Details of the issue:
Ticking Screen
Launcher Version:1.4.8
Modpack:Horizons Daybreaker
Modpack Version:1.2.0
Log Link:Details of the issue:
Details of the issue: I just put up a server running this pack on hardware which has been running FTB servers for my friends and I for quite a while with no issues. A few minutes into my friends and I playing I crash, getting the ticking screen error. My friends walk to where I crashed and they both crash as well. We all tried to reconnect and instantly crashed every time. I deleted the world, suspicious of locations, and started fresh. Again, a few minutes into playing, the game crashes with ticking screen again. All of us crash whenever we enter one of these "deadly locations". We have repeatedly deleted the world and ended up with the same results. This is my most recent crash log. We all run windows 10 with the latest graphics drivers on vastly different systems.