Those Who Remain - IC

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
NOTE: Do not post here if you are not signed up, and do not post out of character here. We have a thread for that, christ.

The world is changed. Infected roam the streets at night, vampires flit between the shadows, and hounds roam in packs. All because of the gates. Tears in space, huge rents ripped between our world and that of the monsters, each one the size of a skyscraper, one in each of 56 countries, seemingly random.
No person can ever life the life they did five years ago. Lives of normality, luxury, and safety, have turned into lives of struggle, survival, and pain, searching through countless buildings for the every meal. Not to mention the beasts whose raison d'etre was to kill you, or recruit them into their numbers.
This is the world in which you find yourselves, central London, the city once the centre of the world, now torn asunder by the wrath of the gates.
Good luck.
[Matthew Watkins]

Bow, stored in case
Arrows x 20
Water Purification Tablets x 30
Plasters x 30
Paracetamol x 10
Bandage x 2
Dressings x 4
Antiseptic cream
Canned meals x 5
Camping Stove
Gas canisters x 2
Sleeping Bag
Tarpaulin Sheet
Spare Clothes
Wind-up Torch

Matthew woke to the sound of the rain beating a staccato alarm on the tarpaulin he had stretched between two dumpsters. Even when it seemed as if everything had changed, the British weather still managed to stay downright dismal. Opening his rucksack, Matthew dug through, checking his supplies. Food was getting low and, despite the soft growling in his stomach, it wasn't worth eating yet. Lunchtime, maybe dinner if he could stretch it out. Crawling from his sleeping bag, Matthew began the process of packing away, ready to move. Best to try and find some food today.

With the sleeping bag safely packed in the rucksack, Matthew pulled on his raincoat and took down the tarpaulin, rolling it up before strapping it to the outside of the rucksack. No sense putting it inside and soaking his sleeping bag - that had been a painful lesson learnt in the early days. Two nights of shivering yourself to sleep made for an excellent spur to learning, as it turned out. With the space above him finally freed up, Matthew stretched, feeling joints that had shifted out of position on the hard floor pop back to where they should be. Loosened off, but still sore after his night on the floor, Matthew shouldered his rucksack and set off towards what had been a large food hall.

"If only I could find food without scavenging old shops," Matthew thought to himself as he walked. "I bet the old parks must be overgrown by now - maybe some of it's edible. If I find some time, maybe I'll pop into a bookshop, see if there's anything left that may be of use. If I could get a garden going, get a decent amount of food, might even be enough to share with others."

Nearing the food hall, Matthew slowed his pace and dropped to a crouch, scanning the area around the entrance for any signs as to what may be in the area.
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[Jakob Drago]


Two weeks worth of pills
A rifle
20x Rifle rounds
A combat knife
An empty beer bottle

Jakob woke to the splatter of rain-drops on his face. They reminded him of his old alarm clock. He used to find that annoying. A bitter laugh escaped him. Oh how naive he had been. Waking up to the beeping of an alarm in his nice warm bed, compared to waking up to the rain in his bin bags he had grabbed out of an old bin. He realised he had spent too long thinking; this world was not one for waiting around anymore. Not unless you wanted to get eaten or go hungry anyway.

He climbed out of his bin bags and searched the room . He hadn't had time to search the room he was in yesterday, he had been reckless and had ended up with a small hoard of zombies after him. He had to stay up well into the night to get here, and after sighting some bins, he had grabbed the bags, climbed into them and gone to sleep. Sadly, after the doors, the days always go slow, and sleep so fast. He would not be so reckless today, for exhaustion and mortal danger are good teachers.
[Raymond Walker]



{ dried rations (5 days) || water canteen (5 days) || light jacket || map || flashlight || medpacks (x3) }
Belt pouch:
{ 530£ || medical ID || necklace }

A loud crash of thunder jolted Raymond awake. He rolled out of a bundle of worn linen and paced quickly to a covered alcove, set in the cold stone wall of his current​
shelter, a medical outpost. Looking outside, Raymond saw that the world was covered in a cold grey cloudburst. Curses, Raymond thought grimly as he moved back to his makeshift bed. This bloody rain will let the hostiles move freely, while it lasts. If only the sun could come out sometime this week! Then I'd be able to get away from this sector; it's crawling with too many monsters for my tastes.

