TiC Crossbow number crunching

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Assuming you have ExtraTiC. You are right, that mod IS broken. Which is why I tend to not use it. And it didn't exist when the original post was made.

You can pick up an extra modifier by using a Thaumium Stock . It's useful if you aren't using ExtraTiC to stack redstone.

Fiery is the string of choice, yes. I believe that was already amply documented .

Wait, how are you getting unstable ingot bindings? Won't the ingot go boom when you try to put it into the smeltery? However, if your crossbow already HAS .5 draw speed because ExtraTiC is broken, obsidian binding isn't the worst idea for the extra durability. Granted, with something like Fluxed on there, it won't ever be an issue, but eh...

You'll likely want Fluxed as a superior option to Moss. Other than that, those of us that aren't using ExtraTiC need redstone.

Again, you are using ExtraTiC, which is not taken into consideration with the original experimentation. Many rods are a bad idea, just use Steel. More weight and easier to repair.

the thing about thaumium is that the extra modifier isn't my priority, like there's a bug if you use a 100% magical wood (ExtraUtillities) tool or weapon and replace the parts using Iguana Tinker tweak you still keep the modifiers (Yes, I know it's OP :D ) but it doesn't work with arrows and bolts

I just wanted to say all the parts I use

and if you wanna get unstable use a block or get Psudo-stable sigil (tier 2 sigil from extra utillities) and make ingots using that. Or use just nuggets

yeah I know flux is good but nah I if I don't get a unbreakable bow I use moss, plus moss is free repair!

I said many rod because it had most durability modifier in the pack I was Playing so I didn't test steel plus I think if I used steel it would prabably be a bit too heavy with enderium coatting, but if I didn't use ExtraTiC I would have that option available

but can anyone tell me what tough and all the Thermal Fondation material attribute does