Whitelist Server The Mobocracy [Modded Ultimate 1.1.0] [Mystcraft Disabled] [Open Slots] [Mature 18+]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

IP: play.mobocracyftb.com

What is The Mobocracy?

The Mobocracy is a tightly knit group of players and friends who aim to build a strong and fun Feed The Beast community. We currently operate with a whitelist of 20 players having up to 10 of them on regularly. This means the Mob is looking to expand, and with new hardware upgrades we are now able to do the largest recruitment we have done to date!

I hope this post is able to convey the energy and passion that I and all the other players have for the server and gets you excited to join in on the fun, by becoming a part of this growing dynamic community.

The following video is a snapshot of the server to date; it includes many of our players' builds which are all survival legitimate builds. The server has been up for almost half a year and is stronger than ever! Hope you enjoy the video as I plan on releasing snapshots regularly.

As an added bonus we are currently rebuilding our Mod Pack from the ground up and will be naming it the Mob Pack. This pack will have a Core MobPack which will be available on the FTB launcher and a Exclusive MobPack which will only be available to Mob Members of the server. This means that there will be a fresh world for new players to jump in on and partake in.


What do we have?

We are currently powered by a 12gb ram, quad-core, high bandwidth/low latency VPS server located in Chicago IL. There are times during high load on the server that we experience lag but with the recent upgrades these are minimal.

We also have a TeamSpeak 3 server which we would like to see new players on, especially since the rest of us will be on waiting to meet you! The Teamspeak details will be given out when applications are accepted.

To help players connect with fellow teammates or just check up on things, a dynamic map has also been included for your viewing pleasure which will allow you to chat with the players; it even works from mobile devices. Just another way we're helping lower work productivity in the workplace.

Currently under construction (however still working) is our Mobocracy Hub located at www.mobocracyftb.com which hosts our Forums, Wiki, and Dynamic Map.


The Community

Our community are mature (most of the time), respectful, and helpful, so we expect new applicants to share these same characteristics. We do community build projects, trades and other fun events such as our Challenge Accepted series to keep the game fun and interesting.

Our rules are pretty simple, use common sense, don't break other players work and don't steal. Chunk loaders have been replaced with World Anchors, Myst ages are disabled. Xycraft tanks are also not allowed as there is a bug with them "disappearing" and causing chunk errors.

As some of our members like to record we also ask that racist, derogatory, sexist, and swearing be kept to a minimum, but we understand things do slip out; just be mature and responsible about it.

We hope to see you online as a new member of The Mobocracy!

The updated Modpack, Teamspeak, and website will be sent to you
upon acceptance to the server.

Thank you for checking us out, take care and happy mining!




Please direct all questions and applications to our forums located on the website, it will help us get in contact with you and expedite the transfer of info concerning the MobPack and such (since we can't publicly distribute it yet).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server now open for new applicants under our new mod pack and upgraded hardware. Get on board before the slots are filled up. With our current player base we have room for 10 new Mob members!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: docabbit
Age: 32

How often do you plan to play: 7-20 hours per week, depending on my work schedule

Do you have a microphone: I have several.

Will you use Teamspeak: I actually prefer to use teamspeak.

Do you record videos: I have and plan to record more in the future.

Do you like doing group projects: Nothing better than a group prank.. er.. project. ;)

Anything else you want to add put it here: I know I'm already white listed but I thought I'd throw up an application to get this thread going.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name:mrtibtob


How often do you plan to play: very regularly when i can but seeing as how exam season has just finished alot more ;)

Do you have a microphone: yea i do have a mic

Will you use Teamspeak:i will and already do use Ts

Do you record videos:No but im thinking about starting streaming

Do you like doing group projects:yes i like group projects but i also like doing my own builds

Why do you want to join The Mobocracy: because i want a server that i can play for more then a week without getting bored because there are no regular players

Anything else you want to add put it here: well i would just like to say i think that you threadlooks great


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
huh only just noticed the "18+" part of the title but i would still like you to consider me


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unfortunately I have turned down other players under our age requirements, so it would be unfair for me to accept your request at this time. Tha ls for taking the time to reply.