Raymond sat back down on the linen bundle. He took a sip of water and a nibble of fruit. With this meager meal completed, he took out and fastened a light, waterproof​
jacket on his shoulders. He stood up, and moved back over to the alcove. The rain continued to fall; now harder, now softer again, but always with the same undulating rhythm. Blast. Raymond concluded that he wouldn't be going out today. This was the third day in a row he had been confined to the outpost. It was, by most standards, a defensible position. Plus, its smaller-than-average size and its lack of organic materials meant that there was little around to attract the hostiles' attention. Anyway... I suppose I could check the second-level basement, Raymond decided. I've completely combed over the other floors, but there was nothing even remotely useful that I could salvage. Still... there's nothing better to do.
  • Raymond headed down two flights of stairs, to search the damp and dark basement B2F.
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[Mason Lockhart]

  • 1x "Camping Backpack".
    • 1x "Ammunition Cache "The Ripper"".
    • 6x "1m of Rope".
    • 1x "Duct tape".
    • 4x "Can of Dried Food".
    • 1x "Solar Powered Flash Light".
    • 1x "First-Aid Kit ".
    • 1x "Canister of Super Glue".
    • 1x "Pistol "The Ripper .33", v4.1" + "Suppressor".
    • 1x "Bowie Knife".

Heavens wish the scarceness of supplies slowed me down, even if a tiny bit. This bloody backpack
feels heavier every step, the urge to discard it is superficially high: I haven't descended into being suicidal just yet, though. At best, it's weird to consider how these rooftops have grown to become as familiar to my eyes as my old apartment, or the hotel, by that matter -- I'm still trying to get used to the moss though, the slipperiness always keeps me on edge, specially when jumping from one rooftop to another. A run-up, a jump, a run-up, a jump. Every few jumps, an hour long scavenge, a few zombie killing, precipitating as much as possible a death-hound, avoiding vampires at absolutely all costs, and life continues on its path. Surprisingly trivial, after all these months.

Five is usually the magic number, five rooftops, one lookout. It works, it's efficient, and it saves me enough time and avoid me enough danger for my head still to be attached to my neck after all these months. Run-up set, jump made, this is our lucky number five of the day. I surely need to thank our mayor for London's grid-like buildings, otherwise, this wouldn't work nearly as well. Heading towards the hatch of the rooftop, I walk by a few corpses, the flesh was so badly dilacerated I couldn't barely differentiate it from its clothes. Hell-hounds. Good news is the blood seems dry, whatever happened here happened quite a few days, maybe weeks ago. Or so I hope. Good timing as ever, I barely touched the red substance and a droplet of rain splashed by my fingers. Rain. Depressing in a way that I can't imagine a more fitting scenario. Bad news is the moss is going to spread a bit more. Well, deviations aside...

I reached towards the hatch, frowning upon what I saw: perhaps way too conveniently, the hatch was already unlocked. This either means I just hit a jackpot, or someone else already did. Further inspection upon the ladder leading down the towards the building's maintenance closet revealed nothing too interesting, a few brooms, but nothing else. I managed to climb down, getting a hold of both my pistol and the knife in the usual military position. I aim towards the door before opening it. With my foot, I open the door, supposedly towards a hallway, on a lookout for basically everything, as usual.
  • Mason climbed down the hatch from the roof, and opened the door from within the maintenance closet, ready to inspect what was beyond it.
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[Jonathan Kean]

- Swiss Army Knife
- Bow
- Quiver with 20 Arrows
- Raincoat
- 2 Backpacks
- 3 Empty Sacks
- Pillow
- Map
- Compass
- 5 Pencils
- 2 Erasers
- Sharpner
- Deck of cards
- Sack with 10 rocks
- 3 packs of basic clothing
- Scout Association books for Survival
- 2 Notebooks
- Sack with Canned Food
- Matchbox
- Hoodie
- Light T-shirt
- Running pants
- Running Shoes

I quickly opened the door to what I had set up as a minor living place for the last few days. The apartment block had been dilapted a long time ago, the walls had crumbled. The only part that had managed to survive had been a small 3-room apartment. A sofa which was sleepable, windows that were closed and minimally intact, a toilet despite the lack of a water flux, a kitchen with a stove - old-fashioned one, that used gas. All I needed to survive.

