Some screenshots from my survival world.
My humble abode. Yes, I totally ripped this off from a Youtuber. I didn't stick ugly mobfarms right next to it and I actually made good use out of the inside unlike the original owner
It's worked well for me. It's in the center chunk (It's become very ingrained in me to always be cognizant of chunk borders) of a 3x3 with my standard spider-proof perimeter. I planted a silverwood because I could, doesn't seem to do anything for flux though. Off to the rigth is the Pams crops tended by a golem. The vacuumulator is under the water block. To the left we have a fishpond that I just threw in to test the trap (HC, I still haven't gotten around to aquatic entangler, which does work w/o aquachow even), I need to automate it, beehive (offscreen, should also automate), our first maple tree and our original farm in the back. A few ground traps off to the right, as well as my original cattle pen (offscreen).
High density hands-free animal farming. I did this before I discovered the Harvestcraft ground traps. We've got an insightful condenser which collects the XP from breeding, into a tank in the back (yeah, I need to duct it out, as well as pump lapis in, but the mobfarm already generates tons of XP). A vacuumulator behind it collects everything, and then a Farming for Blockheads trough that gets wheat, another behind it gets beets for the pigs. As the animals breed to overcapacity the excess die from crowding. I adjusted the config of the trough to 36 (anything over 24 works, the default of 8 is useless). These are more or less vanilla farms improved with mods. Otherwise you'd need the water dispensers so you could feed them, and hoppers to collect the drops. Life is so much better with mods. I'm sure PETA is on their way to shut me down as we speak.
Behind the house we have our spruce and dark oak arbors which provide the sap and resin that are the foundation of our TE operation. Ducts bring fluxed phyto-gro and carry off fluids. Not much to see, but considering it's importance I felt it deserved a shot. I really do need to spruce up the yard with some flowers or something. Hey you zombies, get off my lawn! (they're burning up outside the fence).
Looking in the front door is some basic Thaumcraft stuff as well as my original project bench and some chests, and a Botania pedestal topped up by Everflowing Urn. There is a TL terminal just to my left so they are pretty much unused these days. Just under my feet as you walk in the door (barely visible) is an Open Blocks XP drain, which is my original XP storage and shower, now feeds an auto-anvil. I should probably relocate it but too lazy. I need to do more with this space but haven't gotten around to it.
Cooking for Blockheads kitchen. Complete with Merchant as well as Pams grinder/presser/shipping crate. The TE pulverizer and centrifuge can perform the functions of the grinder & presser, although either could be automated they are faster, so these are kept here for manual use. I've got the fridge and cabinets kept stocked with meat and produce by ducts, but I haven't gotten around to automating intermediary products.
Upstairs is where the magic happens, literally. Smeltery, golem press, infusion altar, thaumatorium. It all just fit perfectly. Really lucked out with this house, because it wasn't designed for this, but it just works (mainly because of the open attic or I wouldn't have enough space for jars). Everything is fed by "wireless" essentia. The piped system is for overflow to centrifuges and the flux scrubber once I get the research. I should probably move the workbench and stuff up here and do something nice downstairs. In modded I tend not to build a house and wind up in a cave (and I still spend most of my time in the sub-cellars where the TE stuff is) so it's refreshing to have an actual house.
For those living in the past still, spamming candles and skulls does nothing for stability in the most current TC. I've got a dozen candles around the Altar, more won't help. It's good enough for moderate recipes. When I get the research there will be redstone stabilizers connected to all the pedestals. It will handle anything at that point.
The original cellar (this was built over a smaller original house), dug out a bit, this is under the kitchen. Here is the storage drawer system that the vacuumulator feeds into as well as some Bonsai with fruit and nuts. This is a self-contained system that only feeds the kitchen, it does not touch the rest of the network since there is no real reason to. The duct going to the fridge (front right) however is connected to the main, it gets cooked & ground meat, eggs, fish from downstairs. CfB can't really be automated, but the fact that counters/fridges/even fruit basket are seperate inventories as far as piping into them is concerned but all seen as part of the kitchen for use.
Ok, enough fooling around. Onto the reason you came here. To see TE stuff. So the next level down from the basement, just under the rock layer. Here is our main cell and power gen. The infuser on top provides wireless recharge of my flux capacitor with a radius of like 18 blocks, so pretty much anywhere around the house. The dynamos are all nested behind. Off to the right we have tree oil and refined fuel production. To the left is the automated ore-processing. Just past the ladder is our main terminal with dump chest below. I've got some more automated crafting nestled in between. It's a total mess, but it works...mostly. We actually filled the rosin cache too, so yeah, using that for surplus power over wood planks (because of the noise)
Turning around here is the Phyto-works ® as well as our snowball maker (trying to just make them on demand with a crafter seems to always let some slip out, so I just put a cache on it for sanity sake, it's a shame you can't switch to ice on the fly too). These are really just for making cryotheum, the fridge has an ice-maker upgrade installed. We're really starting to get some sandstone stock now, which shows you how often the pulverizer runs these days (it barely keeps up otherwise). One can always upgrade the caches (and I did the slag in a moment of panic...lest the ore smelters jam) but myself I really don't even see the need for 20k of most items, let alone more. There is always the void augment for secondaries, but that doesn't work for primary output (and the critical products here are the secondaries).