We currently have a player list of about 20 mature players; Doc being one of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name:
How often do you plan to play:
I plan to play most days bar the days that I am recording other games such as terrafirmacraft for my channel.
Do you have a microphone:
yes, not the best as it makes my voice pretty high, but it serves its porpoise.
Will you use Teamspeak:
most definitely! I love to communicate with other players in ways other than typing on the keyboard. much more convenient.
Do you record videos:
Yes and plan to, with your consent to record on your server.
Do you like doing group projects:
yeup. I quite enjoy playing with others and doing things together as a community.
Why do you want to join The Mobocracy:
well, I have been looking around for some time now going from server to server but just havent been able to find one right for me. People either grief and spawn items and i really bothers me. (OCD and quite pikky.) but ur server looks very interesting and would quite like a place to stay!
Anything else you want to add put it here:
nice usp (unique selling point) with that video of everyone progress! nice. a little hint tho. use a mod called camera studio as you will get a much smoother video and the quality will be a lot better! very good work tho! can u email me ur responce at [email protected] thank you
p.s I have a friend who may want to join with me nelskin_hd - we record together sometimes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey thanks for the application and tips on recording, it was my first snapshot so the criticism is welcome.

Recording on the server is not a problem, and we've been running for over 6 months now; so no worries of griefers or the server just shutting down.

Get your buddy to drop us an app and we will set you both up on the whitelist, a copy of the mod pack and our TS details.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Pugg138

Age: 42

How often do you plan to play: I usaly play as much as I can. I would say about 10 to 20 hrs a week but on a little here and a little there and my weekends are Sunday and Monday witch I am on most of the day those days

Do you have a microphone: I have a head set that I use as my audio and microphone

Will you use Teamspeak: I would rather use TS than type

Do you record videos: I do not record videos

Do you like doing group projects: I will help with them but I do not like to desighn them

Why do you want to join The Mobocracy: I am looking to join a good server that is willing to help each other out and work with each other

Anything else you want to add put it here: I hope that if I do get on that people don't get Puggy and I confused, hehe. I am very fumiler will alot of the mods in ultimate so I can help people that are not that knowligable with them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Pugg138
Age: 42
How often do you plan to play: I usaly play as much as I can. I would say about 10 to 20 hrs a week but on a little here and a little there and my weekends are Sunday and Monday witch I am on most of the day those days
Do you have a microphone: I have a head set that I use as my audio and microphone
Will you use Teamspeak: I would rather use TS than type
Do you record videos: I do not record videos
Do you like doing group projects: I will help with them but I do not like to desighn them
Why do you want to join The Mobocracy: I am looking to join a good server that is willing to help each other out and work with each other
Anything else you want to add put it here: I hope that if I do get on that people don't get Puggy and I confused, hehe. I am very fumiler will alot of the mods in ultimate so I can help people that are not that knowligable with them.
I can't really not whitelist you with a name like that.

Mod pack can be downloaded here http://www.mobocracyftb.com/downloads/MobocracyModPack.zip

Just follow the instructions in the zip file, make sure your launcher is set to the 1.1.0 pack or else it will try and update the pack. Any problems you can reach me here. Once you're online we'll set you up with TS details.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We are looking to put an application forth for a public mod pack with all the mods we are using in the Mobocracy server. Feel free to post if you are interested in helping out or want to join the server as we attempt to make a huge leap!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Moving forwards with a private pack that will include Arcs Magica, Thaumcraft, ICBM, Atomic Energy, Atmos Mobs, MaTmos, Aurora Rubealis, Millenaire, and more! Join now to get in before we need to close the pack from the public.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: wisdoms

Age: 21

How often do you plan to play: Not sure

Do you have a microphone: Yes

Will you use Teamspeak: Yes

Do you record videos: No

Do you like doing group projects: Sometimes