I looked at the sack I had brought from my last session of searching for useful things. This time, it had been a few sticks that were dry enough to serve as firewood. I opened one of the windows, put a few sticks around the stove's mouth, lit it up, and started heating up a can of beans. It wasn't the most pleasant food, but when everything's gone to shit you eat what you have. The rain started falling, as always. This was England. I had to eat quickly, however. Any water you could collect and purify would keep you alive. The rule of three still applied. Three days without sleeping, three weeks without water, three months without food. That's how you die. If you could keep that in line, you could survive. And I didn't want to die. Dying was not on my list of priorities.

I opened one of my notebooks. 200 pages each. I had lost the will to scribble, to do any drawings. I had to keep everything in line. Everything had to be working, I had to survive. Picked up a pencil, and wrote in one of them what I had eaten for the day, and my current supplies. 1/3rd of a page. Minimal space.
Simple, concise, useful. I opened up the map and circled the last apartment I had visited before crossing it with an X. I had to keep track of all the apartments I had raided. It was almost animalistic. I hated that.

And that's when I heard someone jumping on the roof. Vampires and zombies don't jump on roofs. Hellhounds are noisy. What does this mean?

That means that someone was here. I locked the door, picked up the bow and arrows, slit the quiver over my back, and waited. This was going to be a situation.

- Jonathan will have an arrow and the bow in his hand, but he won't prepare himself for a shot.
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[Daniel Curtis]
--sack (forgot to mention that chain tied to the jeans is from the sack)
-8x batteries
-water bottle ~0,25l

Dan woke up before the sunrise, being a gamer helped somehow. Lack of sleep and food was his normal life, no drastic change. When the sun came up he was sitting by a wall at the last floor of a flat. All homes look like they're just being built: nothing but concrete and steel beams. He was playing with a stick in a puddle made by the rain.

"Sigh... life became monotone, hasn't it?"
He got up and went to the roof, looked around to see someone jumping around the rooftops. Dan took out his rifle and scoped them, trying to make something out of the guest. "Another wanderer... damn this place is getting crowded. First the one downstairs that building and now another one... Allright, that's it, time to move camp." He put the gun on his back, grabbed his sack and jumped the roofs towards the others, until he was just two flats away from the other two.

"Close enough.", Dan said while he sat on the ledge of the building. "This might be interesting to watch :/"
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[Mason Lockhart]

  • 1x "Camping Backpack".
    • 1x "Ammunition Cache "The Ripper"".
    • 6x "1m of Rope".
    • 1x "Duct tape".
    • 4x "Can of Dried Food".
    • 1x "Solar Powered Flash Light".
    • 1x "First-Aid Kit ".
    • 1x "Canister of Super Glue".
    • 1x "Pistol "The Ripper .33", v4.1" + "Suppressor".
    • 1x "Bowie Knife".

Fairly full, considering how easy accessible it is. The buzzsaw grasped my attention for a split second, just before I reminded myself that one: No electricity. Two: Heavy as a boulder. Three: Not portable at all. I'll leave it for the next fool who passes by it, surely he'll manage to find a way. Apart from that, I've managed to find a decently sized wrench, great for multitasking, I've grabbed it, alongside a small screwdriver, which was just a nice addition to the whole arsenal. Maintenance closet cleared. I've got a hold of my pistol again, together with the knife, and managed to open the door ahead, leading to the building's top-floor hall, a quick scan of my surroundings and I've spotted four doors and what seemed like a continuation to the hall itself. Still, pretty standardized, most buildings follow this pattern, this part of town. The hall itself was what one would expect: Moss, broken glass, some blood, scratching on the walls. Visibly, nothing shouted danger particularly more than anything else, I remained wary for any sound, however. At the same time, trying to be as quiet as possible. You never know.
  • Mason heads to the first room on his right, still regardful of his surroundings.
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[Matthew Watkins]
Bow, stored in case
Arrows x 20
Water Purification Tablets x 30
Plasters x 30
Paracetamol x 10
Bandage x 2
Dressings x 4
Antiseptic cream
Canned meals x 5
Camping Stove
Gas canisters x 2
Sleeping Bag
Tarpaulin Sheet
Spare Clothes
Wind-up Torch

Matthew beamed when he caught sight of the sign. Sneaking over, he scanned through it, ignoring coffee shops and fancy restaurants. The trick was to go for the supermarkets and the fast food shops - the supermarkets had plenty of cans, whilst the fast food had plenty of stuff in the deep freeze. Picking out the likely targets, Matthew ducked into the food hall. Out of the rain now, he unpacked his bow from its case and fitted the two sections together, slipping the quiver under his shoulder. Never knew when you might bump into a zombie, after all. Matthew would keep the bow out all the time if it were up to him, but the rain did terrible things to the materials, and replacements weren't the easiest to come by. Adjusting the hatchet in its belt loop, he crept towards the closest of the shops he'd picked out - a Tesco Metro. As he crept, he kept his senses peeled for any noise that seemed out of place, any hint that someone or something else may be in the area.

