The Toast Generator uses Wheat and Culinary Generators to produce Energy. (3x1792 RF/t*)
My goal was to build it as small as possible. So I came up with this setup with a size of 4x3x2.
What it does:
- 1 Bone --> SAG Mill = 6 Bone Meal
- 6 Bone Meal --> Autonomous Activator --> 2 Wheat (sometimes more)
- 2 Wheat --> SAG Mill = 4 Flour
- 4 Flour --> Redstone Furnace (with Trivection Chamber Augment) = 8 Bread
- 8 Bread --> Redstone Furnace (with Trivection Chamber Augment) = 16 Toast
- 16 Toast --> Culinary Generator = 887.488 RF*
So using flint is optional, but you will use less bones. (and most of the times you have enough flint anyway)
You don't even need a very big mob farm to run this setup. It uses very less bones. (around 1 Bone every 7 seconds)
Also, there is an RF Monitor, that looks how much power there is in the top generator. If it is more than 10% full the whole machine will shut down. This is only required if the power is not used fast enough.
As a byproduct you also get some seeds. You could trash them if not needed.
There is just a tiny bit excess of toast you can eat yourself!
Required mods: Thermal Expansion, Extra Utilities, Ender IO, Pam's HarvestCraft and Openblocks
Optional mods: RFTools and Storage Drawers
If you have suggestions on how to compact it even more let me know.
*Originaly Build in Skyfactory 2.5. May be different in other Modpacks.