Those Who Remain - RP OOC / signups (Signups now open!)

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Those Who Remain - a Post-Apocalyptic/ Modern Fantasy Roleplay (CLOSED)

The rain beats down on the boroughs of London. Puddles form in the street, the droplets rippling their surface, as a drummer's tattoo is sounded upon the rooftops across the city.
Dragging his left foot, the grizzled old man, with a long white beard, shuffled across the street, pistol in hand, eyes sweeping over the abandoned cars, the smashed windows, and the crumbling tarmac. No zombies, no, not yet. They wouldn't normally come out at day, but the overcast sky might make them a little braver. Especially the dogs.
Finally crossing the road, he stepped into a building, closing the door behind him as he turned on his torch.
Not much was to be found, here. Some rancid bread, empty tins. A disposable lighter, low on fuel was the best there was to find here, and as he finished looking around what had once been a small home, he made his way back out the door.
It was still raining, as it always seemed to be. Flicking up his rain hood, he continues into the next house. And the next. And the next. And the one after that. After the last one, he saw it was beginning to get dark, so began the slow trudge home.
The watcher steps out of its hiding place. It is patient, very patient, waiting for the right moment. The right moment to strike. Silently moving down the street, it darts from cover to cover, until it comes close enough that it can smell its prey. Soon enough, the old man hears something, and he turns around to look down the street.
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Turning around to continue, the old man came face to face with a vampire, sleek and pale, its jet-black hair plastered to its scalp. He didn't even have time to scream.


Welcome, one and all, to my new roleplay, Those Who Remain! In this roleplay there will be blood and guts, zombies, vampires, decayed buildings, and lots, and lots, of death.
So then, let's get on with a little explanation:

These are the classic mindless, flesh-eating, slow-moving, zombies that we all know and love. Pretty easy to kill on their own, unless they bite you, in which case you have an hour to cut off where you were bitten, or three days to contemplate your next choice: become one of them, or have a game of one-man Russian roulette. Watch out for the roving packs they move in, looking for their next meal of sweet, succulent flesh, delicious.

These are like a zombie, but not quite the same. They smell a lot less like a rotting corpse for a start, and aren't quite as dumb. They're extremely thin and light, and their vision is completely gone, replaced by their sonar which they use to almost silently stalk and hunt their prey, biting into them and devouring their corpse with sharpened teeth. The best way to get around these is to be aware at all times, listening for the very faint clicking of their sonar. They can reproduce via infection, however this would require them to leave you alive after biting you. Which is very unlikely.

Death hounds:
No, not fluffy puppies and cuddles and licking your hand, not quite. Think more along the lines of skinless, bloodthirsty hounds, covered in plates of calcified muscle and bony spikes, with long, spike-tipped, prehensile tails, and inch-long razor-sharp claws. The teeth are probably the worst part, being able to rip a man to shreds in no time at all. They usually hunt in packs of around four or five, so have fun.

- The year is 2045. Plasma, laser, and portable railgun weaponry has been developed and used in military purposes only, and graphene has made its way into technology such as phones and computers, as well as armour in the military . Some guy managed to make a really inefficient lightsaber, just before the gates opened. There are no shops any more, only warehouses, and cars are almost all self-driving with no wheel. Almost all military consists of RC drones, and some unmanned but not many. Same goes for the emergency services, though the ambulance service only uses them when strictly necessary. Full-immersion technology had almost been reached, with some sensations simulated via spinal chord integration.
- It's been two years since 56 gates, to another world, opened all around the globe, from which came the first zombies, vampires, and death hounds.
- Civilisation crumbled in around 10 months, and those who remain are never safe.
- There are no clean cities, only a few towns a long way away, and a fenced-off section of London near the outskirts called Haven, though your characters won't know about it yet.
- Resources are sparse, in that machine guns are nigh-on pointless, and engaging a horde is a dumb enough idea without wasting so many bullets.
- Your characters all start in London, near the centre.

