Thoughts on Vilesword

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I put a level 30 enchant on my vilesword and got fire aspect II. Hoping that maybe in the future that the vilesword could only receive the soulstealer enchant seeing how its main use over using a regular sword is to get that enchant and start stealing souls.
Of course having extra enchants are nice so maybe make it so you can combine a iron swords enchant with a vilesword, I just want to have my soul stealer III or IV every time I use 30 levels of exp.
Please leave a reply on thoughts or correct a mistake I made.
it seems the creator of Soul Shards, ShadwDrgn, has gone MIA, so a new update for Soul Shards might be a long time.
but the enchanting on vile swords is as random as vanilla enchanting, it'll take you quite some swords before you get the right enchantments
BUT, if you have twilight forest installed aswell, go get yourself an uncrafting table, it'll help you alot with the process of getting the perfect sword.

the uncrafting table, as it says, can uncraft an item for a certain amount of experience, a vile sword costs 2 xp levels.
I did this with all the crappy enchantments, then I went back to my xp farm, and enchanted the sword again.

but you can also get the enchants on your vile sword, and put them on a different type of sword with the uncrafting table, a diamond sword for example.
it does cost quite a bit of experience, but it's totally worth it.
Yup nothing quite like the diamond sword with Sharpness IV, Vorpal III, Soul Stealer V, and Unbreaking III. Just wish I could have gotten Looting III as well but those books are RARE. Enchanted 3 stacks of books without getting even 1 looting book.
Enchant Golden Swords and use the Uncrafting Table to apply their enchants to a Vile Sword. It's relatively easy to get a "Perfect" Golden Sword, and then just port the enchants over to a Vile Sword via Uncrafting Table. You'd still need at least the Soul Stealing enchant in book form in order to add, and would have to "save" space on the Vile Sword for the Soul Stealing enchant to fit in, else it goes over the max and doesn't work. It's still a great method, though. Also works beautifully for Diamond Swords as well. You get more useful enchants out of just enchanting Swords rather than books. Same with pickaxes, et al. Unless you have a mob grinder with a T5 Soul Shard set up already, you'd be better off just enchanting a shitton of Golden Swords and mixing them in Anvils until you get a perfect one and just port it over. 4 Possible Enchants over 1 are much better odds :D
Soul Stealer is an enchantment that's supposed be available only on Vile Swords. In fact, that's the sole purpose of why you'd want to craft a Vile Sword. You can get it in Book form, but you can't apply it to any other sword, other than the Vile Sword. At least, you're not SUPPOSED to be able to. Maybe you can do it on another mod added sword, but from personal experience, any vanilla ones won't accept the enchant.
Out of curiosity, is it possible to get soul stealer on a thaumium with repair?

make a vile sword with soul stealer, put it on a thaumium sword using the uncrafting table from twilight forst, then put the sword in an anvil and add a book with repair on it
make a vile sword with soul stealer, put it on a thaumium sword using the uncrafting table from twilight forst, then put the sword in an anvil and add a book with repair on it

...then put the sword back in the uncrafting table and make it into a diamond sword and have fun causing Wisp-spolsions everywhere you go.
Well, if you guys don't want a diamond sword with Sharpness V, Repair II, Vorpal II, Unbreaking III, and Soul Stealer V on it that's your loss. More for me. Made without cheating. Exploiting the hell out of the uncrafting table and the anvil, true, but not cheating. If you cheat on the Repair enchant it doesn't work, if you uncraft on the Repair enchant it does work.
Yes, but my point is, neither the Repair Enchant nor the Soul Stealer enchant are INTENDED by the mod authors to be put on anything but Thaumium/Zephyr and Vile Sword respectively, so it is an exploit. You're using a different mod's block in order to transfer the enchant from the legit swords to better swords. You also kind of don't need Unbreaking III on a Diamond Sword if you already got Repair II in it, because really, it's going to be repaired faster than you can damage it. Fire Aspect would be a better enchant in place of Unbreaking, i think.

Anyway, to me, this is like when way back when before the IC2 update, you could enchant Drills. Advanced Diamond Drill with Fortune III? Advanced Diamond drill with Silk Touch? Both having Efficiency V on top of the already enhanced mining speed? Yeah, it was totally broken and not intended. Still, many people did it. Not going to tell you how to play your game, but i do think this is a bug and not intended.