At the edge of his hearing, a faint series of clicks. Matthew froze, his blood like ice in his veins. Was he imagining it? Please say he was imagining it. Another burst of clicks. Matthew swore softly under his breath. Vampire. Good thing he'd heard the clicks. Shifting over to the edge of the wall, Matthew tucked himself behind a freestanding advertising sign, hoping to disappear from the creature's sound pulses. Freeing the hatchet from his belt, Matthew waited, his breath coming shallow and rapid.
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[Raymond Walker]


{ dried rations (5 days) || water canteen (5 days) || light jacket || map || flashlight || medpacks (x3) }
Belt pouch:
{ 530£ || medical ID || necklace }

Several minutes later, Raymond emerged from the second basement. Nothing even remotely of interest... blast. He hastened up the stairs to the ground floor of the​
outpost. Has the rain stopped by now? Raymond wondered, as he sped to the alcove and looked out cautiously. Indeed, the sun had come out at last, although a medium fog still shrouded the north and east areas of the square. Judging by the sun's position and angle, Raymond determined that it was already getting late in the morning. It's probably almost ten, and I've spent this entire past week holed up here. It seriously is time to leave; I'll be needing rations soon, and I'd like to go see if any survivors heard my broadcast.

Raymond stole another glance out of the windowed alcove. From his position, the square seemed mostly deserted. The sun's rays now illuminated the square. But in the​
foggy western sector, several hundred meters or more away... No. Raymond watched tensely as murky figures began to stir in the depths of the fog. He flinched, as the pale, ghostly cry of a death hound sounded in the distance, and again as a second one answered. They won't move about while there's still daylight! As long as I can remain under cover and out of their sight, that is. I need to leave, right this minute. Quickly, Raymond slung his pack around, took out two bites of dried fruit and ate them, then took a swig of water. He shuddered as the death hound's cry came again, sounding a bit nearer, a bit louder. Time to go.

Raymond paced to the front door, held it and listened momentarily, then yanked it open and slipped outside. I'll need to head toward East End. If I remember correctly,
there's at least one school between there and my current position. I should be able to make it there before noon; it could be a defensible position if necessary. He broke into a sprint and skirted the shadows and puddles. For some time, Raymond continued in this manner, swerving his route from side to side to avoid any pursuit, and staying in the sunlight whenever possible. At one point, he stopped and listened sharply; Strange... I thought I heard... something odd. A beep? A click? A car alarm? However, the noise didn't come again, and after a few moments, Raymond took off again. He took a break around a ruined bus stop, around noon. Panting slightly, Raymond took another swig of water, then opened his map to find out just where he was, completely oblivious to any rooftop action in the vicinity...
  • Raymond examines his map, a little off-guard.
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[Daniel Curtis]
--sack (forgot to mention that chain tied to the jeans is from the sack)
-8x batteries
-water bottle ~0,25l

Dan looked at the sky as the rain settled and the clouds uncovered the shy sun coming out of the clouds. "It is time to decide my actions... Stay on high ground and defend my position or dash for some resources before it's too late. Well with such short equipment the decision is quite obvious." With this thought he ran across one more roof, up to the building next to the two "neighbours". He grabbed his blade and cut off the lock of the roof trapdoor, dived into the last floor and made himself aware of the surroundings.
"The maintenance locker, obviously."

Dan inspected the locker for anything useful before cutting the doorknob and heading off to the main hallway. He then entered the room with the fanciest door and scavenged the room yet again.

• Dan searched the maintenence locker and then the fanciest room he could see.
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[Jakob Drago]


Two weeks worth of pills
A rifle
20x Rifle rounds
A combat knife
An empty beer bottle

Searching the room, Jakob found that he had got extremely lucky. First room and something to eat.

Tin of beans added to inventory.