- In every post, you must count off your equipment, including guns, other weapons, ammo, food, and medical supplies.
- When you search a room, I'll do a dice roll to determine what you find, depending on your perception stat. Searching multiple times in one place will not work.
- In your character sheet, put the date as the 25th January 2015 (super secret)
- Zombies are free to kill as much as you like, worry not for powerplaying on that, same goes for dogs. However, vampires must be treated as characters, in that you can say that you attack them, but I will tell you the reaction of the vampire(s)
-Players can be killed - for every move you make, I will do a dice roll depending on what moves you make, the scenario, and your stats. A hit landed will remove health, which can be regenerated with medical supplies, or over time slowly.
-Achievements (see next spoiler)

Achievements are unlocked by doing specific actions, like in a game. Pretty simple. They'll remain hidden until achieved, or if I feel that it's been long enough, I might reveal one. All you get for now are their names, which can act as hints. The rewards for them are either a single point added to a stat of your choice, or special equipment which is either otherwise not found elsewhere or very rare.

1) Bloodthirsty - Make your first kill - winner: Cheese

2) Heartless - ???

3) Curbstomped - Score a one-hit kill on a vampire or human - winner: RJS

4) Lucky sod - ???

5) Well that was rude - ???

6) Click-click-BOOM! - ???

7) Double team - ???

8) Impossibru - ???

9) WHAM! - ???

10) Ninja bastard - ???

More to come!

1) No godmodding - this is doing something that is unrealistic given the context, such as bending the bars to escape prison, or jumping ten feet to the top of a building.

2) No powerplaying vampire, NPCs, or other characters - this is controlling them in any way whatsoever, including their reaction or the success of your action upon them.

3) Try to play your character as they would act, not just as you would, and remember, they don't always have to do the rational thing or take the perfect course of action, especially under stress, which, hey, this is going to be full of for them.

4) No metagaming - this is using OOC knowledge to affect how you play your character in the RP, such as seeing that someone's character is in the same building as you, and then "coincidentally" managing to take a really long path to sneak behind them.

5) Have fun. This is punishable by character death on the first offence. You have been warned.

6) Your posts must be at least one paragraph of five sentences . I recommend writing more than this, strongly.


Age: (nothing under 18)

Appearance: (photograph here, can include a short description alongside)

Personality: (one paragraph of five sentences at least)

Backstory: (two paragraphs)

Stats: (distribute 20 points here)
Perception: (scavenging, acuteness of sense, etc.)
Strength: (lifting heavy objects, melee damage)
Dexterity: (coordination, weapon accuracy)
Health: (guess)
Constitution: (resisting damage, stamina)

Starting weaponry: (up to one solid-round gun, and one non-technological melee weapon, such as a hammer, sword, etc. You can have up to 20 rounds of ammunition)

Starting equipment/resources: (nothing high-tech, maybe some walkie-talkies but that's about as high as it gets. Save for weed, but that's a bad pick, honestly. I mean, I'm not I'm saying no...)

Starting apparel: (no armour more than maybe a bulletproof vest, but that's an unlikely find)

Misc: (anything else you would like to add)

In every post, please include as well as inventory your character's name at the top, and tag everyone with whom you interact, if anyone. Do also note in the post if you want to perform something like a perception check, such as when scavenging. Posting daily is required, please contact us if you have any problems like exams or a trip.

Everything here is subject to change, I will be in discussion with my co-GMs upon such subjects, and of course all throughout the subject of the RP.
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Like maAAAaaaAaAAaagickz
(At least from what i understood (probably mistaken) from J)
Name: Jonathan Kean

Age: 20

Appearance: If you can imagine the stereotypical sort of guy that just went from Explorer Scout to Scout Network, it's probably Jonathan. Not buff in the slightest, slightly tall and lanky, hair cut short. A constant smile on his face, cold blue eyes, and a face that just screams innocence. Not the sort of person you could expect a threat from. However, very athletic and agile.

Personality: "What role do you want me to play? I don't even know you, mate. I can't trust anyone that comes across the street begging for help. I've seen people be killed because they did just that. I only go blindly if there's something in it for me. And, truth be told, there generally isn't. Most have give in to vices, though. Probably the rush of it. I miss the little things. Y'know, staying home with your parents, playing games. I liked just knowing what to do. Right now all I do is survive, and that's no fun. Being stuck in this groundhog day of doing the same things over and over again, nothing really new. Try to do some actual change. Last guy I know that tried that got fucked up by a vampire. That ain't good. So, yeah, who do you want me to be? The silent guy? The snarker? The helpful hand? The out-of-Earth optimistic? Just myself for a change?"

