Thermal expansion energy cells.

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Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I am just starting to get into trying to use the Redstone energy cells and conduit but Have a few questions. As far as I can tell by just messing around you can input MJ from buildcraft pipes but I cant seem to output to buildcraft pipes only machines..

I wanted to store excess energy from my engines in a energy cell and then send it through my phased pipe to my quarry. I like the idea of the energy cells since they are like a buffer to store some energy and I can select the output and input strengths.

Am I missing something here? or do they just not output to build craft conductive pipes.

EDIT: WOW its late I could just use myphased pipe to send MJ to the quary and have the energy cell at the quary lol...

BUT my question about sending power out of the cell still stands haha

Hmm But with that theres no way to say how much MJ I send through the phased pipe.. If I could put the cell before the phased pipe I could dictate how much energy gets sent through the phased pipe.. If I put the cell after the phased pipe i cant do that.. And I dont know how buildcraft pipes split up energy when you have multiple outlets .


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Using buildcraft conductive pipes you can use a wooden conductive pipe for any sides you want to be an output off the energy cell.

The wooden pipes are dumb and will gladly tell the energy cell it needs everything it can output.

Much better to use energy conduit for at least your outputs. The energy conduit will only pull from the cell what it needs -- some machines are better at self limiting than others.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You do it the same way you use any other MJ producing device in Buildcraft.

[Energy Cell] -> [Wooden Conductive Pipe] -> [Golden Conductive Pipe]

Jeff Fisher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Using buildcraft conductive pipes you can use a wooden conductive pipe for any sides you want to be an output off the energy cell.

The wooden pipes are dumb and will gladly tell the energy cell it needs everything it can output.

Much better to use energy conduit for at least your outputs. The energy conduit will only pull from the cell what it needs -- some machines are better at self limiting than others.

Yah I Didn't think about the wooden pipe.. I feel kinda dumb now.. But in my defense it isn't an engine and thats the only thing I'm used to needing them for but ya it makes sense..

So if you set it to output say 10mj will it take more then that? in reference to what you said about the wooden pipes taking everything


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yah I Didn't think about the wooden pipe.. I feel kinda dumb now.. But in my defense it isn't an engine and thats the only thing I'm used to needing them for but ya it makes sense..

So if you set it to output say 10mj will it take more then that? in reference to what you said about the wooden pipes taking everything

The energy cell's setting will limit the output to whatever it is set to.

The difference will be a conductive pipe after the wood pipe with no where to send the energy will slowly accumulate energy until the pipe explodes. I believe 1-2MJ/t won't ever explode a pipe, but it will build up in the pipe and waste the energy.

Energy conduit leaves the energy in the cell unless it has somewhere to send it.

Just ran a test at 2mj/t and it did eventually blow up one of its conductive pipes -- it is either a low chance or very slow to buildup in to the explosion range.