The journal of a compulsive speedrunner..

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Trust me, I know how to spam a tree farm. Actually i did at day 11 ;) . Sadly it make me increase my footprint to no end and cause lag. I'm looking for something that won't have me limited by the growth rate. hopefully faster overall.

Edit : Now with less H. see below lol. Non native English speaker sorry.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
4x4 Spruce Tree Farm with MFR fertilizer, you'll have plenty of wood for a lot less lag and no footprint. 5x5 netherwart farm with an AA and reinforced watering can. Only available slightly later but there's your infinite essentia


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Episode 9 : Yet more thaumcraft.
Day 115:

I automated the production of x64 survivalist engines. It cost 500 redstone, 50 gold and 9 diamond and a lot of crafting. luckyly for me, I can conjure redstone in my botania setting. So 50 gold for 320RF/t is not so bad. My trick is to teach my AE system that he can craft the transfer node using my yellow ender pouch. I need to set up the QED crafting manualy. But it's not so demanding. As a result, I can produce 2Mrf with 1 tin ingot. Yes that's 2'000'000 RF :D . It's also 4 time more efficient then my previous magmatic dynamos. So I need to rerun far less energy into my magma crucible which is the chokepoint of this system.

Day 126
I made an infusion altar, a pair of boots of the traveler (you can't jump too high or run too fast) and a new silver wood wand with thaumium caps
Day 130
With that new wand, I'm able to bring nodes home.

Day 134:
Finaly, got my vis relay. I made a node with at least 1 point in every aspects. I won't have to hunt nodes for days everytime I want to try something thaumcraft related. As long as I stay reasonnable.

Day 135:
With this new aspect, I was able to buildup an automated tin transmutation apparatus. I can now make 2Mrf from any metal ingot of any type :D. Just those 500 aluminium ore that are sitting in my AE system... it represent 2 billion rf. Now I only need to step up my survivalist engines production and it will be game.

Day 138:
I took a few day to make a proof of concept from my previous power system. I changed the sandstone by mossy cobblestone. I produce them with a liquid transposer powered by a survivalist engine. It works technicaly it takes 1 coal + 1 coal worth of energy and it produce 1 alumentum with it. Since i can conjure about 3 coal from 1 alumentum, I have a net gain of 1 coal for every 6 liquid transposer operations.

But it's kinda slow, those it beat a tree farm ? Not really.

@ScottulusMaximus . Yes, I'll try with a 5x5 nether farm for fun, but will it be any faster or more scalable then spamming a few tree farms ? Since netherwart have herba in it, I'll use lamps of growth instead. Hey... that might as well work with 100+ lamps (3layer over, 2 layer beneath and 2lampswide all around) of growth on the 5x5 patch :D.

But again, will it compete with 2Mrf per metal ingot ?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No not even close, in packs where morph doesnt exist i'd spend 3 days on episode 3 (day 13-16) to make a staff of the traveler from ender io. With that, not only i could fly faster then in creative but i could also warp through wall. Morph only save me 3 days.

By comparission notice how nearly every days outil day 39 in this run is about finding a reliable and expendable power source. 100 days and still counting. I will have spent at least 2/3 of my game building a power source.

morph save 3 days, Big reactor save 2/3 of your days. MASSIVE difference.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Episode 10 : Titled Who cares since I also count the days.
Day 141

I needed more channels on my thaumcraft B2 floor. I was about to use a p2p ME tunnel but it would have only gave me 32 channels. Instead I used a interface and an storage bus to create a brand new AE system down there. The only drawback apparently is that the B2 system cannot autocraft using the molecular assemblies on the surface. Fear not ! I have enough ressource to simply build a new one on B2 and just fill it with the patterns needed in the basement.

Day 150.
I needed to automate the runes of autumn and summer and then building a orechid was a piece of cake. Here is the setup :

An autonomous activator drop a stone in front of the orechid, if it have enough energy it is transformed into an ore which is mined by a second AA that counting a flux capacitored full steal TICO pickaxe with silktouch. The tool is automaticaly pumped out and recharged using a fuzzy import bus. On the other side, there is roughly the same setup but with a fortune TICO pickaxe. I export every ores which benefit more from fortune then the pulverizer. There is a MFR sewer to gather the extra experience produced by this.

I made a test in a creative world. Out of 30 lava cell droped on endoflame, I produced 20 metal ores, 10 coal and 20 random non metallic ore (notably a bit of diamond, emeralds and thaumcraft shards)

So let's recap the entire process from the beginning : I take 3 tin ingots, convert them into 9 empty cell. Fill them in lava. The process cost me about 3 lava cell with an excess of about 300kRF (which I could use to power my base). I'm left with 6 lava cell that I send into the endoflame farm. From that I produce 4 metallic ore, 2 coal ore and a little bit of scrap byproducts such as diamonds, certus and emeralds. I can pulverize the ore into 8 ingots and then transmute all ingots I need into tin ingots.

tldr; 1 tin = 2.6tin + 100kRF + 3 coal + 1/10 of a diamond.

I more then satisfied by this. I think i'll adopt the tin powered base as my power of choice from now on. What do you think guys ? The only choke point I have is the x64 survivalist engines. As said earlier each cost 400 redstone, 50 gold and 9 diamonds. The redstone are not an issue because I can conjure them and of course I produce diamonds and gold. But I'm not sure about the rate.