Backstory: "I used to be your normal guy who was in the Scout Association. Y'know, studying every-so-often, making dick jokes, a guy being a guy. When Hell was unleashed on Earth, I was in a trip with my family. Dad gets killed by vampire, mom dies in the crash. Spent the next two years in a small, locked out monastery. Quite the community that had gathered there. We had like 50 people leaving in the building, sheltered by our own abilities. I was one of the Scavengers. It was probably the most deadly and dirtiest job, but someone's gotta do it. Get the supplies so the group can live one more day. The walls were helpful for keeping the things out. Were. One day they broke, and the whole building was flooded. Not a great situation to be in. I was out that day. Lot of my friends died that day. It was a bloodbath. I'm glad I got word that it had fallen before I came back there. I had my own stuff there, it was good to survive.

I used to want to be a programmer, man. Make a bunch of money and move to somewhere far away, where I could be comfy with my wife or something. Such silly dreams. But me, I never had a girlfriend. Right now dating is dangerous. I'm one of the lucky bastards who survived the first few runs of it. Can we change the tides or something? I just don't know. I just want to do it. Y'know, assemble a group like the Scouts. That'd be great. But I need to actually get a place to wall off, call it mine, assemble a group. Make sure no one gets in. Like the vaults in that game my grandad used to play - Fallout, I think that was the name."

Perception: 4
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 6
Health: 4
Constitution: 4

Starting weaponry: 1 Swiss Army Knife, 1 Bow, 1 Quiver with 20 arrows.

Starting equipment/resources: raincoat, a pair of backpacks, 3 empty sacks, pillow, map, compass, 5 pencils, 2 erasers, a sharpner, a sack with 10 rocks, 3 packs of basic clothing (socks and underwear included), several Scout Association books for survival and other things, 2 notebooks, a sack with canned food, a matchbox (matches included).

Starting apparel: running pants, light t-shirt, hoodie, running shoes.

Misc: A deck of cards.
Name: Kira Link

Age: 19

Appearance: I can't draw, so I'll have to try to describe as best as I can. Or commission Tord to draw something again.
Regular height for a girl, say 5'10''
Normal build, slightly skinny
Green eyes, Brunette with long hair
Scars over her body every so often

Personality: She is rather aggressive and can take charge from time to time. She is determined to get things done and would not mind taking risks. She shows no sign of love and affection, and is focused on the tasks up ahead. She is resourceful and can make anything out of a few scrap bits of metal. Having taken a few hits before, she heals quickly and can be up to action in no time.

Backstory: Kira grew up in a place with a corrupt government and a bunch of civil unrest and turmoil. Since young, she has to fend for herself and her family, which only consisted of her young brother Max. She has taken on many odd jobs while growing up. Not having many friends back in school, she has been told over and over again to stay on the government's good side. She has mostly done that, abiding by the obscure rules set forth by the government. She doesn't trust anyone, considering the mass hysteria by the government. Having since enrolled in the army, it has toughened her up. However, a war has broke out in the region, and since the government wanted to keep all their girls in, no women are allowed to be in the frontline. Kira was obviously pissed at that, and has left that country. She is now in running, finding a place to take refuge. She travels very frequently, often through thick, dense forests, until she ended up finding decent civilization in London. She has since taken up menial jobs in London to keep things afloat for herself.

Stats: (distribute 20 points here)
Perception: 5
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 4
Health: 4
Constitution: 4

Starting weaponry: A standard hand pistol (15 rounds), and a small knife.

