The.Factory |FTB Beta Pack A|Whitelist| PvE, Small, No Grief, Friendly,

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
IGN: DuderGuy
Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes.
Have you been banned before?: No.
IF so, why and how many times?: I haven't been banned before.
Why should you be whitelisted?: I like FTB and I just want to have the type of fun with other players that won't make anyone upset.
  1. IGN: sev07knight
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Of course, ReglasRules
  3. Have you been banned before?: Never
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: N/A
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I would like to play with my friends on a small and friendly server for FTB
IGN: MusicxMaster
Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes, because ReglasRules
Have you been banned before?: Yes
IF so, why and how many times?: I was banned once for a misunderstanding with a mod about a co-op destruction project with a friend, and a couple of times for xray. This was years ago, and have found X-ray to, in all, be a stupid reason to get banned from such good servers. I haven't x-rayed since.
Why should you be whitelisted?: I keep to my personal island usually, if I can find one, I don't grief or PvP ever, I help whenever I can with the mods, when I can't, I appreciate the help I can get from other players as opposed to a wiki page, and I'd like to play with a friend of mine from skype.
  1. IGN: moltakkk111
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: ReglasRules (yes)
  3. Have you been banned before?: what do you consider banning acording to mcbans yes i have a ban record but i can explain it if you want
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: 2
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: i like ftb and is boring playing in singleplayer
Whitelist Application:
IGN: oennich440
Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes
Have you been banned before?:nope
IF so, why and how many times?:
Why should you be whitelisted?: I want to learn the mods with other people and want to join a good server :)
IGN: Warmastr
Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes, ReglasRules
Have you been banned before?: I have not.
IF so, why and how many times?:
Why should you be whitelisted? I am ready to join a community driven server where people can see my creations. Looks like fun!

Not added:
MusicxMaster - Sorry, too many bans/too severe.
  1. IGN: torpdeo
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yep ReglasRules
  3. Have you been banned before?: Nope, but for some reason it shows that i have one on mcbans
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: on MCBans it says i have been banned on a server i have NEVER been to
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I want to join a server that has a good community to play FTB with
2 have you read and accept to obey the rules? yes realgasrules
3 Nope but it shows up that i do on mc bans for this one server that was apparently run by trolls
4 if so how many time yes once on the occasion above
5 why should i be whitelisted? i want a good ftb server to play with a fun community
  1. IGN: magma11
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes, I accept all of the rules. ReglasRules
  3. Have you been banned before?: Nope.
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: N/A
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I really like industrial minecraft gameplay, and I think FTB is the next "thing." The server seems like a friendly and industrial server, which I really like about it.
  1. IGN: E46_M
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: ReglasRules yes
  3. Have you been banned before?:no
  4. IF so, why and how many times?:none
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?:1st time trying out ftb coming from tekkit
  • IGN: Iantje26
  • Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Of course! Why would I be posting this otherwise? (ReglasRules btw)
  • Have you been banned before?: I'm pretty sure I'm not (Edit: says I have been banned, 1 time)
  • IF so, why and how many times?: Read 3 (Edit: Probably because of trolling players) (Another edit: Apparently because of a hack client)
  • Why should you be whitelisted?: Trying to find a server with no lag, and the least banned items. Also, I'll try to spread happiness everywhere :).
  1. IGN: davidffb
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: yes. ReglasRules
  3. Have you been banned before?: no
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: -
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I want to play together with Flaiker. We used to play Tekkit together.
sorry for repost but im not sure if you read my edit
quewhat can i get an age i want it medium biomes with greenswamp, sky, desert, medow, and mooshroom island biomes random sky wooden tendrils crystals glowstone crystals no world modifiers and mainly slat generation or let me make the game in the server and you watch i dont add anything you dont like

also if you can turn on http if it's not on
  1. IGN: twinsdgc
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: yes
  3. Have you been banned before?: no
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: nope
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: i can be fun and provide some free stuff once i get them
1. IGN: Ronagen
2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Reglasrules
3. Have you been banned before?: No
4. IF so, why and how many times?:
5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I want to play on a server with other active people on it.
  1. IGN:HannahGrace14
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?:Yes :D
  3. Have you been banned before?:NEVER!
  4. IF so, why and how many times?:
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?:im looking for awesome FTB servers and I would love to join yours! :D
ReglasRules ;)