Day 158
This week I worked on the automatic production of 16k storage cells. It's one more step of complexity and autocrafting. My 5 crafting CPU are quite busy these days... Also, I filled up my QED of gold and transportation nodes. This way i just have to shift click on the ressources in my inventory to craft more nodes. It's much less annoying like this.

It look like I have 300 lava cell in excess now. (each worth 1MRF). Also in as few time as 8 minecraft days, my orechid seem to have produced 60 lead and 60 copper. These are the 2 ores I dont process yet. But it give a pretty good idea of the other ores produces in that small amount of time. It's quite amazing. Here a pics of my 12 survivalist engines I already got (4MRF/t).



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you dont like big reactors, use mfr's steam power for 800 RF/t per steam boiler + 5 steam turbines. You CAN fuel it with lava


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
8 Filtered Annihilation Panes and 8 Block Placers(for cheaper formation panes alternative since these don't need to be filtered) doesn't need vis for all that

That's even more genius... I was doing it with an AA and an Exchanger but was a very shoddy build


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Retired Staff
Nov 24, 2012
I do Livingwood/rock automation by having a Rannuncarpus place a redstone block on the Livingrock, which then tells the block breaker to break everything


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you dont like big reactors, use mfr's steam power for 800 RF/t per steam boiler + 5 steam turbines. You CAN fuel it with lava

I ran my test. It seem that 30 aqueous accumulator, 10 steam boiler, 50 steam turbine, 1 lava fabricator and 1 liquid transposer produce 3.8MRF/t without any external fuel. Neat.


However, I don't see how we could really scale that ? Compare these ~100 machines+30 tubes. To my 12 survivalist engines with 6 tubes from my last pick. They both produce the same amount of RF albeit my survivalist setup require 1 tin per 2MRF to run...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Season 2
Sad news. Well honestly it was to expect from a speed runner like me. The 150 days... That time spent chasing for thaumcraft nodes was unbearable for me. I had to restart. I just had to.

On the bright side, having game that last 24 hours allows me to progress much faster... so wihtout further ado he is...
Episode 1
I started as usual
Got a quarry at day 8
Made an array of survivalist engines at day 13
Got an harvest at day 16
Autospawner at day 25
Made 4 survivalist engines X8 at day 30
Had a basic AE system at day 36
Made an ultimate hammer at day 41. Once damaged enough, that full ardite hammer with an emerald will allow me to run inside the rock quite literally. I missed that one in my last play trough, this time i took the day in the nether needer. Will be more useful because survivalist engines make a bit less power at this point, so i'll make a run for certus quartz right now...

Day 56
I like this part... total inception. Teaching the machine to make a machine... It's long but at same time enjoyable. charging certus... making fluix... pulverizing crystals... making pure crystal... autocrafting storage cells... autocrating stuffs(interphase,cable...) that made this possible then automating all this.

I have the back bone of my AE system now.

So here I am. What I miss right now is botania, thaumcraft, my B2 and the ender quarry (the later taking only 6 days to build apparently)


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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First of, mining obsidian with an electrum plated stone hammer is not that bad at all. 1 Day and i'm ready.

Beside the obvious access to nether quartz and glowstones, the main reason of my trip is to find that blaze spawner which is the hearlh of my autospawner system. The autospawner the give me access to a sustainable ender pearl source.

Ender pearls then unlock the QED, ender chest, ender tank, ender pouch, elevators and much much more.

For the wood armor : That was the best material avalaible to me at that point. I felt it was better then nothing. And yes indeed. It's funny it' s the reason of that picture.

I don't understand your question about the survivalist engine can you rephrase it ? :/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Better then the survival generator how?
Ok I understood what you asked now. I don't want to build other generators, because my late game consist of building more X64 survivalist. So investing in faster power production would be a waste of time at the moment. however, my quarry really don't have much power to work with at the moment. The ardite hammer become handy in this situation. I can go down in my mine in the morning, dig 3-4 thousand blocks at the desired depth and return on the surface for the launch time.

Day 74
Got a working portal to alfheim today. That's 24 day earlier then the last run. I'm also quite close to make my first thaumcraft breakthrough since i was researching while the endoflames were producing mana for the portal.


n00b of me just closed the portal before i took the picture, but you can see the dominant and recessive sparks that bring the mana back to my base in action. So I got access to alfheim ressources :p.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Day 79
Here is that thaumcraft breaktrought. I found a node near my base with one of the instrumentum derived aspects (pannus here). I rushed my way to a node transducer and installer it right there in the wilderness. Instead of wandering around trying to charge my wand again and again. I can just go on one spot and to 1-2 research of thaumcraft while it recharge. Simple and impressively efficient.

Day 89
The silver wood forest was already planted a few week ago.I gathered a few interesting nodes from it and moved them in my basement. Now that I have a quick way to recharge my wand, it have been quite fast to achieve. It is still a "bad" node. But it have all the aspect and it's in my basement now :D .

Day 100
The tin power generator back bone is installed in my basement. I can now use metals as a source of power. I send the excess of lave in my botania power generator and produce redstone with it which then help build more survivalist engines.

You can also notice I converted all my endoflame farm into dream wood spreader this time. 5 endoflame wide.

Day 111
My orechid setup is installed. My quarry stopped now and I think i'll keep it completly shut to see how well I can fair with only the botania (purely sustainable) setup. I already have about 10 survivalist x64 so I'm about at the same point where I was before the restart. So i'm 40 days in advance :D .

Are you interested in this ? Leave a like or a comment ! I'll be more then happy to answer questions and share tricks to go faster.