Starting equipment/resources: a piece of cloth, 1'x1', some stones to act as a grindstone, some metal scrap

Starting apparel: An army T-shirt, and a pair of jeans

Misc: Um.. no...
RP-style character sheet:

James Dark stumbled through the alleyway, the red and blue lights creating a blur behind him while the sirens sounded like music to his ears. He begins to hum along to the sounds only he can hear, and trips over his own shoes, collapsing next to the dumpster. As his vision fades to black, only one thing is clear - the grafitti on the side of the dumpster.
He was 18 at the time, and on the verge of graduating (or failing) from Secondary School. The final exams of the year, and his time at secondary school, were beginning the following day. He should have been studying, and he knew it. But rather than cramming in order to obtain a decent grade, James went out with his friends, and decided it was time to party like the world was about to end.
James' friends would hardly be considered by teachers to be good students. Rarely ever gracing the classes with their appearance, and more often than not "losing" their assignments whenever a deadline came around. The prospects for James and his friends weren't bright, but they disregarded that. They thought in the moment, and they enjoyed it. While those who toiled away to get into a good job or a good college sat in class, James attended parties and had fun - something that is severely lacking in this day and age.
His black hair fell down over his foggy blue eyes as he stepped into the club, hands in the pockets of his black sweatshirt that advertised an EDM company. He smiled to his friend Steven as they became absorbed in the loud music and the pounding lights. Time flew by, but the music kept on late into the night. It wasn't that long before the drugs were pulled out either. James pulled the last of his money out of his wallet, and began his intake of the harmful substances. His vision swam before clearing to reveal completely different scenery than before - the pounding lights merged into one singular, steady glow while the music transformed into a singular, displeasurable whine. But James didn't care about the sounds or sights around him. He was focused on the warm feeling he felt growing inside, and he wanted more.
Lacking sufficient funds to purchase more of what he saw as a glorious substance, James used what was left of his cognitive ability to curl his hand into a fist, and swing at the dealer. The last truly real thing he felt that night was the feeling of the dealer's jaw as his fist slammed into it. The movements of the dealer became a slow dance as the dealer brandished a pocket knife. James sissonned backwards as Steven stepped up to assist James, and the dealer and Steven began in a pas de deux. But the duet was short lived. A melancholy echoe rose over the noise, a beautiful sound in James' drugged mind. Red and blue lights filled the hall as the police pulled up outside of the club. The dealer takes advantage of the distraction, and breaks step, lunging forward, sending his knife straight for Steven's gut.
James watches from the side, and can see two possible courses of action. He could either extend his arm and prevent the probably death of Steven, or he could make off with the drugs left on the table behind the dealer. Even in his shattered state of mind, his personality overpowers the choice most would expect him to take.
And so, James stumbles away from the club, narrowly avoiding the police as they storm the club and shut it down. Blood stains his shoe as he clutches the bag of the substance, a demented grin on his face. Stumbling into an alley, he fixes his gaze on a dumpster. Despite all the distractions swimming through his vision, he latches on to one phrase in particular as he collapses next to the dumpster.
"The end is here."
When James awakes the following day, terribly hungover and cast aside in a dumpster, he'll find the world changed. His friends and family dead, society destroyed. Zombies wandering the streets and hounds and vampires out for blood. His only possesions being the clothes he had on him and a small bag of drugs, James will be able to survive two years, until 2045. Two years after the beginning of the end, and two years after he sold his best friend down the river.[/SIZE]
Actual character sheet:

Name: James Dark

Age: 18

Appearance: White male, long dark hair, foggy blue eyes. Constant circles under his eyes and stubble on his chin. Long and lanky, but still with great physical ability (most likely due to living in an apocalypse for two years).

Personality: James is definetly not the example of a "perfect" human. He's in it for himself, and if anyone wants to help him, that's great. But if he has to put in any work to help them, especially if it's life threatening, there's a good chance he won't be there tomorrow. He hung out with stoners and got terrible grades, so it's probably obvious that the exposure to various subtances has most likely harmed his ability to think as well as others.

Backstory: James was in his last year at secondary school when the apocalypse hit, and only survived the first wave due to being passed out in an alleyway. He spent the first few months attempting to cheat people out of their money so he could purchase more drugs. But soon the zombies had consumed most everyone, and the vampires almost anyone that was left. James was left on his own, and drugless. The forced cold turkey did end up ridding him of his addiction, but it left him with a new goal. He wanted to survive at all costs.

