Ticking tile entity crash

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

My players reported to me that they couldn't join my server ( today. upon investigating I found the server to be running with what appeared to be 1 person on it. In reality there was no one on it and the server was listed as 'cant reach' in the client.

I attempted to restart via McMyAdmin which didn't seem to work so I restarted my whole VPS which did work. The server came back up but was still unavailable to join despite it appearing to run smoothly. In both instances there was an error report generated after a severe java error in the console. I have uploaded them to pastebin below.

First Report: http://pastebin.com/YX8J20FU
Second Report: http://pastebin.com/JEddD193

Here is a copy & paste of the entire console after the latest restart:

As you can see by that console I am also getting an error about the forge modloader engine state becoming corrupted :(

It might also be worth mentioning that the server has been getting laggy over the past few days despite its CPU usage never topping more than 50% and its RAM usage never going beyond around 1.5gb out of 2.2gb, there are only approx 5 players and nothing that really should be causing lag on the server.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a known glitch with GregTech and Buildcraft pipes. It is fixed in 1.5.x version of GregTech. The cause is the GregTech machine tries to pull energy from the Buildcraft energy pipe and if it does not have the MJ upgrade already installed it will crash minecraft. The solution is to Backup your saves. Then MCEdit, or use a similar program, out either the GregTech machine or the Buildcraft pipe connecting to the GregTech machine.

If you want the GregTech machine run off of MJ instead of EU then place the GregTech machine somewhere else in the world. Add the MJ upgrade and then loss-less wrench the GregTech machine and place it where you want it. The GregTech machine will remember that it has the upgrade. If you are trying to run Buildcraft energy pipes next to the GregTech machines try using RedPower micro blocks to block the connection to the GregTech machines. Note I'm not sure if the micro blocks will stop the GregTech machines from trying to draw power it is just a guess.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a known glitch with GregTech and Buildcraft pipes. It is fixed in 1.5.x version of GregTech. The cause is the GregTech machine tries to pull energy from the Buildcraft energy pipe and if it does not have the MJ upgrade already installed it will crash minecraft. The solution is to Backup your saves. Then MCEdit, or use a similar program, out either the GregTech machine or the Buildcraft pipe connecting to the GregTech machine.

If you want the GregTech machine run off of MJ instead of EU then place the GregTech machine somewhere else in the world. Add the MJ upgrade and then loss-less wrench the GregTech machine and place it where you want it. The GregTech machine will remember that it has the upgrade. If you are trying to run Buildcraft energy pipes next to the GregTech machines try using RedPower micro blocks to block the connection to the GregTech machines. Note I'm not sure if the micro blocks will stop the GregTech machines from trying to draw power it is just a guess.

Thanks for the reply but the pipe was simply connected to the top of a quarry, no greg tech stuff nearby for over 1000 blocks.
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