Moving to the right a bit here's the obsidian maker and wart. The comparator didn't seem to work right on the Ender Tank (I think it only gives full/empty), so I put a TE under it, so the extruder shuts off if that tank isn't full (basicly when your nether pump stops working). I was going to slap a crucible in that melts netherrack into lava when the ender tank is empty, that way the magmatic dynamo will continue to be fed, but having to put that buffer tank in has fucked up my plan until I re-engineer it. The reservoir is in that pool on the right, it was in the back corner originally but then the output was above and it ran into the lava so I moved it. All the water ducts are in the floor. And this was 10 so continued....
My humble abode. Yes, I totally ripped this off from a Youtuber. I didn't stick ugly mobfarms right next to it and I actually made good use out of the inside unlike the original owner
High density hands-free animal farming. I did this before I discovered the Harvestcraft ground traps. We've got an insightful condenser which collects the XP from breeding, into a tank in the back (yeah, I need to duct it out, as well as pump lapis in, but the mobfarm already generates tons of XP). A vacuumulator behind it collects everything, and then a Farming for Blockheads trough that gets wheat, another behind it gets beets for the pigs. As the animals breed to overcapacity the excess die from crowding. I adjusted the config of the trough to 36 (anything over 24 works, the default of 8 is useless). These are more or less vanilla farms improved with mods. Otherwise you'd need the water dispensers so you could feed them, and hoppers to collect the drops. Life is so much better with mods. I'm sure PETA is on their way to shut me down as we speak.
Behind the house we have our spruce and dark oak arbors which provide the sap and resin that are the foundation of our TE operation. Ducts bring fluxed phyto-gro and carry off fluids. Not much to see, but considering it's importance I felt it deserved a shot. I really do need to spruce up the yard with some flowers or something. Hey you zombies, get off my lawn! (they're burning up outside the fence).
Looking in the front door is some basic Thaumcraft stuff as well as my original project bench and some chests, and a Botania pedestal topped up by Everflowing Urn. There is a TL terminal just to my left so they are pretty much unused these days. Just under my feet as you walk in the door (barely visible) is an Open Blocks XP drain, which is my original XP storage and shower, now feeds an auto-anvil. I should probably relocate it but too lazy. I need to do more with this space but haven't gotten around to it.
Cooking for Blockheads kitchen. Complete with Merchant as well as Pams grinder/presser/shipping crate. The TE pulverizer and centrifuge can perform the functions of the grinder & presser, although either could be automated they are faster, so these are kept here for manual use. I've got the fridge and cabinets kept stocked with meat and produce by ducts, but I haven't gotten around to automating intermediary products.
Upstairs is where the magic happens, literally. Smeltery, golem press, infusion altar, thaumatorium. It all just fit perfectly. Really lucked out with this house, because it wasn't designed for this, but it just works (mainly because of the open attic or I wouldn't have enough space for jars). Everything is fed by "wireless" essentia. The piped system is for overflow to centrifuges and the flux scrubber once I get the research. I should probably move the workbench and stuff up here and do something nice downstairs. In modded I tend not to build a house and wind up in a cave (and I still spend most of my time in the sub-cellars where the TE stuff is) so it's refreshing to have an actual house.
For those living in the past still, spamming candles and skulls does nothing for stability in the most current TC. I've got a dozen candles around the Altar, more won't help. It's good enough for moderate recipes. When I get the research there will be redstone stabilizers connected to all the pedestals. It will handle anything at that point.
The original cellar (this was built over a smaller original house), dug out a bit, this is under the kitchen. Here is the storage drawer system that the vacuumulator feeds into as well as some Bonsai with fruit and nuts. This is a self-contained system that only feeds the kitchen, it does not touch the rest of the network since there is no real reason to. The duct going to the fridge (front right) however is connected to the main, it gets cooked & ground meat, eggs, fish from downstairs. CfB can't really be automated, but the fact that counters/fridges/even fruit basket are seperate inventories as far as piping into them is concerned but all seen as part of the kitchen for use.
Turning around here is the Phyto-works ® as well as our snowball maker (trying to just make them on demand with a crafter seems to always let some slip out, so I just put a cache on it for sanity sake, it's a shame you can't switch to ice on the fly too). These are really just for making cryotheum, the fridge has an ice-maker upgrade installed. We're really starting to get some sandstone stock now, which shows you how often the pulverizer runs these days (it barely keeps up otherwise). One can always upgrade the caches (and I did the slag in a moment of panic...lest the ore smelters jam) but myself I really don't even see the need for 20k of most items, let alone more. There is always the void augment for secondaries, but that doesn't work for primary output (and the critical products here are the secondaries).
Moving to the right a bit here's the obsidian maker and wart. The comparator didn't seem to work right on the Ender Tank (I think it only gives full/empty), so I put a TE under it, so the extruder shuts off if that tank isn't full (basicly when your nether pump stops working). I was going to slap a crucible in that melts netherrack into lava when the ender tank is empty, that way the magmatic dynamo will continue to be fed, but having to put that buffer tank in has fucked up my plan until I re-engineer it. The reservoir is in that pool on the right, it was in the back corner originally but then the output was above and it ran into the lava so I moved it. All the water ducts are in the floor. And this was 10 so continued....
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