Lucky in his eyes anyway. He was... well... just a bit pessimistic. He climbed up the old rusty ladder onto the roof, but not before it gave him a heart attack with a loud screeching noise. It held though. Out on the roof he looked around. The day wasn't great, but this was England, and you got used to it. The river was still there. A faint remnant of the past, still as full of crap as ever. The bridge wasn't though. He didn't think about the bridge usually, and he tried not to dwell on it for too long. Off a fair distance away he heard a series of clicks moving away from him, but that was someone else's problem. And so he moved down slowly from the rooftops, and went in the complete opposite direction of the sound.

He headed down towards the old namco, partially because of old times, but partially because there was a mcdonalds there. On his left was the old obama head statue. It still stood proud as ever, as if gloating. Fuck America he thought. And, of course, it had a few zombies around it, because he had thought he was lucky earlier. Who said fate didn't have a sense of humour? Not being the most intelligent of creatures, the remaining three zombies didn't notice until the second of their comrades was down, their throats slitted by knives, and it was too late for the third as his head was pierced from the front. As the remaining two advanced, Jakob pushed the still impaled zombie into the statue and swung up with a kick to the zombie's face, followed by the knife changing places with which zombie's head it was in. The final zombie was butted in the nose with the rifle, then, when it fell over, stabbed repeatedly. As some sanity returned to his mind, Jakob sat on the re-killed zombie, and sighed. Life was tough.

Walking into the Mcdonalds, he looked at what he had used to consider a dump. His dump standards lowered significantly. Still, he searched the room.
[Matthew Watkins]
Bow Case
Arrows x 20
Water Purification Tablets x 30
Plasters x 30
Paracetamol x 10
Bandage x 2
Dressings x 4
Antiseptic cream
Canned meals x 5
Camping Stove
Gas canisters x 2
Sleeping Bag
Tarpaulin Sheet
Spare Clothes
Wind-up Torch

Crouching behind the sign, his breath irregular and his heartbeat booming, Matthew hid, hoping and praying that he had gotten to cover in time. Resting his bow on the ground, he crouched, swallowing to lubricate what had become a very dry mouth. No chance of a good shot here. If it came to a fight, it would be up close and personal. The clicks continued. Intensified. Louder. Nearer. Nearer. The noise of the beating of his heart matched the clicks in an ominous crescendo, cascading louder and louder, resounding until...silence. Matthew's body was tensed, his palms clammy. For a moment, everything stood still, like two gunslingers at opposite ends of the street. Then the vampire sprang.

An unearthly screech rent the air as the vampire pounced, smashing through the sign. Matthew managed to dive out of the way in time, hitting the tiled floor with a thud. Scrambling back to his feet, gasping to regain the air that the impact had knocked out of him, he gripped the hatchet and swung it at the vampire's knee with a roar.
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[Matthew Watkins]
Bow Case
Arrows x 20
Water Purification Tablets x 30
Plasters x 30
Paracetamol x 10
Bandage x 2
Dressings x 4
Antiseptic cream
Canned meals x 5
Camping Stove
Gas canisters x 2
Sleeping Bag
Tarpaulin Sheet
Spare Clothes
Wind-up Torch

The vampire screeched even louder, sharp and shrill, and the axe cut into its knee - not quite to the bone, but enough to leave a deep cut.

Not hesitating even with the pain, the creature swiped with its right hand, its talons reaching for Matthew’s throat.

The axe sank in, a visceral splatter flying forth from the wound, accompanied by a harsh cry from the creature. Almost as soon as that first strike landed however, the vampire lashed out with razor claws, seeking his throat. Matthew jumped back, seeking to make space between his jugular and the deadly needles adorning the vampire’s fingers.

The vampire’s talons swept within centimetres of Matthew’s throat, and as they did, the vampire was sent off-balance, having put most of its weight into the swipe, leaving the beast open to attack as it hissed in frustration.

Matthew felt the wind as the claws brushed past him, regaining has balance almost as the vampire lost its own. He may even have got a slight beard trim off that one. Stepping forwards, and gripping the hatchet in both hands, he delivered a downwards strike to the nape of the creature’s neck.

A direct hit, straight into the vampire’s throat, even penetrating some of the bone. The vampire was dead within seconds, its constant clicking becoming…not quite so constant, as the blood spurted into Matthew’s face.