He proceeded to attempt to find a group of people who he could survive with. He quickly fell into companionship with a group of adults whom he found wandering a supermarket one day. They took him on, and helped to provide him with the things necessary for life. His life became the daily chore of scouting the perimeter for zombies, and he grew tired of it, fast. So one day, instead of patrolling the walls of the complex they lived in, he sat down and watched some videotapes with a couple of the smaller children there. In a very predictable zombie movie plot line, the zombies got through the wall. The people there didn't stand a chance. The zombies bursted into the room he was in, and he left the children as bait as he escaped out the door. His conscience was still clear as he ran into the night, arriving in present day.

-Perception: 2
-Strength: 6
-Dexterity: 3
-Health: 5
-Constitution: 4
Starting weaponry: Crowbar and a knife (I know it's two non-technological, but hey, I'm sacrificing ranged attacks for the crowbar. I like crowbars. Blame Half-Life)

Starting equipment: Map of London, 12 cans of beans, 8 bottles of water, box of tissues, sleeping bag, three ties (as in like those things you wear around your neck), a sponge, and a flashlight. We're going to assume the bag of drugs has been depleted at this point.

Starting apparel: Black sweatshirt, blue t-shirt, black jeans, one regular sneaker, one bloody sneaker.

Misc: just going to roll anything I would put here into starting equipment.
image goes here because otherwise it messes up the spoilers yo

Couple of clarifications:
The year is 2045.

When are we?
These are the classic mindless, flesh-eating, slow-moving, zombies that we all know and love. Pretty easy to kill on their own, unless they bite you, in which case you have an hour to cut off where you were bitten, or three days to contemplate your next choice: become one of them, or have a game of one-man Russian roulette. Watch out for the roving packs they move in, looking for their next meal of sweet, succulent flesh, delicious.

These are like a zombie, but not quite the same. They smell a lot less like a rotting corpse for a start, and aren't quite as dumb. They're extremely thin and light, and their vision is completely gone, replaced by their sonar which they use to almost silently stalk and hunt their prey, biting into them and devouring their corpse with sharpened teeth. The best way to get around these is to be aware at all times, listening for the very faint clicking of their sonar. They can reproduce via infection, however this would require them to leave you alive after biting you. Which is very unlikely.
Did these guys start with non-human folks? I mean, obviously it spread to humans, but I'm assuming they came through as like non-humans first.
Zombies are free to kill as much as you like, worry not for powerplaying on that, same goes for dogs. However, vampires must be treated as characters, in that you can say that you attack them, but I will tell you the reaction of the vampire(s)
*kills a zombie*
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RP-style character sheet:
James Dark stumbled through the alleyway, the red and blue lights creating a blur behind him while the sirens sounded like music to his ears. He begins to hum along to the sounds only he can hear, and trips over his own shoes, collapsing next to the dumpster. As his vision fades to black, only one thing is clear - the grafitti on the side of the dumpster.
He was 18 at the time, and on the verge of graduating (or failing) from Secondary School. The final exams of the year, and his time at secondary school, were beginning the following day. He should have been studying, and he knew it. But rather than cramming in order to obtain a decent grade, James went out with his friends, and decided it was time to party like the world was about to end.
James' friends would hardly be considered by teachers to be good students. Rarely ever gracing the classes with their appearance, and more often than not "losing" their assignments whenever a deadline came around. The prospects for James and his friends weren't bright, but they disregarded that. They thought in the moment, and they enjoyed it. While those who toiled away to get into a good job or a good college sat in class, James attended parties and had fun - something that is severely lacking in this day and age.
His black hair fell down over his foggy blue eyes as he stepped into the club, hands in the pockets of his black sweatshirt that advertised an EDM company. He smiled to his friend Steven as they became absorbed in the loud music and the pounding lights. Time flew by, but the music kept on late into the night. It wasn't that long before the drugs were pulled out either. James pulled the last of his money out of his wallet, and began his intake of the harmful substances. His vision swam before clearing to reveal completely different scenery than before - the pounding lights merged into one singular, steady glow while the music transformed into a singular, displeasurable whine. But James didn't care about the sounds or sights around him. He was focused on the warm feeling he felt growing inside, and he wanted more.
Lacking sufficient funds to purchase more of what he saw as a glorious substance, James used what was left of his cognitive ability to curl his hand into a fist, and swing at the dealer. The last truly real thing he felt that night was the feeling of the dealer's jaw as his fist slammed into it. The movements of the dealer became a slow dance as the dealer brandished a pocket knife. James sissonned backwards as Steven stepped up to assist James, and the dealer and Steven began in a pas de deux. But the duet was short lived. A melancholy echoe rose over the noise, a beautiful sound in James' drugged mind. Red and blue lights filled the hall as the police pulled up outside of the club. The dealer takes advantage of the distraction, and breaks step, lunging forward, sending his knife straight for Steven's gut.
James watches from the side, and can see two possible courses of action. He could either extend his arm and prevent the probably death of Steven, or he could make off with the drugs left on the table behind the dealer. Even in his shattered state of mind, his personality overpowers the choice most would expect him to take.
And so, James stumbles away from the club, narrowly avoiding the police as they storm the club and shut it down. Blood stains his shoe as he clutches the bag of the substance, a demented grin on his face. Stumbling into an alley, he fixes his gaze on a dumpster. Despite all the distractions swimming through his vision, he latches on to one phrase in particular as he collapses next to the dumpster.
"The end is here."
When James awakes the following day, terribly hungover and cast aside in a dumpster, he'll find the world changed. His friends and family dead, society destroyed. Zombies wandering the streets and hounds and vampires out for blood. His only possesions being the clothes he had on him and a small bag of drugs, James will be able to survive two years, until 2045. Two years after the beginning of the end, and two years after he sold his best friend down the river.[/SIZE]
Actual character sheet:
Name: James Dark

