Open Server Threebuddies | Mindcrack | No Griefing | No PvPing | Open | 24/7 | Now in public Beta!

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Change log: 3/19/13 20:46

Rolled back server, sorry for any losses
I am planning to add Balkon's Weapon Mod to the server, any thoughts?
Backed up entire server
Planning to add an economy to the server
Planning to add a creative world to the server, there will be a better protection plugin for the creative world.
Change log: 3/30/13 15:49

Tried out Towny (Quickly reverted to old plugin
Server is growing, just hit a new online player record of 12 players
Server needs more RAM allocated, please donate to keep the server running
I would love to apply for moderator :3 but no outline.
IGN: hoodster25
Past Exp: Ran my own server for a while (3-4 months) was a charity Server that I was doing so I know how to run a server and how to keep things under control but since I am a Youtuber and it took a good chunk out my time so i stopped that and want to find a server to call my Mindcrack LP Server where people can come and join in if they want.
I would love to apply for moderator :3 but no outline.
IGN: hoodster25
Past Exp: Ran my own server for a while (3-4 months) was a charity Server that I was doing so I know how to run a server and how to keep things under control but since I am a Youtuber and it took a good chunk out my time so i stopped that and want to find a server to call my Mindcrack LP Server where people can come and join in if they want.
Come hang out on the server for a while. I will see if you meet the requirements to be a moderator.
Tried to log on the server this morning to go on with my project. Apparently the server is down/has crashed. Could anyone please look into what happened?

~ Pim
Oh... I just found out i lost quite a lot of stuff:
I am missing:
1. 22 diamonds
2. 1 and a half stacks of lapis
3. 3 stacks of redstone
4. 5 air shards, 2 water, 3 fire and 4 vis shards (around and about)
5. 24 gold ingots
6. 2.5 stacks of iron
7. half a stack of aluminum (Xy craft)
8. 2 stacks of copper ingots
9. the discovery: Unified thaumic field theory
10. 2 (normal) barrels full of cobblestone
11. A diamond pickaxe enchanted with: Silk touch 1 + Efficiency 4 + Unbreaking 3

Moderator application:

Q: Why would you be a good moderator to this server?

A: I am a frequent player, I have been a Head-Admin on a Vanilla server and I've been moderator on 2 different Tekkit servers (when feed the beast was just a challenge map), I am strict but righteous, My english is (hopefully) alright. I am 15 years old and will be 16 on the 29th of July 2013, I got a bit of a temper (just lketting everybody know) but I am trying to be friends with everybody :). This was my application to become a Moderator.

~ Pim
Hi, its TheDomoehT, and i lost alot of stuff after the rollback, and well, I want to ask that i can be given this:
21 diamonds, 1 stack of copper, 1 stack of iron, 3 stacks of redstone, 3 diamond chests, 4 obsidian chests, 3 iron chests, 3 stacks of books, 2 Project tables, a chest, 3 anvils, a enchantment table, enough book cases that it reaches lvl 30, 51 emeralds ( the modded one not the vanilla one), 28 rubys, 47 sacfires. 3 stacks of steak, 3 geothermal generators, 3 signs,
Im sure im missing more, but ill try to name more asap.
Hey i would like to apply for Mod.
Age 15
Notes I have been Mod on many servers including non vanilla ones such as Tekkit and FTB servers.
Timezone is Central
Have Skype
Playtime 2-3 hours a day
Hey, it's me min_imuffin i was wondering why has the server been down for about 2 or 3 hours now!? plz reply if the server is permanently going down i will be extremely annoyed.
Hello, I am here to apply for mod...
Ingame name: Min_imuffin
Time: 3-4 hours a day weekdays, 2-3 hours saturday, not possible on sundays.
Timezone: +10:00 GMT, Brisbane QLD Australia.
Skype: watarubaker
Age: 13
Experience: I have got my own mc server hosted, besides that i have had mod on a server to be honest i haven't played FTB for ages only about 2 months or so but i am learning to play and have enjoyed it heaps.

~thanks min_imuffin
I can't log on... it says:

Failed to verify username! internal error.

Then a whole bunch of numbers and letters.
Hi three i would like to be mod/builder because the land on the server hasnt been destroyed and all staff and players are nice
My experiance is that i am mod on 3 servers(two of these are feed the beast servers) and so admin on another 2 servers
My age is 13
I live in adelaide south australia
I play on this server for about 5-6 hours dayly
I can build very good structures using just plain vannila items and also using the mod items i have about 3-1year/years experiance with these mods
And thats why i would like to be mod/builder(i also have skype)
Hi three i have some suggestions for the server.
1:could gregtech be removed because crafting something as basic as a macerator is very hard work.
2:maybe new players could start with basic stone tools and gold shovel(to claim land)and the wand of apprentice and some basic research pieces.
3:could you add a plugin called chest shops so people can buy and sell things for money(an add on to the suggestion above(number 2) maybe players start with about 500 gold/money)
And last of all regarding to my last post my in game name is alexhuisas