that is Something head , Paper binding, Thuam rod. It will have 1 more mod then if you went just paper or thuam for binding and rod.

I thought as much - thanks for confirming.
I don't know if that will be enough to get Mit the results he is looking for or not. Like I said, I may have to play around specifically with the hammer a little more.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
There should be no need to use paper at all if you have access to thaum AFAIK the number of additional modifiers from paper or thaum is not limited.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I could be wrong but I was pretty sure it did.

I've made tools with multiple paper parts, and it only adds one upgrade total, not one per piece. That was my results at the time at least.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a side if you go full paper you can get 6 mod slots. Paper will get you more mod slots but no one really is going to make a full paper tool since you can get better mileage out of using your head as being perty much anything but paper.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a side if you go full paper you can get 6 mod slots. Paper will get you more mod slots but no one really is going to make a full paper tool since you can get better mileage out of using your head as being perty much anything but paper.

Oh man, I think I don't understand how TiC works anymore. I thought I did. But I thought that each part had very specific aspects that it affected, and that traits didn't stack. So what about Stonebound 1 on an all stone pickax. Is that stacked too?