The fastest way to endgame content? (Ultimate pack)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm starting on a fresh Ultimate pack server very soon (hopefully) and I'd like to hear some of your guys' tactics for fast progression :) I'm relatively experienced in most of the mods, (I haven't done much factorization, mffs and bees).
Some of the things I'd like to hear you about:
The fastest way of getting UU-matter (Getting loads of energy :b)
Do you feel going sustainable should be the first thing you do? Or should you wait and use stuff like fuel in the beginning instead?
I'd like to get to a point where most common resources (like iron, gold, copper, tin, coal etc.) are relatively well supplied, either half-automatic or fully automatic.

I hope for some good advice and that other people also gain knowledge from this thread :)

Edit: added a question-mark in the title to avoid confusion :b
Grind turtles, get AE asap, build a datacenter, hookup ender chests.

After this, your sorting/item system is complete for the most part... now you work on constant power. I use Lava for everything. Start nether pump ASAP hook up to max size lava tank, using tesseracts(They are amazing). Then I use magmatic engines into energy conduits, for IC2, I hook my lava into geothermal then later upgrade to Thermal Generators. After 50 magmatics, 20+ geothermal... I have power when I need it, and I only need to change pump location twice a week.

As far as fuel, when I find my first coal, I start mass producing as much charcoal as I can, you can use a turtle to grind with fir logs for easy output of logs. Then I try to get as many coke ovens as possible, 5+. 1 Coke Coal in an iron furnace will last 40 items, yes 40 items. That is 4x coal, or charcoal.

Also as turtles go, make sure you don't waste diamonds use sapphires, rubies, and green sapphires... you will always have abundance of them and they work amazing for turtle tools.

Hope this helps. I have posted useful turtle programs I use below also I include them in my server files for everyone that plays on KumaCraft servers, we even have a Ultimate server... be sure to check us out at

MLG Branch Mining:
Advanced Programs(Tunnel, Ore finder):
Ore Quarry:

Let me know if you need anything else.

Stop wasting those lava source blocks and use this program to turn it into fuel for turtles
The best way to supply most vanilla metal is a T5 zombie pigman soul shard and a minium stone.

Sustainable is a fun goal, but not necessary with the amount of power available from fuel.

As Ultimate is a Gregtech hard pack, thorough knowledge of GregTech is your best bet for getting to the top end of Modular Power Suits, GraviSuite, and Applied Energistics (the end-game toys)

The best hint for anyone starting an Ultimate world? Make a Quartz Grindstone. You can double every piece of ore you mine through the whole game with this new piece of technology.

And yes, Turtles are easily the most powerful lowest cost item in the game, especially if you have enabled their internet access. They can get you to endgame in hours instead of days. To my tastes, they are almost like the old EE2 collector flowers.
Everyone's version of endgame is different. You can do whatever the fuck you want within minecraft and more so with modded minecraft, so what to you is "endgame"?
Exactly, to some people, having an enchanted diamond gear is endgame, even with the mods.

Some also view any situation where you don't fear dying as end game, as it's "survival" for the first S in SSP and SMP.

A fast way for UU matter?
Mine as much as you can, for the lowest cost possible (turtle with custom quarry scripts are a good bet).
Make the iridium to get the matter fab, make a recycler for scrap, and use any power system to power the whole thing.
As things advance, you can upgrade your power system to feed more and more to the matter fab (ultimate solar, nuclear/fusion reactors, lightning rod...).

Basically, the more power you feed it, the faster it will go, the limit being high enough for you not to worry about it.

I see many people going through the route of ultimate solar, because once they are set up, they don't require anything else.
Everyone's version of endgame is different. You can do whatever the fuck you want within minecraft and more so with modded minecraft, so what to you is "endgame"?

11 fusion reactors! (the first 8 are meant to provide helium for the 9th, while the 10th constantly produces iridium and the 11th constantly produces platinum.)

And then probably massive mega-monuments made of titanium, chrome, platinum, and iridium. And maybe some tungsten in there, too. BECAUSE WHY THE HELL NOT?!
Everyone's version of endgame is different. You can do whatever the fuck you want within minecraft and more so with modded minecraft, so what to you is "endgame"?

As he's on the Ultimate pack, I'd suggest my own definition of the start of endgame being "when iridium goes from extremely rare to uncommon". This normally happens either after you build up a strong enough platinum bee system, or have enough scrap and EU for your matter fabricator to start mass producing UU matter. I usually also consider it the point when I switch from producing UU matter to make solar panels for more EU for more UU matter to producing UU matter to not make more UU matter through EU production (quantum armor, ultimate solar helmet, etc).

This has been a fairly good way of defining that part of the game for most people I have discussed with about as much.
Also, remember not everyone uses GT

In context of this thread, though, tihiniko is using GregTech.
Starting with coal coke+generator+hobbyist engine -> get liquid tessreact, use fuel for eu and MJ -> start getting bees, up to austere and valuable; produce iridium and ITNT using them, fuel + 30-40 diesel generators (will need less iron after you get aluminium) + 16 combustion engines should be enough for most of your GT, XBee machines and 1 full power quarry.

The fastest way of geting uum..