Another example of an unintended bug with a beneficial side effet, is Canvas bags and duplication issues. At some point in servers, it could happen. People exploited the heck out of it and now many servers don't allow Canvas bags because of it. So... Yeah, exploiting a mod block in order to break another mod, totally not worth it for me.
Well, if you guys don't want a diamond sword with Sharpness V, Repair II, Vorpal II, Unbreaking III, and Soul Stealer V on it that's your loss. More for me. Made without cheating. Exploiting the hell out of the uncrafting table and the anvil, true, but not cheating. If you cheat on the Repair enchant it doesn't work, if you uncraft on the Repair enchant it does work.

The repair does not work for me, tried uncrafting and nei...

Anyway, a sword of zepyr does the same damage as a diamond one, why use a diamond one when the zephyr has infinite feather falling + AoE included?
Yes, but my point is, neither the Repair Enchant nor the Soul Stealer enchant are INTENDED by the mod authors to be put on anything but Thaumium/Zephyr and Vile Sword respectively, so it is an exploit. You're using a different mod's block in order to transfer the enchant from the legit swords to better swords. You also kind of don't need Unbreaking III on a Diamond Sword if you already got Repair II in it, because really, it's going to be repaired faster than you can damage it. Fire Aspect would be a better enchant in place of Unbreaking, i think.

Anyway, to me, this is like when way back when before the IC2 update, you could enchant Drills. Advanced Diamond Drill with Fortune III? Advanced Diamond drill with Silk Touch? Both having Efficiency V on top of the already enhanced mining speed? Yeah, it was totally broken and not intended. Still, many people did it. Not going to tell you how to play your game, but i do think this is a bug and not intended.

Another example of an unintended bug with a beneficial side effet, is Canvas bags and duplication issues. At some point in servers, it could happen. People exploited the heck out of it and now many servers don't allow Canvas bags because of it. So... Yeah, exploiting a mod block in order to break another mod, totally not worth it for me.

All valid points.
Other things aside, the reason I put the Unbreaking enchant on the sword when it already has Repair is that if the sword doesn't get damaged it the first place (Unbreaking) there is nothing to repair, thus less damage to the aura. I've found it to be of great use. I don't advise the Fire Aspect if you want to hunt Endermen with the sword as Endermen on fire have a tendency to teleport out of existence.[DOUBLEPOST=1363296836][/DOUBLEPOST]
The repair does not work for me, tried uncrafting and nei...

Anyway, a sword of zepyr does the same damage as a diamond one, why use a diamond one when the zephyr has infinite feather falling + AoE included?

I didn't like the Sword of the Zephyr because of the AoE. When slaughtering hostile mobs in a village it has a tendency to slaughter villagers too.
Or attract every Zombie Pigmen in the Nether to you. NOT cool. And if you plan on hunting Endermen, it's much more easier to use an Athame. I don't remember if they can be enchanted or not, but it's a 2 hit kill on Endermen, not doing any real damage to anything else. But, yeah, if you plan on getting an Enderman shard, not really going to use something that doesn't have Soul Stealer in it. Good point on the aura damage, too. If it has a 30% chance of not taking damage, that's 30% less aura drained.

I'd really see some new Weapons being added into the game. Before i played around with Modpacks i used Balkon's Weapons Mod and i really liked some of the weapons added. The Warhammer, in particular, was reaaaaaaaaaally nice to be used as a main weapon. Good damage, knockback, and also an AoE you can use when surrounded. Very cool. Blunderbusses as well, but we have Xeno's Reliquary firearms, so not really needed.
But fireguns doesn't seem to be that minecrafty to me... Better have crossbows![DOUBLEPOST=1363299219][/DOUBLEPOST]In the end a sword of zephyr with looting and a roof above you, looking at the enderman then killing all of them in 2 hits and getting enderpearls is priceless.
But fireguns doesn't seem to be that minecrafty to me... Better have crossbows![DOUBLEPOST=1363299219][/DOUBLEPOST]In the end a sword of zephyr with looting and a roof above you, looking at the enderman then killing all of them in 2 hits and getting enderpearls is priceless.

Just don't make your roof out of dirt. I made that mistake once. It was a bad, bad, day.
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Man you guys go through a lot of trouble just to do what Enchanting plus can do o.O