Age: 18

Appearance: White male, long dark hair, foggy blue eyes. Constant circles under his eyes and stubble on his chin. Long and lanky, but still with great physical ability (most likely due to living in an apocalypse for two years).

Personality: Lets his friends die for a bag of drugs. Take that how you will. Read above spoiler for more.

Backstory: Read the other spoiler above for more details :p


      • Perception: 2
      • Strength: 6
      • Dexterity: 3
      • Health: 5
      • Constitution: 4
Starting weaponry: Crowbar and a knife (I know it's two non-technological, but hey, I'm sacrificing ranged attacks for the crowbar. I like crowbars. Blame Half-Life)

Starting equipment: Map of London, 12 cans of beans, 8 bottles of water, box of tissues, sleeping bag, three ties (as in like those things you wear around your neck), a sponge, and a flashlight. We're going to assume the bag of drugs has been depleted at this point.

Starting apparel: Black sweatshirt, blue t-shirt, black jeans, one regular sneaker, one bloody sneaker.

Misc: just going to roll anything I would put here into starting equipment.

Couple of clarifications:

When are we?

Did these guys start with non-human folks? I mean, obviously it spread to humans, but I'm assuming they came through as like non-humans first.

*kills a zombie*
We are in 2045. The other thing is to make sure people read the info, so please delete that.

That's for you to find out.

