The death of the MJ

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What would you do with buildcraft anyway?
Asides from the quarry I rarely used buildcraft for anything.
It has no ore proccessing, no power storage (well, that's intended behaviour for BC, I know) and
too many different pipes which lack throughput compared to RF driven systems.
Pipes like the item pipes induce client lag on slower machines if there is much going on. (yet it looks cool)
If you have a oil well around the corner, good. But the energy you need to build pipes from your base to oil wells far away and extract the oil is most of the time not worth the effort.
Plus your limited chunk load radius prevents realisticly long oil pipes.
Otherwise you could use oil as a main source by tapping oil wells far away until late game.
That would actually be very cool.
Yeah, you have chunk loaders, but this is not a real option in SMP.
I like RF more than MJ.
Many mods use it. It has energy storage and (with TE energy cells) some control features and machine buffers.
I like that.
The EU system of IC2 / IC2 Exp is a bit bloated and still unrealistic, so I use RF-driven machines whenever possible and EU-driven ones if necessary or more practical.
I do like the animated engines of BC, but they get outperformed easily by other mods energy producers.
I loved the MJ power system and mods like APS (Advanced Power Systems). (tokomak reactor anyone?) I loved designing systems for overflow power. Like an MFR tree farm with fertilizer... Using MJ, you fed the harvester first, then looped the power pipes to the fertilizer. This let the power trickle to the fertilizer and allowed building tree farms with more than 1 sapling. With RF, the power is split equally between the devices, and you end up with a solid mass of trees with very few leaf blocks. Not really ideal. To be honest, I was kinda sad when RF came on the scene. TE had always been (up to that point), the processing system for buildcraft. Buildcraft gave you the mining and pumping and pipes, forestry gave you the farms and bees, and TE gave the processing. It was a very nice trifecta. I understand the reason that RF became so popular. At the time, buildcraft had the whole exploding engine and pipe thing going on that you didn't have with TE and RF. The combustion engine always exploded if it wasn't cooled properly, but the other ones never did, you just ended up wasting power as anything that wasn't consumed was lost. The only other time you had to worry about explosions was if you looped your power pipes, and that was it. The TE dynamos at the time never exploded, and only required a whack with wrench to get going again. I'm sure having a dynamo that ran off of easy lava didn't hurt things either. It ended up changing the whole dynamic of how power systems were created.

MJ, you will be missed.
Meh, mods evolve. TE used to use MJ, then CovertJaguar did something to the API that borked Lemming's implementation, and so KL created the RF system and converted TE over to using that, but it could still interface with MJ.

Hell, converting between RF and MJ wasn't that hard: that's why Ender IO and/or Mekanism existed, and the conversion was a simple 10:1 RF-to-MJ ratio, something even a simpleton could understand.

I, for one, probably won't miss it all that much. I never used the pipes because they were annoying rubbish with far superior alternatives. The only thing I liked were the engines, and that was because their animations were cool. As for the combustion engines being "difficult," they really weren't: all you needed was a pump over an infinite water source, a quartet of redstone engines, and fluid pipes, that'd keep a pair of engines fed easily. It was even easier if you had other mods available, like TE's aqueous accumulator, or nowadays with Pressure Pipes and a little wizardry involving the infinite water source block. The quarries leave gaping, ugly holes in the ground. Mining wells are useful if you wanted to dig a quick hole for something like a MFR laser drill. The builder and filler are the only machines I can think of offhand that really have much of a use, since you can use them to quickly, easily expand your base.
Happy 2015 everyone!

BC pipes are cheap so they can be used for a lot of rudimentary tasks.
Like a starter sorting system, works great for a mfr farming system too. The harvesters can dump inventory right into the pipes compared to other choices.

Floodgate! It helps a lot when you want to fill up the Big Reactor with resonant ender or gelid cyrothium.

Builder! Great for all those 9 by 9 by 9 cubes, build once by hand and copy it into a schematic, then never again do you have to do it manually!

Filler. Ugly holes needs filling? Uneven ground needs flattening? No worries, for Filler is here to the rescue!

And I'm sure there are other gems that can be found in the mod. So all in all, I like BC a lot but I don't really miss MJ.

P.S. I miss Michael Jackson. Not Minecraft Joules.