The axe sunk in, met resistance, and smashed through. A jet of ichor sprayed up, catching Matthew in the face. As the clicking subsided, Matthew could feel the last few jerks of the vampire’s life through the axe handle. Resting his foot on the creature, Matthew yanked the axe out. Wiping the blood off his face with the front of his shirt, he listened carefully for any sound that the vampire was not alone. Satisfied, he tucked the axe into his belt, retrieved his bow, and continued his journey to the Tesco Metro.
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[Jonathan Kean]

- Swiss Army Knife
- Bow
- Quiver with 20 Arrows
- Raincoat
- 2 Backpacks
- 3 Empty Sacks
- Pillow
- Map
- Compass
- 5 Pencils
- 2 Erasers
- Sharpner
- Deck of cards
- Sack with 10 rocks
- 3 packs of basic clothing
- Scout Association books for Survival
- 2 Notebooks
- Sack with Canned Food
- Matchbox
- Hoodie
- Light T-shirt
- Running pants
- Running Shoes

A screech.

A fucking screech.

Screeching means vampire, and vampire means death. The problem with vampiers is that there's fucking no records on them whatsoever. Even my own notes in the survival handbook don't have a way to deal with the bastards. I knew someone was here, and that this someone wasn't a vampire. This was going against all the codes I had learned at St. Marc. But to hell with it, I needed someone else. I'd go mad by being lonely for so long. It was a matter of my own mental health. I took a deep breath, filled my lungs, and screamed from the very bottom of my soul:

"Hey! The person in this building! Come here! There's a vampire out there! Either take cover or prepare yourself!"

Now I had to wait for a response. The silence that came back for a minute or so allowed me to hear a vampire being beaten to death. It was dead! Ding dong the witch is dead... I was livid. This meant that someone had heard the vampire as well and murdered it. In the same vein, I decided to warn whomever was in this building - who knows, it might be useful!

"It's dead! It's dead!"

Now I had to stay on the lookout. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna be caught off-guard and murdered. That said, I think that I should start by screaming at the top of my lungs repeatdly.
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[Daniel Curtis]
-8x batteries
-water bottle [EMPTY]
-tins of food
-8 rounds of ammo (3 old+5 aquired)

"Sweet Lord, just what i needed!" Dan whispered to himself. Looking around he's found tins of food and 5 rounds of ammo, such a nice catch! Food and ammo is always a nice combination, but there's still problems to conquer... He sat down and had a quick meal, drinked the rest of the water he had and went out on the hallway. He smashed the door with a fancy doormat before it and found a pair of zombies, one wearing what looked like a ripped blazer and the other one a short dress. They were feasting on the remains of a dog or something. "Amusing yet disgusting... Thank you life." Daniel grabbed the broken doorknob and threw it towards the face of a zombie, followed by a decapitation with his oversized kitchen knife and a kick in the other undead's chest, unbalancing it and tripping it over. "Such a nice family you were... WHAT... A... SHAME." The last words showing clear anger as he butchered the zombie, sending short streams of darkened blood flying around the room.
The little pet which became the feast of the others then grabbed Daniel's leg, scaring him enough for him to react and send it flying in a wall like a ball in a goal. Thankfully it was too small and weakened to harm him in any way.

•Dan searched the room...

He went out of the broken apartment with a slight relief.
"That could've been... so much different... Better not to think about it." Dan looked to his left to find the wall smashed in half, enough for him to clearly see that the coresponding wall of the other building was damaged completely. "The other two are in there." Ran across the gap and reached into the other building, rolling on the floor. He quickly crawled to a wall of the hallway, took out his blade again. He then heard the voice of a man coming from downstairs: "It's dead! It's dead!"
"What a wonderful welcoming..." Dan thought to himself. "Pretty sure the other one is also on this floor. Ah yes, there's the open door." As soon as he saw it he sprung up towards the door, carefully approaching it.
*Knock knock*, a dim sound bringing nostalgia from the civilized times. "Don't worry, i'm friendly." ...waited for a response...
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Reactions: LivingAngryCheese
[Jakob Drago]


Two weeks worth of pills
A rifle
20x Rifle rounds
A combat knife
An empty beer bottle
A tin of beans

Looking around McDonalds, Jakob had been expecting to find crap. However, surrounded by a blood, was a laser rifle, and enough charge in a cell for 5 shots!
Laser rifle added to inventory.
Cell <5> added to inventory.

A soldier died here, that's the only reason I was granted this rifle. I can't allow myself to be happy about this He thought grimly. He looked around at the sludge - coated floor and the grimy, dirty walls. Well, some places hadn't changed. Just for the sake of old times, he walked into namco, and wished he hadn't.