Damnit Gid.
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RP-style character sheet:
James Dark stumbled through the alleyway, the red and blue lights creating a blur behind him while the sirens sounded like music to his ears. He begins to hum along to the sounds only he can hear, and trips over his own shoes, collapsing next to the dumpster. As his vision fades to black, only one thing is clear - the grafitti on the side of the dumpster.
He was 18 at the time, and on the verge of graduating (or failing) from Secondary School. The final exams of the year, and his time at secondary school, were beginning the following day. He should have been studying, and he knew it. But rather than cramming in order to obtain a decent grade, James went out with his friends, and decided it was time to party like the world was about to end.
James' friends would hardly be considered by teachers to be good students. Rarely ever gracing the classes with their appearance, and more often than not "losing" their assignments whenever a deadline came around. The prospects for James and his friends weren't bright, but they disregarded that. They thought in the moment, and they enjoyed it. While those who toiled away to get into a good job or a good college sat in class, James attended parties and had fun - something that is severely lacking in this day and age.
His black hair fell down over his foggy blue eyes as he stepped into the club, hands in the pockets of his black sweatshirt that advertised an EDM company. He smiled to his friend Steven as they became absorbed in the loud music and the pounding lights. Time flew by, but the music kept on late into the night. It wasn't that long before the drugs were pulled out either. James pulled the last of his money out of his wallet, and began his intake of the harmful substances. His vision swam before clearing to reveal completely different scenery than before - the pounding lights merged into one singular, steady glow while the music transformed into a singular, displeasurable whine. But James didn't care about the sounds or sights around him. He was focused on the warm feeling he felt growing inside, and he wanted more.
Lacking sufficient funds to purchase more of what he saw as a glorious substance, James used what was left of his cognitive ability to curl his hand into a fist, and swing at the dealer. The last truly real thing he felt that night was the feeling of the dealer's jaw as his fist slammed into it. The movements of the dealer became a slow dance as the dealer brandished a pocket knife. James sissonned backwards as Steven stepped up to assist James, and the dealer and Steven began in a pas de deux. But the duet was short lived. A melancholy echoe rose over the noise, a beautiful sound in James' drugged mind. Red and blue lights filled the hall as the police pulled up outside of the club. The dealer takes advantage of the distraction, and breaks step, lunging forward, sending his knife straight for Steven's gut.
James watches from the side, and can see two possible courses of action. He could either extend his arm and prevent the probably death of Steven, or he could make off with the drugs left on the table behind the dealer. Even in his shattered state of mind, his personality overpowers the choice most would expect him to take.
And so, James stumbles away from the club, narrowly avoiding the police as they storm the club and shut it down. Blood stains his shoe as he clutches the bag of the substance, a demented grin on his face. Stumbling into an alley, he fixes his gaze on a dumpster. Despite all the distractions swimming through his vision, he latches on to one phrase in particular as he collapses next to the dumpster.
"The end is here."
When James awakes the following day, terribly hungover and cast aside in a dumpster, he'll find the world changed. His friends and family dead, society destroyed. Zombies wandering the streets and hounds and vampires out for blood. His only possesions being the clothes he had on him and a small bag of drugs, James will be able to survive two years, until 2045. Two years after the beginning of the end, and two years after he sold his best friend down the river.[/SIZE]
Actual character sheet:
Name: James Dark

Age: 18

Appearance: White male, long dark hair, foggy blue eyes. Constant circles under his eyes and stubble on his chin. Long and lanky, but still with great physical ability (most likely due to living in an apocalypse for two years).

Personality: Lets his friends die for a bag of drugs. Take that how you will. Read above spoiler for more.

Backstory: Read the other spoiler above for more details :p


      • Perception: 2
      • Strength: 6
      • Dexterity: 3
      • Health: 5
      • Constitution: 4
Starting weaponry: Crowbar and a knife (I know it's two non-technological, but hey, I'm sacrificing ranged attacks for the crowbar. I like crowbars. Blame Half-Life)

Starting equipment: Map of London, 12 cans of beans, 8 bottles of water, box of tissues, sleeping bag, three ties (as in like those things you wear around your neck), a sponge, and a flashlight. We're going to assume the bag of drugs has been depleted at this point.

Starting apparel: Black sweatshirt, blue t-shirt, black jeans, one regular sneaker, one bloody sneaker.

Misc: just going to roll anything I would put here into starting equipment.

Couple of clarifications:

When are we?

Did these guys start with non-human folks? I mean, obviously it spread to humans, but I'm assuming they came through as like non-humans first.

*kills a zombie*
Now, the CS itself.

I love the RP thing, however I still need you to write a full paragraph at least for the CS. Plus a full two for the backstory. Please also add a picture. This can be anime, drawn, a real person, anything you like.
This isn't a criticism, but why the hell does he have three neck ties?
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Name: Matthew Watkins

Age: 23


Matthew is about 6 foot tall, with hazel eyes and messy dark brown hair. He's of average build, quite lean due to the scarcity of food.

"They're right, humanity is threatened by this. But it's not just the zombies and the vampires. People are forgetting their own humanity, that spark of good in us that can drive us to be better than we are. They've forgotten how to hope, forgotten how to care, forgotten how to consider the consequences of their actions."

Matthew refuses to give in to the sense of doom and despair, always trying to approach each day with positivity, never turning down someone in need, even to his own detriment. Some call him a starry-eyed idealist, some call him an idiot. But the thought that there are people out there who may still be alive because of his aid is what helps Matthew to keep on going. Outgoing, friendly, and helpful to a fault, Matthew's attitude is in stark opposition to the surroundings he is in.

