Looking through my collected pictures, I discovered that I'd done an entire pack and didn't get around to posting any of it. I know 1.12.2 is a long way back, and I know things are pretty quiet but I figure I might as well post things while there's a here to post things into. I'll try to get this one up in short order. It's still better here than imgr...
It's a rather novel pack concept, starts you with some custom trickery, and makes you focus on the space you have to work within. You don't deal with packs that often that you really have to work to get any freespace to work in. Reminds me a little of the old Raxpack mantra, "space matters". Of course I found some cheese and made use of it, but mostly I kept within the flavour of the project, even if I didn't keep exactly to the intentions of it in every place.
If you enjoy this, drop in and look at other stories of mine and maybe slap down some likes?
https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/empire-of-one.244199/ (rebuild pending)
https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/skyblock-time-again-ag-skies-2.147320/ (rebuild pending)
https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/1-7-10-worlds-beyond-custom-pack.76116/ (rebuild pending)

It's a rather novel pack concept, starts you with some custom trickery, and makes you focus on the space you have to work within. You don't deal with packs that often that you really have to work to get any freespace to work in. Reminds me a little of the old Raxpack mantra, "space matters". Of course I found some cheese and made use of it, but mostly I kept within the flavour of the project, even if I didn't keep exactly to the intentions of it in every place.
If you enjoy this, drop in and look at other stories of mine and maybe slap down some likes?
Small as a puddle, Deep as an OCEANBLOCK
As I'd wrapped up my previous pack and was looking for something fun to do, I saw this and had to give it a try. Admittedly part of the thought was "if HE can do it, I can do it" then I slacked off and he got ahead. I'll try to design things my way and not be overly influenced by what I've...

Stories of SevTech
I've been seeing the idea of segmented packs, with progression walled off behind one bit or another for a while. Ages of Engineering that I was toying with before is very much tiered. Using the machines of one level, to make the next level item. Ages went further where the crafting chains got...

Testing myself with Ultimate Alchemy
Testing myself with a side adventure in the middle of playing through Sevtech, I've given myself a chance to try Ultimate, Alchemy. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ultimate-alchemy It's quite an enjoyable challenge so far. Between updates if you want to have a look at some of the...

Stories of SevTech
I've been seeing the idea of segmented packs, with progression walled off behind one bit or another for a while. Ages of Engineering that I was toying with before is very much tiered. Using the machines of one level, to make the next level item. Ages went further where the crafting chains got...

Nether going to give you up
It's a strange feeling, to be prepared to walk away because you are so frustrated, and then become inspired to give things one more try. My adventures in dark grid came to an end rather rapidly and by mistake. I won by accident. Still I had a good time. Still I don't quite trust myself, so...

Exile to the Dark Grid
You've seen me, I tend to play skyblocks, or themed overworlds. Today I bring you a modpack where it's both. Dark Grid. I'm a fan of Seth Bling, and of Mischief of Mice, so this one was a must. Please do, settle in, enjoy the story, amaze at the pictures, and be generous with the likes if...

https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/skyblock-time-again-ag-skies-2.147320/ (rebuild pending)
https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/1-7-10-worlds-beyond-custom-pack.76116/ (rebuild pending)
Mechworld (TechWorld2 Narration)
One of my forefathers was afraid of portals of all kinds. I think I understand now. Sure, some of the lands in this far place where harsh, but none where unreasonably so, until this time. I found a book, left carelessly, and once I read it, I was pulled in. Sure I'd visited a few ages this...

Another one of these threads
I've wandered back to the forums, I must have smelled the delicious, delicious brains. Now, instead of my normal habit of playing in a world a while, hitting my frustration level, and then leaving, to never post an update again ... This time I'm on a server. Direwolf20 world. BoP active, but...

World Diary (FTB Light)
Day ? 1? Again? Took my log with me, I don't know how much use it will be now. I thought I'd just get more of the wood for the floor from that other realm, maybe try the mound in the swamp. Seems life had other plans. That fall was too long, and this is not the world with the trees. It...

World Diary
Day 1: Forest in sight near this riverside spawn point, looks like a good place to punch wood. Smash a few trees, leave the heads floating to get saplings in a bit but I've noticed surface coal. Wood, planks, crafting table, wooden pick, stone pick, coal, torches. Not a bad start. When the...

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