The lights didn't work, the arcade machines were broken... this had been part of his childhood. And now it was.. ruined. He broke down and cried. This was the real reason he tried to make every moment count, because a lot of time got wasted with his breakdowns. The dying screech of a vampire sounded in the distance, but his depressed mind was currently almost unable to comprehend it. After a while his sobs ceased. He went back into the McDonalds, and searched for a way to cook food.
[Matthew Watkins]
Bow Case
Arrows x 20
Water Purification Tablets x 30
Plasters x 30
Paracetamol x 10
Bandage x 2
Dressings x 4
Antiseptic cream
Canned meals x 5
Camping Stove
Gas canisters x 2
Sleeping Bag
Tarpaulin Sheet
Spare Clothes
Wind-up Torch

As he walked through the silent food hall, his footsteps echoing through the corridors, Matthew marveled at how a place that would have been so noisy, so bustling, so...full of life could be so drained, so empty. "Then again, so many of us are the same way." he thought wryly. So many people, glazed faces, living a nightmare they wished was a dream, sleepwalking through survival with no thought for tomorrow. "We were dreamers, idealists, always with some hope for tomorrow. Now, we act like animals, almost as mindless as the zombies we flee. But we can still recover. We can still rebuild. We cannot forget what we were."

Lost in his inner monologue, Matthew almost tripped on the dessicated remains of a solider, presumably deployed here in response to the gates opening. Matthew paused, and bowed his head. "I don't know how many people you gave a chance to survive with your sacrifice. I hope some of them made it, are still alive now...still remember you. I wasn't one of them, but thank you on behalf of those who could not." Searching the body, Matthew found a laser rifle, depleted and also a funny cylindrical object. Pressing the stud on the side caused a beam of glowing light to flash out, narrowly missing his face. A...lightsaber!? They made them before the gates opened? Switching it off, he separated the cell from the saber, and packed hilt, rifle and cell into his rucksack. Pausing, he turned back to the corpse of the soldier and reached for the neck. "G. Hicks...I'll tell them what you did. If I find family, friends, anyone who knew you, anyone you saved...they deserve to know how you died, and what it meant. Farewell, noble warrior. The war is not over, but you can rest easy."

Taking the dogtags and tucking them away securely, Matthew entered the Tesco Extra and began scavenging for supplies.
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[Raymond Walker]


{ dried rations (5 days) || water canteen (5 days) || light jacket || map || flashlight || medpacks (x3) }
Belt pouch:
{ 530£ || medical ID || necklace }

Startled, Raymond almost dropped his map. He'd been able to place himself in what seemed to be the remains of a bustling city district - perhaps a restaurant or two​
nearby, and a hotel across the way. But he was shaken alert when the unearthly screech of a vampire echoed from the direction of the restaurant, followed by another. And then -- a muffled cry, almost human, broke out. The vampire's screech came again, but was cut short and died off; then, the noise of a dull banging reverberated through the street. And then, silence.

After the first scream, Raymond had darted for cover underneath the bus stop's wreckage. Now that any noises had ceased, he cautiously peered out; finding the area clear​
of hostiles, he jumped out and drew his katana from its back sheath. If there's anyone still alive in this city, I'm determined to find them and help them survive this catastrophe. He paused, and felt for his belt pouch. If only... Raymond's thoughts trailed off as he sped towards the ruined restaurant. Streaking along the street, while trying to remain in the sunlight and under cover from any observation at the same time, was difficult enough; now Raymond was likely going to confront either a strengthened vampire, or, what was more likely, its even more powerful slayer.
  • Raymond stealthily approaches the ruined McDonalds, listening for any signs of life.
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[Jakob Drago]


Two weeks worth of pills
A rifle
20x Rifle rounds
A combat knife
An empty beer bottle
A tin of beans
A laser rifle
Cell <5>

Turns out dumps like McDonalds don't cook their food. Well then. Jakob was going to have to look somewhere else. He looked around, and a slight change in color caught his eye. Looking back, Jakob saw the colour was back to normal. The man had noticed him and legged it. Dammit. This wasn't good. The mysterious guy knew where Jakob was, but Jakob had no idea where the guy had gone. He pulled out the laser rifle.
'If you come out without your weapons slowly I will share these beans with you, ' he said, placing the tin of beans on the floor. 'If not, please leave.'

Jakob didn't want to shoot the guy, and didn't think he actually would, but it would definitely help just in case.
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