As a child, Matthew was a bit...energetic. He caused trouble at school and home (without any malicious intent) simply because he struggled to focus for long periods of time. His father was often away on business, which left just his mother to look after him, in addition to holding down her own job. It wasn't until a visit to a distant relative in the countryside that a turning point happened.

The relative (a great-uncle) took the young Matthew to one of the local castles, where it just so happened that on that day there was an archery demonstration. Matthew was enthralled by the skill with which the arrows were fired, perfectly striking the targets each time. The first thing he said when he got back was "I want to do archery."

His much-suffering mother drove him to the next town, where there was an archery centre, every week for the next 6 years. Matthew struggled and struggled for a while, finding inconsistent form, but frequently missing. Eventually, a new instructor started, and recognised that Matthew couldn't maintain the stillness necessary to succeed. This instructor took Matthew under his wing, and with his guidance, Matthew managed to calm himself down, improve his focus, and also take that calmness out of the range into the rest of his life. To this day, Matthew considers him to be like a surrogate father, imparting some of the life lessons that his own well-meaning father was never able to find the time to do.

Matthew put his new-found focus to good use, pushing his grades up in school. He got accepted to study A-levels, then took a degree in Sports Science at the University of Loughborough. Having graduated with a 2:1, Matthew was working at a leisure centre in London until the day the portals opened.

When he realised that no help was coming, Matthew went to his local outdoors shop and picked through what was still there, before setting off into London in search of others like himself.

Perception: 4
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 5
Health: 3
Constitution: 5

Starting weaponry:
A takedown recurve bow that Matthew saved up for and bought to use in his spare time. Matthew has 20 arrows for it. He also carries a small hatchet that he obtained from an abandoned pizzeria (where they used it to split wood for the ovens).

Starting equipment/resources:
First aid kit
Water purification tablets
Tarpaulin sheet
Case for his bow
Canned food
A camping stove, with a couple of gas cylinders
Sleeping bag
Wind-up torch.

Starting apparel:
A raincoat, jumper, t-shirt, trousers, hiking boots (with spare clothes in his rucksack)

Misc: Probably gonna die first, but I've never RPed as a purely good, friendly character before :p
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@RJS you're accepted, very well done. It does make rather a nice change for you to play a good character :p
Well, I don't think I've ever done an outright evil character either to be honest. Most of my characters are kind of middle of the road - they won't go out of their way to make your life hell, but they aren't likely to help a stranger either. Natalya's a bit more...complex :P
Well, I don't think I've ever done an outright evil character either to be honest. Most of my characters are kind of middle of the road - they won't go out of their way to make your life hell, but they aren't likely to help a stranger either. Natalya's a bit more...complex :p
I did notice her being a tad bitchy.
I did notice her being a tad bitchy.
Ah, she's not doing it because she's a bitch, she's doing it because she really hates Guardians, and sympathises a lot with the poorest and worst off in Drisbane. The sweary rant at Eleena and co. wasn't bitchy. It was venting her frustrations at not being able to help this girl who'd lost her friends, was all alone, and being taken away by the people who killed her friend, who had started spouting some high-handed moralistic stuff at her.
Ah, she's not doing it because she's a bitch, she's doing it because she really hates Guardians, and sympathises a lot with the poorest and worst off in Drisbane. The sweary rant at Eleena and co. wasn't bitchy. It was venting her frustrations at not being able to help this girl who'd lost her friends, was all alone, and being taken away by the people who killed her friend, who had started spouting some high-handed moralistic stuff at her.
She WAS trying to help, and the girl accepted the ribbon, not to mention she was calming down. Plus, they were hardly locking her up, they're going to make sure she's taken care of.
She WAS trying to help, and the girl accepted the ribbon, not to mention she was calming down. Plus, they were hardly locking her up, they're going to make sure she's taken care of.
I'm not calling it as it happened, I'm calling it how Natalya saw it. Lets not forget, at the time the Guardians left, Mimo was still talking about taking her into custody. It sounded to Natalya like she was being locked up.

So far, there's not really been a situation where she's been able to show the...less caustic aspects of her personality. Hopefully that'll change soon, with the end of this round of missions.